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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 520229 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:09

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#512: Strange circular distortions:

by demosthenes on 04/21/2007 05:52

I first noticed this today, not sure how long it's been going on: When looking at a wall in the map "river_c" included with Sauer's recent spring release (2007/4/15), a circular texture distortion is seen. Two shots next to each other to show that the distortion moves with me:


Those are pretty large images compared to the size of the distortion. :-/

It's near the middle, and just looks like a circle. Not a clue as to what causes it.

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#513: ..

by mitto_mors on 04/21/2007 05:59

I have also come across this issue a few times with the cvs and the new release. I'm thinking maybe it's the shaders or sumtin. Either that or it's a transdimentional portal where the pixies of extreme torture come through to hunt us down.

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#514: Re: Strange circular distortions:

by Drakas on 04/21/2007 09:48, refers to #512

It is a known thing. There is something to do with division by zero (from shaders), and the cost of removing this "bug" would be too high on the framerate.

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#515: Re: Strange circular distortions:

by demosthenes on 04/21/2007 20:12, refers to #514

Oh, okay. Thanks for the information. It's really pretty small and you wouldn't notice it during gameplay, so I guess it's a trivial issue with a non-trivial solution.

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#516: Anger

by rc the one on 04/21/2007 20:29

This new update is getting me mad. Ok here, I can run any map offline at 120 fps, but when I go online on a BLANK map, my max speed is 20 fps on ultra low detail, and if someone joins it crashes.

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#517: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 04/21/2007 22:49

Editing a heightfield at the lowest cube size seems to generate holes when pushing/pulling in the heightfield (seemingly the size of the editing brush)

Really low quality video:

Doesn't seem to affect cube sizes larger than 2 from what I can tell.

Sorry I dont have a lot of info, I'm not really sure what the problem is.

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#518: ..

by SanHolo on 04/21/2007 22:53

In the new map "paradigm", sometimes my shooting/jumping sounds disappear, sometimes they re-appear. Means I can't hear when I am shooting or jumping. Music plays fine though. Maybe it has something to do with the ambient sounds, I don't know.

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#519: ..

by SanHolo on 04/21/2007 22:54

Sorry, more details:

I can't reproduce it, happens on online play.

Mac OS X 10.4.9, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33Ghz, ATI Radeon X1600 Mobility, 2GB RAM.

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#520: Re: ..

by eihrul on 04/21/2007 23:09, refers to #518

This is because the map sounds are exceeding the number of sound channels, because the map forgot to set the maximum number of simultaneous uses for each sound.

To fix, go into paradigm.cfg, at the bottom, add a 1 as a the third argument to each of those mapsound commands, and it should stop doing that, mostly.

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#521: still angry

by rc the one on 04/22/2007 00:38

Multiplayer is completely usqrrrrrnplayable for me, I have no idea why, but it goes from 120+ in single player to 20 and lower in Multiplayer and I lag really bad, abnormally bad, unplayable. It is not my connection, 512kb/s Cable, Brand new E-Machine PC, 3.4Ghz processor, 512 mb Ram, and a 256mb PCI-Express video card from ATI, I have never had any trouble before, not with Sauerbraten or any other game. I even scanned my pc, no viruses, no spyware, no adware, no junk at all. Any idea what's wrong. Also I kinda can't host anymore.

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#522: Re: still angry

by eihrul on 04/22/2007 00:49, refers to #521

Try using the -s0 command-line option, or you could also try /dynshadow 0 from console. Those may have an effect, or not.

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#523: Re: crackly sound

by enigma_0Z on 04/22/2007 02:57, refers to #487

Try this:

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian-oss

AFAIK alsa is installed by default and has some issues like this.

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#524: Minor, but none the less a bug

by Hiato on 04/22/2007 16:31

Bug Report

My 2 cents*

In any level....
With any weapon....

If you bring up the about window (for exapmple), then move the cursor out of the window so that it just changes into a crosshair. At that point, if you click (to shoot) {WITHOUT RELEASING THE MOUSE BUTTON} and then move the cursor back into the about window (so that it becomes a pointer again) and then release the mouse button, you will notice that you continue to shoot automatically, regardless of movement, where you look, weather you close the menu or bring up a different one, even scrolling through weapons or switching to edit mode have no effect. The only way to stop this is to click (to shoot) whilst not looking at any menu.

Ontop of that, if you play a map like Ruby or any other where there are slopes leading up to walls, you'll notice that if you have the above bug going on with the fist, and you walk bakcwards against a wall with a slope before it, look down and up you go. Somehow the automatic fist projects you up into the air and if done correctly (keep looking at the same angle at the ground, but strafe around) these bugs in combination allow you to levitate around the level, great fun!

Bug, or just me?

My second 2 cents* worth:

If the above are bugs, then my guess would be that becuase you are releasing the mouse click on the menu, the game is for all intensive purposes not reading a release of the mouse therefore interpreting incorrectly that the user is constantly fireing. This should be (n00b opinion) a relatively easy code fix..

As for the levitation, well... if you fixed the firt bug, I suppose the second wouldn't matter as it is humanly impossible for someone to click fast enough to do as the bug does.

PS: this bug has probably already been reported (1st part) but I have my doubts about the second part...

* All currency in the afore mentioned article is based within and relative to the Zimbabwean economy. I therefore may not be held responsible for fluctuating exchange rates, depreciating assets and wasteing of the readers time.

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#525: Bug: Horizontal artifacts in Linux

by enigma_0Z (lost that darn cookie) on 04/22/2007 22:16

I posted this in the release thread just to be sure that it was _in fact_ a bug, and that I'm not the only one experiencing it. The latter (at least) is true. Here we go.

I've got an nVidia GeForce 7200 Go in my laptop.

Sauerbraten Spring Edition occasionally gets this horizontal "artifact" like there's some polys or some object going through my view.

Nothing specifically triggers it, but it seems to happen more when music changes, even then it's random, but only happens when playing online. When "big" effects like nearby explosions, etc. happen, artifact appears sometimes (not regularly)

Sauerbraten Spring Edition + patch (I haven't tried it w/o patch, but I did recompile source). Ubuntu Linux Feisty (7.04). nVidia GeForce Go 7200 w/ 9755 driver.

Probably unrelated but it just segfaulted complaining about a bunch of nVidia modules, and it said "glibc corrupted pointer" or something at the beginning.

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#526: other

by rc the one on 04/23/2007 03:25

Could it be because I have a router, McAfee firewall, and Cisco Firewall?

Should I forward ports?

-i actually did make it playable alone in online and I can exit before it crashes if someone joins.

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#527: Operating System

by rc the one on 04/23/2007 03:25

I'm using Windows XP

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#528: oh

by rcdraco away on 04/23/2007 16:35

I mean the -i command line setting.

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#529: fixed

by rcdraco away on 04/27/2007 16:05

fixed, uninstalled McAfee Firewall and forwarded ports for Windows firewall, now I get 199 fps on coopedit, as before. Now I just need to reforward ports to my firewall [black box], then hosting should work I think.

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#530: ..

by Destroyer] on 04/29/2007 19:50



lot of grass on map k_rpg1

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#531: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 05/03/2007 01:47, refers to #530

Eihrul: I told you to be carefull with those grass seeds!! ;)

...but seriously, I've seen this too...I can fix it by changine the texture under the texture (yes I meant to say that). Looks like subdivision gone wrong, allowing covered cubes to have textures being rendered?

We can see this with the autograss texture, but I cannot help but wonder how much this is happening with textures we don't see, but the engine does.

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