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How can i make grass (like map island, _rpg1, nmp8_d)

by 1234326456 on 02/12/2007 09:17, 103 messages, last message: 03/09/2007 02:27, 35362 views, last view: 10/06/2024 15:19

How can i make grass (like map island, _rpg1, nmp8_d)? - in the new CVS

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#60: Re: ..

by Drakas on 02/21/2007 08:33, refers to #59


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by Der/Nalia on 02/21/2007 13:33

In the map config file:

texture 0 "texturepath/texture.jpg"

......much bitterness......

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#62: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 02/21/2007 17:20, refers to #61

First of all, the grass DOES sway.

Second of all, do you have ANY idea how complex a weather and time system would be?

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#63: Edging

by Quin on 02/21/2007 18:59

In alot of instances, it is up to the mapper to tweak the more aesthetic parts of texturing and lighting. For edges (near paths, etc), have a repeat of your grass texture without the 'autograss', and outline your areas with that one.


texture 0 "texturepath/texture.jpg"
texture 0 "texturepath/texture.jpg"

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#64: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/22/2007 05:49, refers to #63

Yep, totally.. step one, add dynamic lighting.. 500 hours of coding later, quickly whip up a skybox generator..

Of course anything can be done, however its just not practical.

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#65: Re: ..

by ethan592 on 02/22/2007 06:33, refers to #63

day/night system would involve quite a bit of work. at the very least it would require the sunlight entities changing color and position. to be realistic it would also involve a sun and moon particle and prolly lens flares (game devs insist on adding them but i dont see flares when I look at the sun, only cameras, negates realism). Ultra realism would prolly also need SHL implementation which would either need to be computed on the fly or huge map files.

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#66: ..

by BlikjeBier on 02/22/2007 06:42

Operation Flashpoint (released in 2001) had dynamic weather, a full day/night cycle of 24 hours, fog (something we already have), clouds, rain.

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#67: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 02/22/2007 07:12

Yes and so did EverQuest released in 1999, one of the first games to ever require a 3D acceleration card. Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's easy, painless, or fast to implement a good looking solution.

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#68: easiest way...

by Aardappel_ on 02/22/2007 11:43

to make a halfway decent day and night system is simply to allow the map to store 2 sets of lightmaps, one for day and one for night, and then blend between them.

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#69: Re: easiest way...

by shadow,516 on 02/22/2007 18:50, refers to #68

aard FTW

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#70: ..

by Drakas on 02/22/2007 19:03


Started much earlier than 90s ;)

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#71: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/22/2007 22:37

help me please, im getting an error when i put this into themaps config

texture 0 ""texturepath/texture.jpg"

when i load the map it says

unknown command: autograss

how do i get this straightened up?

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#72: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 02/22/2007 22:53, refers to #71

Do you have the latest version from CVS? (NOT the latest official release, named GUI).

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#73: Re: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 02/22/2007 23:03, refers to #70

"to make a halfway decent day and night system is simply to allow the map to store 2 sets of lightmaps, one for day and one for night, and then blend between them."

Wouldn't you end up with two sets of shadows unless you never moved the sun/moonlight source? Or generated the night lightmap as though the entire map was shadowed?

"That's actually not true. I was using 3D accelerators as far back as 1996/1997. (Voodoo 3DFX)"

So was I, but that has nothing to do with what I said. EverQuest was one of the first games to require 3D acceleration. Games like Q2 could be run without it. EverQuest could not.

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#74: Re: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/22/2007 23:55, refers to #72

i dont have it, where do i get it, where do i put it?

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#75: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 02/23/2007 00:03

If you cannot figure out how to checkout the CVS then just wait for the release version.

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#76: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/23/2007 00:12

whens it being released?

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#77: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 02/23/2007 00:43, refers to #76

You'll never get a release date on sauerbraten updates...they just happen. You might get a day or so notice at most.

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#78: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/23/2007 00:55

alrighty then

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#79: Re: ..

by devoid ftw on 02/25/2007 17:42, refers to #74

I poseted the damn link to you

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