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Rocket Launcher,Shotgun,Chaingun and Rifle UPDATE !!!

by Darthvim on 05/23/2003 21:16, 88 messages, last message: 07/07/2003 22:05, 15417 views, last view: 07/01/2024 07:31

Hi, it is a new weapon update released.

the link is :

<a href="http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip">http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip</a>

Have fun with it :)


(Beta 0.2)

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#82: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 07/02/2003 17:38, refers to #81

There still isn't a binary package included in the distros? Dawn, i've to check on my RH7.3 CD...
Or probably you've been tired of upgrading the entire system for just a small applet... it's really an annoyance on those RedHat/Mandrake the dependances of rpm packages, it sometime took me some precious hours ;)
For my next distro i'll give a try on Gentoo :)

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#83: ..

by Pathegreat on 07/02/2003 19:16

dont be sorry, thalion it is just a payne in the ass you are to lazy to get fixed, its only normal not to fix it becuase you are doing other shit or you dont think of it and of course to lazy, plus i would be the same as you thalion! so dont be sorry old pal

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#84: Re: ..

by Thalion on 07/03/2003 10:58, refers to #82

Using Mandrake myself, but I feel like I'm loosing control on the system... their non-standard scripts are everywhere. Recompiled the kernel, removing everything non-needed, and moving all I need from kernel modules into the kernel itself. Now on startup it tries to load LPT kernel module, fails (obviously), and tells me that printer's not gonna be supported! =)

I'm going to order Slackware in a few weeks. Hard to install and configure, they say, but at least no fancy GUI "management consoles", "smart" helper scripts, and such.

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#85: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 07/03/2003 15:43, refers to #84

that's exactly what pissed me off on Mdk and made me come back to good'ole RH... wasting a little less time, but there's still the problem of dependancies. When i've been in many rpm-dependancies nightmare, i really wished that i'd been less lazy some month ago and tried Gentoo ;)

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#86: by the way...

by D.plomat on 07/03/2003 15:45, refers to #85

Good old ./configure ; make ; make install rules :)

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#87: Re: by the way...

by Thalion on 07/03/2003 21:55, refers to #86

Yes, right. I never download RPMs anyway, unless it is the only option. Even when you have binaries for YOUR distro, chances are the man who built them had some other/patched/hacked version of libxxx/glibc/kernel... besides, I kinda trust the executables I compile myself more =)

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#88: Gentoo

by Verbal-onvacation on 07/07/2003 22:05, refers to #82

I\'ve been a Gentoo user for about 8 months...
If you have a 1ghz+ machine and can withhold to huge compile times (24h+ for KDE on 2ghz machines) than I highly recommend it. I can\'t think of giving it up...Portage is awesome...
Another thing to consider is installation, it\'s all command line driven with no menus, yet the docs are very straitforward and clear.

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