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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Sauer Guy

by Geartrooper on 11/22/2006 07:33, 107 messages, last message: 05/13/2007 00:16, 22558 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:19

Hello. This thread will be a progress/critique thread for a character model for the Sauerbraten FPS game and game engine. His name is Sauerguy. Currently he consists of two object meshes, an upper and lower to be tagged together and linked within Sauerbraten to facilitate resolution depth for the uvmaps . Also weapon tags will be used if needed. Without much ado here is the current progress shots for your critiquing pleasure. Please ignore the vertex and edges that seem to lead off to nowhere. These are artifacts of the z offset and do not show up in the actual model.




Closeup of Face

Detail of Hands

As you can see extra edge loops were used to facilitate animation with proper deformation, specifically in all joints. I have not yet decided which animation rigging system I will use but it will probably be a combination of IK, painted vertex weights and script handlers for proper joint deformation. All that is on the drawing board, though, because first I would like your comments on how to improve the mesh before I even consider animation.


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#67: oit...

by {LiD}CC_machine on 01/06/2007 13:59

did somebody miss my post? (#56)

"also, would be great if a player could choose between being represented by sauerguy and ogro, or other models. Would add a better sense of individuality to players!

i know it can be done effectively, it's already been implemented in EDM and i've seen it working (i know it's controversial with copyrights but please dont flame me/whatever for mentioning it ^^')"

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#68: oit..

by Geartrooper on 01/06/2007 16:19

not my department.

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#69: Re: oit...

by 1st Devoid on 01/06/2007 21:09, refers to #67

Lol yea death to copyright =)

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#70: ..

by Destroyer] on 02/16/2007 19:20

Sauerguy will appear on sauerbraten v10 ?

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#71: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/18/2007 19:08

The appearance of Sauerguy is directly related to the completion of several things plus the approval of the developers after submission.

I'm still using blender for modeling and animation. Organization of animated data will be done through the action editor where each separate action of each separate section(legs, torso, head, weapon) can be called when needed and stacked for the proper animation of a new action. I.e, I can use a head turn anim, a breathe anim and a right hand single gun firing anim to complete a 'firing single gun' animation.

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#72: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/19/2007 05:47, refers to #72

With python based plugins, yes.

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#73: Re: ..

by Drakas on 02/19/2007 16:04, refers to #72


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#74: ..

by Geartrooper on 02/22/2007 18:23

what about it

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#75: Run Anim

by Geartrooper on 03/03/2007 06:17

New Run animation. Getting the kinks out. Makke expressed concern over the hitbox area being exploited by the model in the previous run cycle so I altered it to be more sympathetic to the box.


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#76: Machine Gun Anim

by Geartrooper on 03/03/2007 06:27

anims for the mg


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#77: ..

by Geartrooper on 03/03/2007 06:28

heh. wrong link.


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#78: Re: ..

by eihrul on 03/03/2007 08:52, refers to #77

Postal Porky!

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#79: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 03/03/2007 16:13, refers to #78

looking great, but this guy needs some different clothes for the rpg. :)

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#80: Re: ..

by eihrul on 03/03/2007 16:21, refers to #79

Unless we go post-apocalyptic, then he'd fit right in.

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#81: Message censored by administrator

by Now this makes things go awry.....TIDDERZ on 03/03/2007 16:35

#82: Message censored by administrator

by Jannnettt on 03/03/2007 16:41, refers to #81

#83: Message censored by administrator

by Chuck Noris on 03/03/2007 16:41, refers to #81

#84: Message censored by administrator

by Burnys wins on 03/03/2007 16:48, refers to #81

#85: ..

by Geartrooper on 03/03/2007 21:20

To my understanding SG is solely for sauerbraten.

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#86: ..

by _Tentus_ on 03/03/2007 23:13

I would think that Eisenstern would want an entirely different character too. Something more knightly, i suppose. And something that could be modeled on top of easily (I still hope to someday make armour models).

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