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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/17/2004 03:59, 67 messages, last message: 02/03/2005 02:52, 34131 views, last view: 06/02/2024 04:36

Hey guys, I want to make an RPG based on the Cube engine...but I have one problem: I don't know how to code.

Could you guys help me? I want it to be an action/RPG. I can design the textures, 3d models, anything, but i don't know any code except for HTML ;)

I will be getting a sourceforge.net project soon, but want to know if anybody would be willing to help me out before I make that kind of committment!

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#56: guns guns guns

by entrunner7 on 08/29/2004 22:00

think about how different war would be if there were no projectile weapons, no guns. if you had to get right up to someone, touch them, in order to kill them.
soldiers would last for two battles before going crazy.
but actually innovati, many of us americans hate guns. i live in the appalachian mountains, probably the most backwater place in the states, and maybe ten percent of our population owns a gun. most of us are pacifists and protest their use loudly.
i myself own a number of bladed weapons, but refuse to touch guns. so we're not all pro-gun here in the us of a.
on a side note, the attraction to guns originated not from the armory thing (most towns used the gov'ns mansion as a storeplace for militia weapons), but rather from the utter confiscation of them by the british army. nowadays the root cause of gun attraction is from the preemptive strike mentality.
video games don't help that mentality i'm afraid. oh well, time to play cube again.

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#57: Re: guns guns guns

by j.c.d.p.c. on 08/29/2004 22:12, refers to #56

The second amendment exist so that people can overthrow the goverment if it gets to that. People use guns to hunt, or to protect there homes, but those are secondary reasons. The founding fathers probably could not imagine modern warfare where the military could so easily beat a civilian army because of aircraft and missles, but the idea that the people should mantain the power to overthrow the rulers is still important. Also those secondary reasons are important as well. Many people (at least where i live) go hunting and get a few months worth of meat for the cost of a hunting license and ammo. And people need weapons to protect their homes and businesses. Where i live, if you call the police it may be 1/2 an hour before they get there, i dont want to have to wait for them if there is a criminal in my house. The right thing to do would be to call the police and then threaten the criminal with the gun, you may not even need to shoot it to keep him still untill the cops arrive. If guns are banned, the criminals will still find ways to get them. Yes guns are dangerous and cause many accidental deaths, but they are nessacry. In a way, they are like nuclear weapons, it would be better if they had never been invented, but now that they are, they should be allowed so that everyone can protect themselves.

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#58: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/30/2004 07:14

oh, I have no problem with the PROPER use of guns...however there's this thing that some americans say: It's your duty to own a gun. Or, "if you don't have a gun, how are you protecting your family?" Or, "You're not much of a man if you can't even protect your family" etc. etc.

Anyway, the thing that scares me...is that law enforcement officers, who train with real guns for long periods of time, have an accuracy of aobut 20%. Thats 1/5 shots hits the target. But in one of the latest school shootings, the kid fired 8 shots, and hit 8 students. That's 100% accuracy my friend.

More than teaching kids to point-shoot-and move on, video games de-value life in general. The kids think nothing of taking REAL lives inthe REAL world. I think it;s possible to have "constructive violence", like violence for a reason, not just random killing.

If you teach people that you fight for justice, you fight for what you believe in...then you train them to be strong courageous people, people who would give their lives to save another. We call them "Heroes" in most parts of the world.

On the other hand, if you have them go shoot stuff when they're angry...you're teaching them to kill when they're angry. And even if they don't grab a gun and go postal...they will be MORE LIKELY to act violently when they're angry. Not good.

That's why in SP maps in cube, i think there should be a little background info, about why you are there, and what you are protecting/saving.

Multi=player is just fun, and because the people re-spawn, and they are having a good time, i have no problem with that ;)

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#59: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 08/30/2004 12:12, refers to #58

partly agree, i'm myself against this "duty to own a gun", and against guns being legal without a license and restrictions.

About the accuracy, probably the kid was much more closer to his classmates than the range used for testing police officers accuracy.

About the kids, people playing FPS games know that this isn't reality. At least if they aren't stupid enough not to manage to run the game, they'll have a minimum bit of distinction. Well if parents install very violent games (with gore details and insisted violence scenes) on the PC of their 7yrs old kid, it's not the makers of the game but the parents that are to blame.

About motives to kill, at least random killing is considered bad by everyone...

About "Heroes", on a different point of view some can also be called "Fanatics", and killing for "justice" is a too dangerous idea, because "justice" is something very subjective.

> go shoot stuff when they're angry

I don't need to be angry to play Cube :)

About the SP maps, i think monsters are too unrealistic to confuse even the weakest minds for "shooting humans might be the same".

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#60: and

by D.plomat on 08/30/2004 12:22

this place isn't really a place for discussions on weapons owning or good/bad, nor any kind of evangelism, be it Linux, Debian, other...

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#61: Re: ..

by dcp on 08/30/2004 18:53, refers to #59

lol, restrictions or licenses are pure nonsense. here in germany no average citizen is allowed to have a gun, we have very strict restrictions. but nevertheless every russian mafioso, every turkish drug smuggler and every german pimp here has one. and kills people with them.

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#62: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/30/2004 22:42

yeah....most crimes are committed with illegal weapons anyway. In that case, I think it's stupid to limit the population form having them thuogh. In canada, it's pretty hard and expensive to own a gun. Mainly only hunters use them.

And about the FPS breding killers; I know that the majority won't have any problems with it, but you can't deny the fact that those WHO ALREADY are cracked, it cracks them farther.

"Video games don't create psychos, they just make pyschos more creative" - unknown, heard that a long time ago.

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#63: they just make pyschos more creative

by D.plomat on 08/31/2004 14:35

at least if they get more creative...
that's a good thing for the medias, lol

no, seriously i think movies and books are a much wider soure of creativity for psychos.

well, if video games are there just for practicing their skills... eventually something like Americas Army or CS *might* help learning wannabee mafioso, but a game like Cube, Unreal or Quake for sure won't help them learn to use real weapons nor urban tactics.

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#64: Re: they just make pyschos more creative

by spentron on 08/31/2004 17:01, refers to #63

If the tactic is to run straight up to someone and shoot them at point blank range (8 of 8), unrealistic games are excellent. The brain ignores stimuli too far outside its experience to comprehend.

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#65: Re: they just make pyschos more creative

by D.plomat on 09/01/2004 18:45, refers to #64

Lol, i must admit my favourite weapon in Cube, and in general all fps is the shotgun for it's point-blank efficiency ];)

But who would want a world where all games, books, movies are ignoring violence? eventually this might even give violence the appeal of the unknown...

Those who are to blame are those who provide their 8yrs old kids with very violent games, or a VCR/DVD and a horror movie. (i think that TV has a much higher responsibility than games in the amount of violence in our culture)

And fortunately not everyone refrains from designing cool things because some could make a bad use of it, in this case there would even be no cars because occasionnaly a teen can be tempted to do like his dad and steal him the key...

Let's face it, killing virtual stuff is fun, and this adds adrenaline in multiplayer deathmatchs :)

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#66: Guns

by Gnome on 02/02/2005 15:34

I'm canadian, and there are more guns per capita up here then there are down in the states by a longshot. the us would have to import 100 million weapons to get the same ratio. up here though, we use guns to shoot the vast wildlife, instead of eachother.

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#67: Re: Guns

by pushplay on 02/03/2005 02:52, refers to #66

I have to kill several moose and polar bears each night just to defend my igloo.

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