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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12365575 views, last view: 10/08/2024 08:47

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#8991: Still texture failures

by LeOuf4 on 09/05/2007 18:34


I got still textures errors on my intel 945 (linux). I understand that good cards may be needed, but same maps are unplayable in the summer ed., but were roughly ok on spring ed., without changes (e.g. urban).

Thanks !

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#8992: Weird problem:

by toshi on 09/05/2007 19:20

A try to explain it:

3 player on one map: Shooter "A", "B" and Mr. "C".

I'm Mr. "A"

I shot "B". He dies immediately.
I shot Mr. "C". He dies immediately too.
I shot "B" again. He does NOT die immediately!! Or was it just a feeling?!
I shot Mr. "C". He does NOT die immediately!!! That wasn't just a feeling...
I shot poor "B" again. Wth is goin on? He dies after 1 second!
I shot Mr. "C". He does NOT die at all, because angry "B" was killing me within the 1 second.
After coming back I shot "B". He does NOT die immediately, so i run out of his sight. Managed it and just in this moment i come around the next corner I hear his "death" moaning...
Mr. "C" saw me, runned after me. I shot him and... of course he does NOT die immediately, so the next corner was my one! Oh. Now they don't need just 1 second - almost 2 seconds from now!! What a pity. Around the croner awaits angry "B" me and killed poor player "A" (ME). Therfore Mr. "C" did not die.
And so on. It does not stop by 2 seconds. It goes higher...much higher. Does somebody know the problem?

My system:
AMD Athlon 3200+
1024 MB RAM
ATI Radeon 9800Se
Windows XP SP2

The spring Edition was fine. Got this problem with the new releases!!

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#8993: Re: Weird problem:

by ThomasX on 09/05/2007 19:28, refers to #8992

By no doubts it's lag, This makes it so that players die after a couple of seconds but if it's increasing and increasing you should go and find another server with lower ping(The higher the ping = The more the lag)

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#8994: Re: Weird problem:

by toshi on 09/05/2007 19:38, refers to #8993

Hmm. I have a ping from 10-40. Never had this before. On some servers I have a ping from ~10. On others ~30-40. I never playing on servers with a ping higher then 100... So it can't be a ping problem!
And again: The spring edition is fine for me. The same server with spring ed.(I love the sever COE with the map urban_c)give me now with summer edition this problem.

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#8995: Re: Weird problem:

by eihrul on 09/05/2007 19:57, refers to #8994

Try installing the 9-04 patch in the downloads section.

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#8996: Re: Weird problem:

by toshi on 09/05/2007 20:11, refers to #8995

Already don. Changed nothing. :(

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#8997: Re: Weird problem:

by ThomasX on 09/05/2007 20:40, refers to #8994

Strange on a computer like your's Cube 2 should work to it's maximum power, Does this happen to any server you join in or just a random selection of servers?

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#8998: Re: Weird problem:

by eihrul on 09/05/2007 21:18, refers to #8996

I suspect your system clock is returning REALLY bad timing. I will put up a patch for you to try shortly.

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#8999: Re: Weird problem:

by eihrul on 09/05/2007 21:26, refers to #8998

Try using this patch: http://tunes.org/~eihrul/timesync_patch.exe

If it fixes your timing issues I will integrate it into Sauer.

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#9000: Re: Weird problem:

by toshi on 09/05/2007 22:10, refers to #8999

Sorry eihul. No changes. When I install the spring version, all things are ok. But with summer edition i get this strange performance.

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#9001: ..

by SanHolo on 09/05/2007 22:13

Or is it the ping of the other players?

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#9002: Re: ..

by toshi on 09/05/2007 22:32, refers to #9001

The pings of the other players are not important. I have this with all players on all servers. :(

I love this game, so I changed back to the old spring edition, but nobody is playing it anymore :S.

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#9003: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/05/2007 23:06, refers to #9002

Are you on a dual core processor? What fps do you normally get on maps?

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#9004: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/05/2007 23:12, refers to #9002

toshi, the fundamental problem here is I can't reproduce the problem at all on any of my computers. So I really need people to help me figure out the issue.

If you are willing to hang out in the #sauerbraten irc channel on quakenet for a few days, I can try to debug the problem with you, buy unless you're willing to put in some time helping me, I have almost no way to debug the problem.

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#9005: Re: ..

by toshi on 09/05/2007 23:28, refers to #9004

I only have a normal AMD Athlon 3200+. One Core (Sockel A). FPS usually at 30-90. With the new summer edition I get more FPS.
I understand you eihrul. But I only can towards evening, because of work.

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#9006: How can I help

by vitaliy on 09/07/2007 04:51

Im a 3d artist using Blender as a weapon of choice, i played the demo and was astonished at the level of quality in this game and am wondering how can I help?

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#9007: Re: How can I help

by tentus_ on 09/07/2007 06:07, refers to #9006

Talk to geartrooper, he's the man in charge of modeling. It is highly recommended that you read over the docs as well.


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#9008: Re: How can I help

by eihrul on 09/07/2007 07:25, refers to #9006

Come to the #sauerbraten irc channel on quakenet, and wait for geartrooper to be around. Talk with him, and he can fill you in on details of what may need to be done still.

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#9009: Re: How can I help

by shadow,516 on 09/07/2007 17:15, refers to #9006

since when was there a demo? lol

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#9010: Re: How can I help

by vitaliy on 09/07/2007 17:43, refers to #9009

well i did find some playable demo on this website somewhere.... and it had the engine name and everything on it

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