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Future ideas, the design.

by marvin2k on 05/10/2009 17:15, 70 messages, last message: 07/21/2009 01:15, 47701 views, last view: 06/26/2024 09:02

I surprised with all of new changes in cube2, they are really really good, congratulations to all. Anyway, i have always the same impresion with a lot of free games. They need a DESIGNER.
For me, sauer need a design team to all, there are a lot of things unconected, ilogical, rare. It need a design director that ordenate maps, UI, etc.. and made (with help) all of they similar or with a few temetic (or world) to be unity.
I really dont understand sometimes this kind of free games, beucause, they choose made without union, not like a circle.
This is that game needs really needs, and there are a lot of good designers on quadropolis. this is that i think, it is only a idea, you can dismiss, but cosiderer it.


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#51: ..

by geartrooper2 on 06/07/2009 11:31

See, thats where you're wrong. Marvin2k happens to be a talented artist. He's simply suggesting his idea. If I had a nickel for every ridiculous judgement on these forums I'd be a rich man.

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#52: Re: Art

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 06/15/2009 05:19, refers to #47

yeah well, unlike you, i don't have money, and i am home-schooled. "i know nothing---nothing!"

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#53: Re: Art

by tentus_ on 06/15/2009 05:43, refers to #52


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#54: Re: Art

by (noerrorsfound) on 06/15/2009 18:38, refers to #53


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#55: Re: Art

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 06/16/2009 05:02, refers to #54

its from "hogans heros" how can you not get that?

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#56: Re: Art

by tentus_ on 06/16/2009 06:19, refers to #55

I dunno, maybe because sitcoms from the late 60s don't appeal to my specific tastes?

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#57: Re: Art

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 06/17/2009 01:52, refers to #56

so, i only watched this show once, and thats the time i heard it. besides, what about M*A*S*H?

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#58: Message censored by administrator

by frankiben123 on 06/25/2009 13:39, refers to #49

#59: Re: ..

by mathwizi2005 on 06/25/2009 15:33, refers to #46

im hearing that the latest build finally has some intelligent AI

what i want to see is an encouraged use of third-person, like adding cover animations and so on

i still remember the CTF build, u still couldn't crouch

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#60: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 06/25/2009 19:43, refers to #59

Hate to burst your bubble, but don't hold your breathe- it's not going to happen in Sauer.

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#61: Re: ..

by Quin on 06/26/2009 00:00, refers to #59

Try Blood Frontier for that kind of thing.


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#62: ..

by Younes on 06/26/2009 01:43

If it is not included yet could it be possible later to add an option or a commande that allows you to have only the models glowing when the glare is on, some maps like nmp8 may be difficult to play when the glare is enabled

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#63: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/26/2009 02:03, refers to #62

/skyboxglare 0

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#64: ..

by Younes on 06/27/2009 12:46

Thanks but is it possible to disable textures' glare too?

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#65: ..

by marvin2k on 07/02/2009 14:00

the designers are called the FANS

haha, nice idea hi! i have a variation of your idea, FANS are bad designers of good designers ideas.
yas i,m a fan.

thanks gear for your words. I supose you dont like this idea, there was no problem with it, only was a suggestion.

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#66: ..

by ryoushi19 on 07/20/2009 07:05

I like this game, but I do have a few complaints.
The first is that the weapon switch is completely unintuitive. There's certain weapons I can't get to scrolling up that I can scrolling down, and vice versa. sometimes I have to press the middle mouse button for some reason. It doesn't make any sense.

Also, the dying sound is just plain bad.

And a way to adjust the timelimit on CTF matches would be nice, as well as the scorelimit, kill limit, etc.

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#67: ..

by ryoushi19 on 07/20/2009 07:07

Also, as far as design goes, I couldn\'t agree more. There\'s no uniting element to the game, and it could really benefit from one, as could a lot of free games.

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#68: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/20/2009 07:12, refers to #66

The scroll system is set up to accommodate availability. If you don't have ammo for a gun, the scroll wheel won't pull it up, instead bringing up the next closest gun. Trust us, it's a very intuitive system if you take the time to play around for a bit. And if you really really want a certain gun despite everything else, there's always the number keys.

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#69: Re: ..

by Quin on 07/20/2009 11:44, refers to #66

delta_game_0 = [ nextweapon $arg1 ]

Problem solved.

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#70: ..

by Aspartame on 07/21/2009 01:15

a unifying feature would be a storyline to tie everything together. done. the game's fine as is

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