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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11519377 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:43

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#8408: Re: ..

by rancor on 07/09/2007 04:21, refers to #8400

The fact that music is still running is encouraging, since it most likely means that the machine has not hard locked. In order to use ssh for diagnostic purposes, you need to:
1. have a second computer handy.
2. know the IP address of the first computer.
3. have the ssh server running on the first computer.
Once you've done all these things, it will hopefully allow you to get a shell prompt on the first computer. This allows for all sorts of diagnostic measures.

There is a way to get a good deal more information, but none of it is really relevant here. What is relevant is that you can try upgrading your video drivers, the most recent version is 8.38.6, where you're running 8.34.8.

Oh,BTW you shouldn't be scared of the pronunciation of ssh, its an acronym for Secure SHell.

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#8409: Re: Starting a server in AC (step by step)

by Quin on 07/09/2007 05:29, refers to #8407

Kenny, not specifically AC, but cube-related: http://cube.wikispaces.com/

Other than that, try the AC website and their own forums located on their sourceforge project. Cube/Sauer and AC are different projects.

These AC questions seem to be getting more numerous on the forums here. If they can't be redirected to AC's SF.net page, maybe there needs to be a dedicated thread here to avoid confusing situations when people think they are talking about Cube/Sauer?

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#8410: ..

by cube mapper on 07/09/2007 09:09

to all that replied to my lan problems (#8390), i've fixed them - but never found the information anywhere on this site

1) no wasn't firewall, already knew that, and there aren't millions of answers at all.

i said

"So I set up my server by starting cube like "sauerbraten.exe" -mlocalhost"

now i've found out this doesn't start a server, or at least not one that works for me, but this is the information most people gave & i found to start one. Somewhere I found something out about -d and -l dedicated server and listening server so tried these. Except -d wouldn't work by itself, so i messed around with the two settings and eventually came up with

"C:\Program Files\...\sauerbraten.exe" -d -mlocalhost -w1024 -h768

-wxxxx and -hxxx is a given we all know what that is but the rest of it (together to start a server) is no where in the instructions (that i could find) and seems to be the correct way to start a server, as after doing this i can connect all computers

So I don't get it, am I wrong what's the deal?


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#8411: ..

by cube mapper on 07/09/2007 09:20

oh and someone said

"2. step: on the "server"-computer run server.bat"

This starts an internet server. while this would work for lan play its a pretty silly & inefficient way of doing so as I understand.

And I assume the router isn't set up correctly as when running that I get
masterserver reply: your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings

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#8412: Two questions

by mrmknet on 07/09/2007 12:22

When I start a server in our computerlab, no more than 6 clients can connect at the same time, and i get a "max no of clients reached" message..
How can i change the max numbers of concurrent clients?

And How can i change the game time, the default is set to 10 mins and I want the came to continue up to 30 mins (Our session's length)

Thanks in advance

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#8413: ..

by makkE on 07/09/2007 12:24

Edit your .bat file. The -c6 parameter limits the maximum slots to 6, change that.

You canĀ“t change the timelimit.

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#8414: Re: .. (#8444)

by Rainforce on 07/09/2007 13:48, refers to #8411

Sorry I always play offline, so I never thought about it.
I know that server.bat try to connect to the internet... at least I can read stat-messages.
I always make it this way, and why should it be inefficient? I never had problems with that...
oh my.. sorry for the wrong information...
if you're online it might be a bit problemaic

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#8415: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 07/09/2007 14:10, refers to #8411

Running "server.bat" is a perfect way to even launch a LAN server. The server tries to ping the masterserver, gives an error if it fails and then just waits for users to connect. This is exactly the same as launching sauer with the "-d" argument.

This and also the option "-c10" to increase the player limit is perfectly documented in the Docs: http://sauerbraten.org/docs/config.html

READ them, only skimming through leads you nowhere.

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#8416: Re: ..

by mrmknet on 07/09/2007 14:51, refers to #8413

Thank you very much
but i couldn't find the -c parameter in the bat filethe file only contains
bin_win32\ac_server.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
Should I add a -c15 to solve the problem and be able to connect 15 client?

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#8417: Re: server.bat

by MeatROme on 07/09/2007 15:16, refers to #8416

either modify your server.bat ...
or copy to a new file and edit there ...
or create a link to server.bat and pass the arguments there - which is (by far) my favourite suggestion, since it avoids mucking around with files and getting confused :)

If you opt for editing the BAT, I'd go this way:

bin_win32\ac_server.exe -c15 -nTITLE %1 %2 %3 %4 %5


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#8418: In Re to Quin (8442

by Kenny on 07/09/2007 20:57

OK, Thanks, Quin, I'll give that a shot and it should get me going. Sorry bout posting to the wrong board, as of yet, I don't know one Cube from the other.

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#8419: compiling

by anliveyak on 07/10/2007 01:33

i have created a new weapon in the src/fpsgame/weapon.h file, but i dont know how to compile it. i am running on mac osx

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#8420: ..

by anliveyak on 07/10/2007 01:52


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#8421: ..

by djGentoo on 07/10/2007 03:23

From the terminal, cd to the src directory and type "make".

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#8422: random realization...

by demosthenes on 07/10/2007 04:36

If you jump off a ledge and shoot a grenade at the ground below just right, it bounces behind you and up onto the ledge you were just on.

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#8423: Re: compiling

by absinth on 07/10/2007 15:39, refers to #8419

compilation on mac os x is done using xcode, the project file is in src/xcode

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#8424: Re: random realization...

by robam on 07/10/2007 16:50, refers to #8422

Yes, I have noticed this too. It seems like about half the time, the grenade will bounce straight back to you, even if you shoot it at an angle at a wall. The really weird thing is that you can hold your aim perfectly still, and half the time the grenades will bounce one way, and half of the time they'll bounce another way. Possibly quantum mechanics has been implemented in the engine without me knowing about it?

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#8425: Sorry I missed it

by robam on 07/10/2007 16:57

Oh yeah, I was unexpectedly away from my computer for the past couple of days, so I wasn't able to participate in the little "Sauerbraten is sick" thread. Thanks everyone for the info. I had never heard of dot3 labs, but if Aard and eihrul are making money off Sauer, that is a very good thing. I think I have a clearer picture now, one where nobody is in the wrong (but some people could be a bit nicer, and/or communicate their intentions better).

I was going to request the thread be closed well before it got to 24 posts, as it seemed to be degenerating into a repeat of past discussions. It's closed now, so that's fine.

Too bad nothing was solved, but then again it turns out nothing really needed to be. And thanks for staying civil, everyone. The last thing I wanted was another fruitless argument.

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#8426: Re: ..

by robam on 07/10/2007 17:23, refers to #8403

djGentoo, you bring great tidings of hope. If it is true that ATI is coming out with a fully-featured open-source driver, I will be a very happy camper (no--I promise not to camp excessively. But it is part of the game!). I always liked AMD, mostly because they're the underdogs, but the whole ATI thing has been straining my relationship with them. Oh, and why don't the ATI cards have their own Noveau project?

And djGentoo, please never say "NSist on NVidia" ever again. It reminds me of N*Sync (a defunct American boy band), and horrible horrible alliterations (and whatever the vowel version of alliteration is) from English class.

Thanks, Quinn, for setting me straight. "Sauer meine Braten" means "sour my roast", not "sour my bread", as I would have you believe. My German teacher is to blame. Wait--so does this mean that Sauerbraten is a way to serve a roast, and not a really weird looking piece of bread? I think my entire world just turned upside down. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I guess I'll do neither, and just submit this post.

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#8427: Re: ..

by rancor on 07/10/2007 17:39, refers to #8426

Even if AMD does not open source the drivers, they still should see some improvement within the year: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=768&num=1

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