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Loading screen/HUD design contest

by eihrul on 12/27/2008 21:23, 109 messages, last message: 02/01/2009 00:20, 43441 views, last view: 10/06/2024 17:27

So, something I'd like to try for the next release is to make the loading screens less ugly, and for extra credit, maybe the HUD too - although that seems unlikely.

I'd appreciate if anyone with actual graphics design skills - since this excludes me - would like to take a stab at this and submit it here. The winner, of course, gets the thing included in the next release. Losers, well, there is no consolation prize. :)

A note: I would also like to change the branding from "Sauerbraten" (which most people find too weird a name) to just "Cube 2", so if any new logos are made and such, having "Cube 2" would be preferrable over "Sauerbraten".

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#52: Re: Loading Screen

by SephoD on 01/04/2009 22:43, refers to #51

An idea...

Blindabuser... what about some bulletholes or decals... this may look a bit "polished" for a fps...

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#53: Re: Loading Screen

by MovingTarget on 01/04/2009 22:45, refers to #51

The background needs to be much more varied. Other than that, not bad.

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#54: Re: Loading Screen

by Blindabuser on 01/04/2009 23:28, refers to #53

SephoD, MovingTarget: I agree with both of you, guys. This was just quick, basic attempt, which can be improved in many different ways.

However, keep in mind that the background will probably have be a small tile (to save loading time and preserve the apperance on different screen resolutions) therefore, every "decoration" (logo and mapshot included) will be an overlayed png, to prevent repeating the same bulletholes/decals over and over.

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#55: Re: Loading Screen

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/05/2009 00:20, refers to #54

I say make us art - and leave it to the devs to worry about efficiency :P

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#56: Re: Loading Screen

by demosthenes on 01/05/2009 00:52, refers to #51

I like the loading bar.

Just a thought for the devs: it would be nice if some read-ahead and size estimation could be done so that the progress bar could progress instead of flashing between 0 and 100. If it's not too much work, that is. Maybe an entry in the config declaring the total size of the map's resources?

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#57: Re: Loading Screen

by Blindabuser on 01/05/2009 01:51, refers to #55

Ok, I've replaced the main texture with a more fitting one, then added some scratches, bullet-holes, decals and other stuff to give it that "torn" look it needs. I hope this version looks better. :)


Again, make sure that your browser doesn't automatically resize images. ;)

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#58: Re: Loading Screen

by chris777 on 01/05/2009 02:04, refers to #57

Looking great Blindabuser. The stamp is great. :P I'd like to see a little more dirt, burns, rust etc.

I really like the progress of your screen though. :)

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#59: ..

by Geartrooper on 01/05/2009 03:27

Seconded. Quite an original and interesting perspective.

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#60: Re: Loading Screen

by Captain_Ahab on 01/05/2009 04:08, refers to #57

Every element except the Cube2 logo is facing direct at the viewer (orthagonal?) while the Cube2 logo is 'in persperctive' making it the odd-man-out in the scene.

In order to tie it in the scene better, maybe the "Cube 2 Sauerbraten" should use faked perspective to make it appear on the same plane as the logo. Maybe even make the lettering 3d ( not thick, but just enough to make it not look like the letters weren't cut out of paper).

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#61: Re: Loading Screen

by SephoD on 01/05/2009 12:24, refers to #60

I would also like to see some dirt on the cube itself, looks too polished ;)

But this is definitely looking a lot better, love the stamp!

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#62: Re:

by Blindabuser on 01/05/2009 15:08

chris777, Geartrooper, Captain_Ahab, SephoD, a~baby~rabbit, yoopers and all the people who joined the conversation: many thanks for your appreciation, and especially for your constructive suggestions and criticism. You've helped alot improving my modest attempt.

Now that the "path" I should follow is more defined, I'll take a little pause (mostly since the next days will be quite busy for me). Furtherly, I don't want to "monopolize" this thread: there are other intrepid guys out there (tentus, mrpiddly, JadeMatrix, mIscreant and demosthenes to name a few) who are working at their own logo proposal, so I'll take a chance to move over and leave room for them.

Concerning the last requests/suggestions: yes, more dirt and scratches can be added, and I'll do. Let's just keep in mind that "less is more": too much stuff could make the screen look like a mess. ;)

@ Captain_Ahab: I understand your point, and I've already tried a "full 3D way" but then the logo looks completely out of place. In my opinion, having a 3D element to resume the spirit of the game, together with a beveled, two-dimensional lettering could do the job.

Bye all, I'll be back in a few days. :)

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#63: Re: Re:

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/05/2009 20:41, refers to #62

Just a quick one:


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#64: logo

by Hapexamendios on 01/05/2009 22:01

There seems to me at one time i recall seeing a pretty fancy gothic looking capital S. If anyone knows what i'm talking about, perhaps they could explain it a little better. I've done a lot of searching but can't seem to find it anymore. It may even have been an old icon image.
Point is, I thought that would be worth looking into for logo design.

my two cents anyway.

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#65: Re: Re:

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 01/05/2009 22:20, refers to #63

I think that one looks good, but it lacks a loading bar.

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#66: Re: Re:

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/05/2009 22:51, refers to #65

Yeah, it was a quick job and I wasn't completely sure on how to fit it in.

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#67: Re: Re:

by SephoD on 01/05/2009 23:13, refers to #63

I like the lettering, don't fancy the background... would like to see more like blindabusers background with decals or even some rusty stuff...

Just an idea ;)

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#68: Re: Re:

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 01/05/2009 23:24, refers to #67

My Photoshop skills aren't brilliant, especially with realistic-looking stuff. (I don't have a collection of grunge brushes, unfortunately) so if anyone wants to use that font, it's the WRC font.

I believe if you were to type 'WRC Font' into Google you can download it from somewhere. I can't remember exactly where I found it, so good luck.

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#69: The new old

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/06/2009 00:19

A minor rehash of the existing screen - by a non-artist :P


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#70: Re: logo

by chris777 on 01/06/2009 02:17, refers to #64

I believe you're looking for the one used on the flags in sauerbraten.
Look in:


That is if you havent replaced them with the solaris objects flags. :P

If so check out the svn:


Hope that helps if you plan on making a screen with the famous "S".

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#71: My bit

by tentus_ on 01/06/2009 05:02

Ok, first off, here a link to image (you can click the image itself to see it exclusively, but I'm linking to the page because the image name might change):

And now for my comments (please read before commenting back to me, there is a method to my madness):
This is an image I made for the Cube community, as a loading screen / logo proposal. My goal was not so much to have a pretty image, but to throw out some ideas that would contrast with the other ideas and styles being shown (for example, I decided to stick with that awful blue, to show just how poorly it works in the Sauerbraten context).
Generally speaking, I was trying to stick with both Cube's grittyness and the simplicity it tries to maintain. The logo concept ended up being a bit friller than I envisioned, but it serves several functions in my mind: it houses the map screenshot, and also acts as a progress bar by fading each face in as the main components of the map are loaded (grayscale for lightmaps, the inverse for models and geometry, and the normal for the textures, give or take).

With all that said, any thoughts or comments? This image is mostly to get other brains working, not so much a serious contender.

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