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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

If SauerBraten is released.

by Lavaball on 10/31/2004 08:09, 53 messages, last message: 11/09/2004 17:31, 35451 views, last view: 06/02/2024 02:30

Will everybody or you stop using/playing cube or stop playing on network i dont like that

here's the differences:

Cube:This game is not RPG it's just an FPS just like Quake/Doom.

SauerBraten:This is an RPG not just FPS you got to search for Quests and so-so alot like Grandia but in First-Person.

Oh i forgot if sauerbraten releases i hope Cube will still be updated not be forgoten forever.

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#53: ..

by CK|Davros on 11/09/2004 17:31

stfj00 n00b><0r 1 pwnz0r j00 wi7 mi 1337|\|355!!!!!111
I don't mean that btw..

Yeah.. 'leet' speak is lame, altho btw, iirc, etc. are acceptable, because they are elite ;-)

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