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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12365553 views, last view: 10/08/2024 08:40

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#9009: Re: How can I help

by shadow,516 on 09/07/2007 17:15, refers to #9006

since when was there a demo? lol

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#9010: Re: How can I help

by vitaliy on 09/07/2007 17:43, refers to #9009

well i did find some playable demo on this website somewhere.... and it had the engine name and everything on it

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#9011: Re: How can I help

by eihrul on 09/07/2007 23:11, refers to #9010

He means to say it's an actual game, not just a demo.

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#9012: Sauer strange behavior...

by _demosthenes on 09/08/2007 06:12

I've got a map in progress at the moment, and I was playtesting it for a bit when I discovered something strange: with a bit of work, I can jump across the map instantly without a teleport!

There's a bridge over a shallow stream running through the map and near the ends of the bridge, a certain kind of player behavior causes Sauer to launch them across the map.

I can trigger it by facing away from the center of the bridge, just past center, holding forward and the direction of strafe toward the bridge and then moving the mouse back and forth rapidly. Seems to work best when I'm looking straight down or straight ahead.

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#9013: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Quin on 09/08/2007 08:32, refers to #9012

Not sure I understand what you're saying, you able to be clearer or give a better (or visual) example?

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#9014: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by demosthenes on 09/08/2007 19:01, refers to #9013

I'll see if I can reproduce it on my Windows box and use fraps to record it... unless recorddemo works now?

Probably just going to stick with fraps.

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#9015: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Quin on 09/08/2007 19:53, refers to #9014

Demo recording should work.

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#9016: Message censored by administrator

by jonn3 on 09/08/2007 23:17

#9017: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by demosthenes on 09/09/2007 05:38, refers to #9015

Perhaps it should.


I've tried doing the following:

Connecting to a (local, lan, internet) server.
/setmaster 1
/recorddemo 1
/map cmap16
<recreate it>
/map (metl4, nmp4)

The demo isn't there. The first two are empty, the last listed woop clan's other five demos, but not mine! :(

Only time I set the next map to nmp4 was on woop clan's server to put it back the way I found it. :)

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#9018: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by eihrul on 09/09/2007 06:36, refers to #9017

You must be admin on the server, not just master.

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#9019: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 09/09/2007 07:25, refers to #9018

Got it. Will try again next time I'm at home. Guess I didn't quite read the docs carefully enough. Saw setmaster was required, missed completely the need to be admin.

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#9020: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Quin on 09/09/2007 07:25, refers to #9018

So how about making it (and the other such commands) a teeny bit more verbose and actually tell you that? :P

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#9021: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Q009 on 09/09/2007 11:06, refers to #9020

I can't record the demo...
I'm created the server and i'm claimed the admin...
I did "/recorddemo 1" and i see:
"demo recording is enabled for next match"
So i'm changing map and i see:
"recording demo"
Later i'm typing "/stopdemo" and "/listdemos" and i !!!see!!!:
"listing demos..."
"no demos available"!!!!!!!!!!!

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#9022: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Drakas on 09/09/2007 12:39, refers to #9021

You have to change the map before that.

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#9023: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Q009 on 09/09/2007 14:33, refers to #9022

Don't works... =(

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#9024: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 09/10/2007 06:45, refers to #9022

Okay, so what do you actually have to do. Here's what I've done - tell me what you would have done, please. What would you type to make this work?

I make a server with an admin password (both locally and through Hamachi in different trials)

/setmaster <pass>
- Tells me I took admin
/recorddemo 1
- Tells me demo recording is enabled next round
/map cmap16
- Tells me a demo is recording
<recreate the glitch>
- No output; it doesn't say anything in the console out in-game or outside of the game.
/map metl4
- Tells me there are no available demos
(also tells me that before I change maps, stopdemo or not)

I'm now confused. I really would like to get this working, as demos are a cool feature regardless.

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#9025: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by Drakas on 09/10/2007 09:13, refers to #9024


stopdemo is for when playing back a demo, by the way.

I am not sure, but I think that you may need to wait to finish a whole game before you can actually play it back. Let's see what the ones who kno have to say about this.

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#9026: WTF????

by Q009 on 09/10/2007 15:07


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#9027: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by demosthenes on 09/10/2007 19:36, refers to #9025

Okay, I'll try letting the game end.

But the docs say this about stopdemo:


If in multiplayer, this command will finish recording a demo prematurely instead of waiting till the end of a match. Requires admin privileges.

Anyway, trying it again soon.

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#9028: Re: Sauer strange behavior...

by demosthenes on 09/10/2007 21:04, refers to #9027

Got it to work in Kubuntu. Turns out, it's a windows problem.


Map and demo file. Watch the bridge near the middle of the map and look away from the low cliffs on one side of the bridge.

I go flying! Repeatedly.

Eventually, I get stuck on the bridge, try to blow myself up, and just stop the demo.

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