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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Rocket Launcher,Shotgun,Chaingun and Rifle UPDATE !!!

by Darthvim on 05/23/2003 21:16, 88 messages, last message: 07/07/2003 22:05, 15409 views, last view: 06/29/2024 00:47

Hi, it is a new weapon update released.

the link is :

<a href="http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip">http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip</a>

Have fun with it :)


(Beta 0.2)

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#87: Re: by the way...

by Thalion on 07/03/2003 21:55, refers to #86

Yes, right. I never download RPMs anyway, unless it is the only option. Even when you have binaries for YOUR distro, chances are the man who built them had some other/patched/hacked version of libxxx/glibc/kernel... besides, I kinda trust the executables I compile myself more =)

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#88: Gentoo

by Verbal-onvacation on 07/07/2003 22:05, refers to #82

I\'ve been a Gentoo user for about 8 months...
If you have a 1ghz+ machine and can withhold to huge compile times (24h+ for KDE on 2ghz machines) than I highly recommend it. I can\'t think of giving it up...Portage is awesome...
Another thing to consider is installation, it\'s all command line driven with no menus, yet the docs are very straitforward and clear.

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