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Let's make a CTF mod

by Skaus on 05/02/2003 22:39, 141 messages, last message: 11/26/2005 00:40, 77695 views, last view: 06/29/2024 16:02

Ok, i want cube CTF, and i bet i'm not the only one. It won't take a whole of work to make, but it's just a little bit too much for one man to do, so i'm asking you guys for assistance. The stuff we need to do is:

* red\blue skins for the player model.
* 2 Flag models with 2 skins each. (one on ground, one carried by the player.
* Code for the flag. (pickups, carriers, caps)
* Code for scoring etc.
* all the maps we can get.
* (a simple mirrior funcion in the editor would be nice)
* a few red\blue base textures

I could do most of this myself, but it'd take too damn long. I'd rather not do the code, as that's my weakest point, but the models\textures\skins should be easy enough. And mapping too :)

So, anyone interested in helping out?

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#81: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 00:43

if i read this faster , i would of said that there is already CTF skins with the ogro model , to bad :p

But also , Thalion (or someone else) what do we rite in the console to but the ctf objects again , my computor jamed (flag and player locations)

oh , and also , after i but the objects in the map , my map is ready to go ! Its a exelent map and cant wait to play , ill send screenshots now , wait a sec

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#82: huhuhu

by freax_ on 05/08/2003 01:49

mmm another question, because I can't test it yet...

If I replace the player model by a really smaller or bigger one... what happens ?

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#83: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 02:18

This is it , my new Capture The Flag map , its really good . It as the Egypt theme and its good for 3vs3 min. and 6vs6 max. Its called Scarab , so go play it and have fun while you kill peaple :P , Get it at Flameshot.ubercuber.com , it will not be there for long because my website for flameshot will be done this week , so hurry to get it . Also , skaus or thalion , i would like it if this map would be in the official , i think its good enouth to be there and i know you guys need maps :) . Anyways , bye


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#84: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 02:18


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#85: ..

by Pathegreat on 05/08/2003 02:54

well ill do what i can make maps and put info on my new site im getting, and tell the world sound cool

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#86: ..

by Pathegreat on 05/08/2003 03:01

O one thing i forgot to post why dont you just turn all the defalt cube maps into CTF just go into edit mode and add some blue and red carrots and call the map sp_aard3 i tyhink that would be a good idea

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#87: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 03:12

ya , but loots of those maps are not made for CTF , but its true that some maps would work , we would just need to add some stuff , i have an idiea for nudist already ...
Remember , download my new map at http://flameshot.ubercuber.com/Scarab.zip

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#88: Pathe

by pushplay on 05/08/2003 03:36

I looked at all of my old maps and some random others to see if there were any easy conversions there and I decided that there wasn't. Balance is a terribly difficult issue when it comes to ctf maps, and anything other than a 2 mirrored halves is playing with fire.

There are a few maps that could be made ctf if I could rotate the clipboard and mirror the clipboard, but I can't.

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#89: Re: mapmaking

by Thalion on 05/08/2003 07:17, refers to #81

You can always look in ctf.txt for details on how to edit maps. But here's the quintessense:

red flag - /newent flag 1
blue flag - /newent flag 2
red playerstart - /newent playerstart 1
blue playerstart - /newent playerstart 2

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#90: Re: Pathe

by Bascule on 05/08/2003 08:53, refers to #88

Pushplay, I'm going to have a crack at writing a mirroring utility.

I don't have time to map from scratch, but I also thought that some of the existing DM maps could be mirrored into ctf maps and if I can code it right, that's what I will do.

Just don't hold your breath....

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#91: Bascule

by pushplay on 05/08/2003 09:56

That's ok, I'll do it. It's really not too hard if I use a single buffer cube. I know I can mirror a selection using recursion, but I can't think of how I can rotate a selection using recursion. I wanna use recursion just for it's own sake.

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#92: Re: Bascule

by pushplay on 05/08/2003 09:59, refers to #91

I decided to cave in and do it since it would be faster than mirroring my own half done ctf map by hand.

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#93: Re: Bascule

by pushplay on 05/08/2003 10:02, refers to #92

Actually, screw the recursion. It makes seperating out a buffer space unecessarily complicated. But just for the record, I could have done it that way.

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#94: Re: Bascule

by Bascule on 05/08/2003 10:29, refers to #92

I take it that you will be sharing your code/utility/whatever when it's done?

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#95: Re: ..

by Shockie on 05/08/2003 11:48, refers to #83

Frank man.. dont go saying that stuff you have made is "really good" or asking for it to be in the release.. it REALY pisses people off. let othes say it is good or not. and let the development team decide if it is good enough to get into the release or not.

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#96: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 12:23

ok, i jsut said my opinion i the map , and i know these guys need maps so i gave it to them , so whats wrong with that ?

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#97: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 12:54

I fixe an error in my map , the textures were not with the cfg , but now thats fix ...

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#98: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 12:57

would a ctf map be good with the map 32 ? And also , is there any clans or clans being made for CTF ?

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#99: ..

by Skaus on 05/08/2003 20:11

WTF is a map 32?

Anyway, Writing a mirrior funcion should be painfully simple. Something like this:

. . . cubedata(i)=cubedata(width*height-i)

This assumes that the cubes are stored in a 1d array, i can't be arsed to check. just do it one cube at a time, copying all the data in the cube structure over to the opposite cube until you reach the middle. The only thing i can see would break is heightfields. But all you have to do is shift the heightfield a little. Apart from that, textures should align correctly, and corners shouldn't be a problem either.

Then all the mapper has to do is change red base textures into blue ones on one side, and place entities. Entities is so quick and easy to do that you don't need to worry about it for the mirrioring function.

hm, that got longer than i expected ;)

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#100: Frank

by Skaus on 05/08/2003 20:32

I took a peek at your map. It looks pretty cool, but i have a few suggestions.

* It's cool for 2v2's or even 1v1's. 6v6 like you suggested would be nutting futs on such a small map.

* It would be nice if there was something cool to pick up in the holes you've got in the bases. Move some armor or something down there so there's a reason to jump down.

* There's way too much stuff. You can't have more than 4 players on this level anyway (perfect for when the server's nearly empty). You really don't need more than one or two of each kind of weapon for each team, one armor, and 100-150hp worth of health.

* More texture variation. It's the same texture nearly everywhere. Put some work into this, and it'll look much better. The geometry is great! It just needs better dressing. Some arrows pointing into the hallways with the flags would be great too.

* The player start i spawned at was facing a wall. Kinda sucks to respawn into a rough fight when you're looking straight at the wall like that.

* Always call your CTF maps "Ctf-[whatever]" :)

That's it really. I think you should work some more on this map and make it awsome. Good job though, i'm just really good at dragging out the bad stuff ;)

Damn.. another long post

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