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New hud progress

by JadeMatrix on 11/13/2007 00:01, 102 messages, last message: 06/02/2008 23:22, 40298 views, last view: 09/29/2024 01:55

The topic for all discussion on my hud concept, loosely based on geartrooper's hudguns.

Version 1:

Version 2:

As you can see, this is entirely useless as is. Aside from any æsthetic problems, it doesn't currently work with Sauerbraten at all. Thus, I need someone who can either
1. edit the code/shader that defines the HUD characteristics or
2. tell me what code/shader defines the HUD characteristics so that I can figure it out myself.

The hud will be optimized for resolutions 800x600 and up. This means that it will just fit at full resolution for 800x600, and be shrunk for anything smaller.
But, you may say, it's a ridiculous size for widescreen displays! No problem (for you): the hud will expand only horizontally at the bare point between the last big blue part (how scientific) and the fps.

Any questions, comments go here.

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#61: ..

by Q009 on 11/28/2007 18:20

sorry for my bad.. I'm from Poland and not so great speaking english so i can don't understand something...

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#62: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/29/2007 00:12


JadeMatrix, could you please make the place for the FPS bigger?

Unfortunately, right now, everything is completely hardcoded, and only really usable at 800x600.

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#63: ..

by geartrooper2 on 11/29/2007 09:04

looks good.

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#64: ..

by geartrooper2 on 12/01/2007 23:18

These designs are not confirmed for the next release but you may find them useful;


maybe you can use them as placeholders.

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#65: ..

by geartrooper2 on 12/01/2007 23:19

Heh. forgot to state the order. they are as so;


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#66: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/01/2007 23:31, refers to #65

Hmmmm, interesting. I may have to Photoshop them a bit before I could use them. Right now, though, I've stopped working on the hud, because of, yeah, large tests and stuff like that.

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#67: ..

by JadeMatrix on 12/02/2007 00:10

I've also been fairly busy. But I'm seeing how these could be worked in...
I'll sleep on it.

1 + 2 = 2 . Dammit...

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#68: critique

by strife on 12/06/2007 12:35

I absolutely hate that HUD.

That crystal icon style is uninspired, and the color doesnt suit sauer at all.
Stay away from blue, and stay far far away from crytal style. It looks improvised.

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#69: Re: critique

by MovingTarget on 12/06/2007 15:13, refers to #68

It is quite easy to change the color; what colors would you like to see in the HUD? And I believe the crystal style is not final.

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#70: Re: critique

by JadeMatrix on 12/06/2007 17:34, refers to #68

Ugh, how many times do I have to say this won't be finished until it's run off an easily-modifiable cfg?

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#71: Re: critique

by tentus_ on 12/07/2007 01:16, refers to #69

Orange would be more fitting to Sauer. Red, brown, and grey would also work, and any combination of those four.

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#72: Re: critique

by JadeMatrix on 12/07/2007 04:50, refers to #71

Hmm, once again I've been thinking too narrowly.

I'm not particularly fond of the crystal style myself, but when I introduced the flat one, the response was "too flat." I'm working on a compromise, or something entirely different. Hopefully using orange, red, brown, and / or grey ;)

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#73: Re: critique

by MovingTarget on 12/07/2007 15:51, refers to #72

Well, you shouldn't do too flat, but make something like a beveled brown/grey metal style, or something like that.

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#74: Re: critique

by tentus_ on 12/07/2007 17:16, refers to #72

I would try deliberately mimicing the ammo boxes, creating a nice internal consistency that will make it easier for people to accept. People like familiar things.

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#75: Re: critique

by Khane on 12/12/2007 05:09

The color doesn't matter so much to me, but...it's waaaaaay too big. Seriously. I don't want extra lines connecting my armor display to my health display that impair visibility. When I'm pulling 180 degrees to flick that guy on complex I want to be able to see everything.

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#76: Update (not dead)

by JadeMatrix on 03/30/2008 06:33


That's kinda the direction I'm going in. Not finished, obviously.

Oh, and yes, I'm still working on this in my non-existent spare time.

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#77: Re: Update (not dead)

by demosthenes on 03/30/2008 07:19, refers to #76

I hope those are just to show us each one, that they won't all be shown always.

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#78: Re: Update (not dead)

by JadeMatrix on 03/31/2008 00:15, refers to #77

That wouldn't exactly been in the theme of a minimalistic hud. No, they're just set up that way as an example.

MovingTarget, if you're still interested, I brushed up the hud config idea a bit.
For the default (current) hud. I got a bit lazy, so there's alot of X Y Z instead of actual numbers.

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#79: Re: critique

by dshjfconorfhdsjk on 03/31/2008 06:17, refers to #71

How about he color changes based on gameplay?

Like it slowly fades to green the closer you get to being 1st place. It would sort of glow (A little soft outline) if you were in first, and slowly go red as you got worse.

Or if it was teams, it would represent the color of how the team was doing (same as above)

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#80: Re: critique

by JadeMatrix on 03/31/2008 14:46, refers to #79

The new design I'm working on would have a score display of sorts.

I'm thinking of two layouts for the new design: first there's the traditional layout (health, armor, ammo (scores added) along the bottom). Then there's on based on a new design philosophy of mine: centralized. The hud is placed in a roughly triangle shape at the top or bottom, freeing up peripheral vision and minimally encroaching on the fov as a whole.

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