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Loading screen/HUD design contest

by eihrul on 12/27/2008 21:23, 109 messages, last message: 02/01/2009 00:20, 43342 views, last view: 09/29/2024 02:17

So, something I'd like to try for the next release is to make the loading screens less ugly, and for extra credit, maybe the HUD too - although that seems unlikely.

I'd appreciate if anyone with actual graphics design skills - since this excludes me - would like to take a stab at this and submit it here. The winner, of course, gets the thing included in the next release. Losers, well, there is no consolation prize. :)

A note: I would also like to change the branding from "Sauerbraten" (which most people find too weird a name) to just "Cube 2", so if any new logos are made and such, having "Cube 2" would be preferrable over "Sauerbraten".

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#84: Re: Update...

by afflux on 01/09/2009 22:39, refers to #83

I love both the proposals in #83 and #71.

Though I feel a bit uncomfortable with Blindabusers' and I think it may be related to the borders, but can't express it ;)

Keep up the good work and make sauer rock even more!

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#85: Re: Update...

by afflux on 01/09/2009 22:42, refers to #83

sorry for the doublepost..

disclaimer: I'm definitely a non-artist, but:
maybe #83 could use a bit of outline around the title?

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#86: Re: Update...

by SheeEttin on 01/10/2009 00:24, refers to #85

Sink the text into the background and bumpmap the cube. It'll look good.

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#87: Another update (the last? :P)

by Blindabuser on 01/10/2009 03:59

I've removed the frame and improved the shadow around the logo, as requested:


I've also made a set of desktop wallpapers, the smallest of which can be found here (I'll upload the others by request, in case):


I've already done a lot of tests, and while that sort of "freezed glow" may work for a wallpaper, it makes the loading screen look like a mess. I'll stop working, by now, or I know we'd go ahead tweaking endlessly. :P

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#88: ..

by ZGMF-X20A on 01/10/2009 04:32

like the freeze glow one but the "you kill stuff the end) thing bugs me for some reasion

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#89: Re: Another update (the last? :P)

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/10/2009 04:52, refers to #87

The shadow being cast by the cube confuses the orientation of the background and doesn't match the direction of the spec lighting on the cube - what does it look like without that shadow?

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#90: Re:

by Blindabuser on 01/10/2009 16:00, refers to #89

@ ZGMF-X20A: the reason why I've added the "You Kill Stuff, The End" stamp, lies on posts: #52, #58, #61. ;)

@ a~baby~rabbit: if you want to see it without the shadow, please refer to #83 (ignore the frame: now it's been removed). However, keep in mind that what you see on #87 it isn't an environmental shadow (like in 3D) but just a basic drop-shadow in a 2D environment with 3D elements, so the direction doesn't necessarily needs to match the cube lighting (IMHO. :)

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#91: ..

by shmutz on 01/10/2009 18:00

hmm. i wondered how i could contribute here. im not a 3D artist, so i just draw a very simple and puristic sketch for the "cube 2"- mark itself.

i made it that simple because as far as i understand eihrul wants this next release to be driven by the wants and needs of the people/player more than ever.

i like the idea and hope it produces a bigger community. most people are rather drowning in the huge masses of information all over the internet so they automatically become attracted by simple but effective things that can do what they want them to do. this is in my eyes what Apple proves most these days: the people have a hard time in their real life and dont want the virtual life (they dont know much about) become even more complicated. they kind of seem to want that simplifying things is taken to a new level. mixed with a clean and simple design Apple shows that simplification really attracts a lot of people. maybe this Apple-approach is not in favour of many of you guys in here, because most of you oppose apple for good reasons - but catching the idea now that the focus seems similar cant be too wrong.

ok, nuff said. this is the idea, the sketch in pure. it is not a ttf, but drawn by hand. the idea is kind of common, but i guess thats always that way with simple design.


here the same thing filtered a little:

http://img244.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cube2outlineshmutzyr8.jpg and http://img237.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cube2glassshmutzxv6.jpg

as you can see, you can probably do a lot with it by pepping it up a little with filters and tools. it keeps its simple look but makes it look artistic.

blindabuser, etc: if you like it, use it and produce some screen with a version of it. i believe it might look well. maybe worth a try...?

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#92: ..

by schmutz on 01/10/2009 22:05

ah, I forgot to mention something you would not have guessed!! *jk* i tried to make it still relate to the current sauerbraten font, which i personally like... but decided for italic and a lowercase "e".

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#93: ..

by Acord on 01/10/2009 23:39

Something nasty and visceral looking from Blood Frontier Land :D


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#94: Re: Re:

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/11/2009 03:48, refers to #90

I was referring to the shadow being cast to the right of the cube, i.e stretching across to the bottom-left of the 'C' of the Cube2

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#95: Re: Re:

by Blindabuser on 01/11/2009 16:26, refers to #94

Ah, ok... now I get it, sorry for the mistake.
Well, technically speaking you are more than right: it was a choice to cover that space, with the goal of giving the logo more depth of field and appeal.

Without the shadow, the image looks quite flat and (more) uninteresting (than it is already :P), so, since on any other angle it didn't work, I've solved the problem this way.

"The end justifies the means" 0:)

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#96: ..

by freegamer on 01/11/2009 21:23

This one looks great:

Good stuff Blindabuser!

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#97: My attempt

by K1P57A on 01/15/2009 16:01

My try so far:


No worries, its far from done, I just had a few moments being bored at work.

Criticism and Ideas are welcome :)

Let me know what you think,

- K1P57A

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#98: BUMP!

by PainKillAH on 01/19/2009 23:42

Time for a dead line right?

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#99: Re: BUMP!

by eihrul on 01/20/2009 12:11, refers to #98

Okay, so the question is, do we want to put this to a vote now, or are there still people working on submitting some more designs?

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#100: Re: BUMP!

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 01/24/2009 18:05, refers to #99


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#101: Message censored by administrator

by lucky on 01/24/2009 23:16

#102: Not to be heartless, but...

by tentus_ on 01/24/2009 23:52

Stay on topic.


My vote goes to http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/870/cube2wp1024jx2.jpg with some qualifications/requests. I like this one because it's simple and fits the grit of Sauer the best of all the above. At the same time (seemingly in contradiction), I feel that needs a bit more information crammed into it. My suggestion would be using "Cube 2: Sauerbraten" as a mask for a progress bar; have the tint progress from a yellowish-orange to a blood red, from left to right.

Similarly, I would prefer the "You kill stuff" to me a message that changes on each loading screen. We've seen in countless games that having tips during the loading screen at least provides a couple of seconds of distraction. The stamp could serve that purpose, though that would probably mean straightening it out and (probably) centering.

You know what, I'll make a mockup. ... http://tsholden.com/demo.gif (Apologies for ugliness, no disrespect intended).

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#103: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/25/2009 03:17

Yeah, I still haven't gotten around to making one. RL and IL stuff got in the way.

Maybe I'll get one in the next few weeks, 'unofficially.'

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