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Idea for next update

by lulz234561 on 04/27/2007 23:59, 93 messages, last message: 07/08/2007 04:06, 47171 views, last view: 06/02/2024 10:40

I thought it would be a good idea to add a new gametype, Instagib CTF. DM and CTF is always dominated by people who get machineguns alot, because think- 30 damage a hit and like 5 hits a second, thats 150 damage. A rifle is one hit kill WIHTOUT armor. With armor, its one or two hits, and it has a wait time of a second or two. You cant kill groups with a rifle unless they all have rifles, and machinegun can always kill anyone, no matter what they have. Its just too powerful.

So, the next update should balance the machinegun and add Instagib CTF, so cheap n00bs who cant kill without 150 damage a second actually get some skill.

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#53: ..

by Drakas on 06/12/2007 23:38

Zorro: so you played with the modded client against me? That's why you beat me so hard?

I'm not trying to be nasty or anything, but it was weird to lose 30:18, while I had beaten you about 50:30 before.....

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#54: Re: ..

by Zorro_hates_cookies2 on 06/13/2007 04:29, refers to #53

I used the vanilla client, compiled by whoever packages it, for all of the league games. I stopped playing around with a modded client a while before I joined the league. All of the games I played were lpayed with this client. (And yes, talk is cheap, but what else can I offer?)

It felt strange for me too. Im not sure if you were tired or what was going on, but you were very different from the warmup (where you destroyed me :P) and the official game. We can always have a rematch if you want.

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#55: vehicles

by White-templar on 06/18/2007 18:17

I think all sauer players want to have vehicles on sauer, they are more than fun and again fun.
I think vehicles are the first thing to add on sauer.
They are fun.
Vehicles are funny.
They are great.
Make Vehicles!
Vehicle = good.

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#56: Re: vehicles

by theW4, finally can post again on 06/18/2007 19:42, refers to #55

OK, you cant just do a half ass job on cars and shit. That is what ea did with BF2 and by driving the jeeps feals more like a bumper car. It is horrid.

Sauerbraten is also a very face paced game. Most of the time, fast paced games do not reqire jeeps and planes as there is always action going on. You dont have to move yourself to the action and if you do, the orgo can run as fast as a missile.

Not to mention how many things would have to be added to provide decent car support. The whole physics system would have to be rewritten, or at least added to.

NO vehicles please!!!!

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#57: ..

by HashBox on 06/18/2007 21:07

On that note I'm just gonna point out that the Tokamak Physics engine has been released as Open Source Software under the BSD license, see here: http://www.tokamakphysics.com/
Could be useful to someone =)

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#58: ..

by Zorro_hates_cookies2 on 06/21/2007 01:42

>> I think all sauer players want to have vehicles on sauer, they are more than fun and again fun.

Speak for yourself.

>> Not to mention how many things would have to be added to provide decent car support. The whole physics system would have to be rewritten, or at least added to.

NO vehicles please!!!!

That is not a reason for the USERS to not want vehicles, it is a reason for the DEVELOPERS to not implement them. It shouldn't be at all considered in a discussion about gameplay mechanics. Let the ones who would implement the system point out the problems, it is not your job to complain about it.

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#59: Message censored by administrator

by Drakas on 06/21/2007 19:44, refers to #59

#60: tired of vehicle arguments

by Captain_Ahab on 06/24/2007 16:04

I don't see what the big fuss is about vehicles...

The engine needs at least simplistic ones for RPG stuff ( horses, wagon, etc ) but that doesn't mean people have to put them into multiplayer games.

they'd have to be mapmodels which can carry other map models
there'd have to be an option to make mapmodel's vertical axis align with the normal of the plane its touching
There'd have to be a flag to say if it can turn in place ( segway/horse ) or if it needs to be moving to be able to turn ( car/wagon ).
There'd need to be a flag to say if it can fly and a flag to say if it has to be moving to fly. ( dragons/magic carpets )
There'd need to be a flag to say if it can float in water ( gotta have boats )
make tsuch flags settable based on damage it can take. ( reset 'can float' or 'can fly' flag
Just change player's POV or pop a different HUD up when in riding on/in 'vehicle'

then just let it follow the same physics mapmodels follow....sure its oversimplified, but for RPG gameplay, its enough.

something else occured to me, can any mapmodel be animated and take damge like a monster model?...say there is a torch; is it possible to treat it like a 'monster' in terms of 'idle' animation ( flickering flame ) and give it a 'death' animation, for if it gets hit be weapon?

how hard would it be to make being underwater do damage to players and monsters? Its kind of silly to be able to wander around underwater without drowning or breathing

btw...my youngest daughter thinks the game rocks
world's best lego set ever!

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#61: Re: tired of vehicle arguments

by sinsky on 06/24/2007 20:24, refers to #60

I'm prone to spreading disinformation but I think damage under water is extremely easy to make. There could be a "damageunderwater" console command that, when set to 1, will make players drown and perform other appropriate actions. Of course I'll always keep it 0 as personally I don't like drowning :)

(don't take this seriously pls)

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#62: Blood splatter physics!

by TehDooMCat on 06/25/2007 01:10

"Why would you need actual physics at all for blood?

There's not enough blood to splash, no game does blood footprints. It'd really just be just as tentus_ said."

Physics-enabled blood-splattering is pretty fun, and satisfying for the violent fragger :D

Take this for example:


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#63: thanks, sinsky

by Captain_Ahab on 06/25/2007 14:37

I'll have to look that up. Thanks

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#64: Re: thanks, sinsky

by sinsky on 06/25/2007 16:28, refers to #63

No no I was kidding (I'm the local jester). But it truly is easy for programmers to do the water thing, in fps.cpp which holds some gameplay code for the fps there's a waterlevel variable which changes when the player is under water. It's used to play the splash sounds etc. and maybe could be used to add that effect if needed. I haven't played Sauer mods recently but perhaps someone has already made it the way I describe or better.

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#65: Re: thanks, sinsky

by Quin on 06/26/2007 03:41, refers to #64

Yes, this is something I have experimented with in SauerMod.

One of the extensions I added was the ability to mark water as one of three types: "normal", "hurt" (slime), "kill" (lava).

SauerCVS now has a seperate lava material too now, which I quickly integrated into this scheme.

Don't expect drowning to happen anywhere anytime soon though, it's a gameplay inhibitor.

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#66: gameplay inhibitor?

by Captain_Ahab on 06/26/2007 15:57

how can it be a gameplay inhibitor?...if water has no real effect on anything, then why have it at all. That makes it become simply eye-candy. If its felt that water gives some advantage, then play balance would indicate there should be a downside to it as well.

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#67: Re: gameplay inhibitor?

by tentus_ on 06/26/2007 17:32, refers to #66

The downside is that you're easier to shoot, because you slow down. Isn't that pretty straightforward?

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#68: gameplay inhibited

by Captain_Ahab on 06/26/2007 23:25

only if playing multiplayer games and even then, its a tactical decision that causes a player to weigh pros and cons.

remember that the same engine supports/will support the RPG where it would become a gameplay inhibitor

If drowning were added and configurable ( damage rate when submerged ) then it could be disabled for your game play, given different values for RPG gameplay, or ignored if player has air tanks in his inventory.

there is more to sauerbraten than online deathmatches isn't there? It often seems not by some responses here.

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#69: spectator mode in capture

by rock.n.rol on 06/27/2007 00:42

Some ideas concerning the spectator mode in capture games :

1. The moving speed in when spectator could be slightly faster, it´s almost impossible to follow ppl on big maps when they´re jumping and moving

2. what about making the base radar viewable ? Would be nice to see what´s going on in capture ;)

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#70: ..

by theW4, finally can post again on 06/27/2007 03:49

Yea i really like the 3 types of water and would like to see that in the gae, so long as you can adjust the ammount the slime hurts you every second. It would be nice if these 3 properties could be applied to any surface, not just water. This would create like gas and other things.

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#71: Re: gameplay inhibited

by Quin on 06/27/2007 04:39, refers to #68

Something you need to realize is that most of the focus concerning gameplay is directed towards the FPS, because it is the only game module which is somewhat polished (which makes the RPG less interesting to everyone else). This goes especially for multiplayer.

It's quite often that differences of opinion like these is what encourages alot of us to go out there and make a mod.

This is one of the few things that annoys me about this community sometimes. I feel as if I'm wasting effort programming a project all by myself, rather than contributing back to the main branch. Alas, all attempts to contribute back have failed and I have since given up entirely (aside from the occasional bug report). Go figure.

Don't get me wrong, many of the people around here are great, and Sauerbraten is an amazing engine to work with. I just find that behind the scenes, people are a little closed minded.

In my opinion, entertaining and satisfying the end-user should a top priority for any project. They are, after all, the target audience. This doesn't mean every single stupid idea needs to be implemented, but ones with promise should at least be considered.

Blah. End rant.

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#72: Re: gameplay inhibited

by sinsky on 06/27/2007 10:23, refers to #71

Well in my opinion it's best to make something you can sell and if not code, perhaps contribute some cash ;) But it really is hard for a single person. On the other hand Sauer is kinda unique so perhaps it's not impossible. /*rant*/

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