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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 520225 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:02

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#467: Re: 22 july build crashes

by mitaman@work_cave on 07/26/2006 18:53, refers to #465

yes, this happened to me also last night playing online. it happened twice, both times on "new normal/shader maps".

on older maps this did not happen.

ati x1300, latest drivers
winxp sp1
p4 2.5ghz
1 gig ram


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#468: ..

by SanHolo on 07/27/2006 10:43

Sauer crashed on me (version 22_7, although the crashlog tells me that its the 11_6 version...) yesterday during Deathmatch:

2you fragged Sardonicus
sauerbraten(17312,0x1a0dc00) malloc: *** error for object 0x5e3bcdc: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed, break at szone_error to debug
sauerbraten(17312,0x1a0dc00) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug
Jul 26 22:48:24 NewOrder crashdump[17357]: sauerbraten crashed
sauerbraten(17312,0xa000ed98) malloc: *** Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x5e3bd20; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
sauerbraten(17312,0xa000ed98) malloc: *** Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x5e3bd80; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug

Here's the log:

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#469: Mac problems

by Silverfish123 on 07/27/2006 17:16

It seems none of the Episode 1 (Wip) Single player maps except # 1 and # 2 actually load on mac, and there are times when sound packages on single player maps don't load, and in editing while changing textures, some of the textures couldn't load.

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#470: Re: Mac problems

by MeatROme on 07/27/2006 17:24, refers to #469

WiP == "Work in Progress" ... read - not finished, previous release only had the first map.
Stay Tuned For More!

Please give more detailed info on the sound/texture problems.
Look into the stdout.txt or wherever your console log goes to and find the lines regarding these errors.
Maybe these'll turn out to be self-explanatory?!

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#471: Bugs on Windows

by kaystrobach on 07/30/2006 11:06

I'm using

Report Date: 07/30/2006
Report Time[hr:mm:ss]: 11:03:50
Driver Version:
Operating System: Windows XP* Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600)
Default Language: German
DirectX* Version: 9.0
Physical Memory: 495 MB
Minimum Graphics Memory: 16 MB
Maximum Graphics Memory: 64 MB
Graphics Memory in Use: 9 MB
Processor: x86 family 6 Model 13 Stepping 6
Processor Speed: 600 MHZ - 1.60GHz
Vendor ID: 8086
Device ID: 3582
Device Revision: 02

* Accelerator Information *

Accelerator in Use: Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller
Video BIOS: 3276
Current Graphics Mode: 1280 x 1024 True Color (60 Hz)

to play Sauerbraten. Sometime I got Exceptions in DMSP Mode and the game process terminates. In Cube1? I got an equivalent error but not as often as in Sauerbraten. Thanks for help

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#472: Re: Bugs on Windows

by MeatROme on 07/30/2006 14:19, refers to #471

great background,
but the description of the error is a bit terse ...

Can you reproduce the error or is there some pattern you see in when it occurs?

For Windows there should be a popup-window with some information in case of a crash - please give this information as Aardappel might find it useful ;)

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#473: Physics Bug

by Passa on 07/31/2006 10:01

Found this on the bridge in the map wlcd or something like that, here is a video of it:


Its like you are stuck on the point of the cubes and you cannot move, other than horizontaly along it.

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#474: Re: Physics Bug

by shadow,516 on 07/31/2006 22:21, refers to #473

Ive seen that before too...

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#475: Re: Physics Bug

by Aardappel_ on 08/02/2006 00:29, refers to #473

It's a feature! It's meant for tony hawk, sauer edition :)

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#476: ..

by makkE on 08/02/2006 00:43

I don´t really see what´s wrong about that, moreover I don´t see how that could cause problems ever.

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#477: Re: Physics Bug

by shadow,516 on 08/02/2006 04:07, refers to #475

heh, I was thinking about that

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#478: Re: ..

by Passa on 08/02/2006 09:29, refers to #476

LOL Aardappel :)

makkE, of course its a problem, just imagine that happening in a mp game lol

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#479: ..

by makkE on 08/02/2006 09:33

I really couldn´t think of a map where that would happen. There´s also clip.

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#480: Message censored by administrator

by Joye on 08/27/2006 18:03

#481: ..

by SanHolo on 08/28/2006 00:57

I was just in a game where one player had a name consisting of about a thousand spaces. That made the playerlist too wide to fit on my display, I just saw the top and bottom border.

Besides this, he had a shotgun and rockets even during instagib, which had like a repeat-mode so he could fire with a _very_ high rate. Oh yeah, he was IDDQD, too.

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#482: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 08/29/2006 11:57


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#483: IDDQD

by MeatROme on 08/29/2006 14:01, refers to #482

cheat for DOOM - made you invincible - i.e. god-mode : ON

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#484: Fragment Program Exceeded Native Resources

by Quin on 03/18/2007 04:17

Sauerbraten gives me this error on startup, the game still runs, but it is very disconcerting [annoying] (enough to ask for it to be fixed before the next release). I realise I can just remove the steepworld shader, but I'd rather not edit a core cfg while working with CVS.

Renderer: RADEON 9550 x86/SSE2 (ATI Technologies Inc.)
Driver: 2.0.6287 WinXP Release
COMPILE ERROR (PS:steepworld) - Fragment program exceeded native resources:
Temporaries - 1
Parameters - 7
Attributes - 3
ALU instructions - 43
Texture instructions - 11
Texture indirections - 0


OPTION ARB_precision_hint_fastest;

OPTION ARB_fog_linear;
ATTRIB htc = fragment.texcoord[0];
ATTRIB lmtc = fragment.texcoord[2];
ATTRIB cam = fragment.texcoord[1];

TEMP diffuse, lmc, lmlv, bump, camvts, he, height, light, normal;

TEX lmc, lmtc, texture[1], 2D;
TEX lmlv, lmtc, texture[2], 2D;
MAD lmlv, lmlv, 2, -1;

DP3 camvts.w, cam, cam;
RSQ camvts.w, camvts.w;
MUL camvts.xyz, camvts.w, cam;

PARAM step = -0.142857142857143;
TEMP duv, dtc, cc;
RCP duv, camvts.z;
MUL duv, duv, camvts;
MUL duv, duv, step;
MUL duv, duv, program.env[12].x;

MOV height, 1.0;
MAD dtc, duv, program.env[12].y, htc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D;

SLT cc, bump.w, height;
MAD height, step, cc, height;
MAD dtc, duv, cc, dtc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D;

SLT cc, bump.w, height;
MAD height, step, cc, height;
MAD dtc, duv, cc, dtc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D;

SLT cc, bump.w, height;
MAD height, step, cc, height;
MAD dtc, duv, cc, dtc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D;

SLT cc, bump.w, height;
MAD height, step, cc, height;
MAD dtc, duv, cc, dtc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D;

SLT cc, bump.w, height;
MAD height, step, cc, height;
MAD dtc, duv, cc, dtc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D;

SLT cc, bump.w, height;
MAD height, step, cc, height;
MAD dtc, duv, cc, dtc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D;

SLT cc, bump.w, height;
MAD height, step, cc, height;
MAD dtc, duv, cc, dtc;
TEX bump, dtc, texture[3], 2D

TEX diffuse, dtc, texture[0], 2D;

MAD bump.xyz, bump, 2, -1;

DP3_SAT bump, bump, lmlv;
MUL light, lmc, bump;
MAX light, light, program.env[5];

MUL diffuse.xyz, diffuse, 2;

MUL result.color, light, diffuse;


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#485: "Improved" Entity Editing Problems

by Quin on 03/18/2007 04:33

The new entity editing features in current CVS now leave alot to be desired. Here is a short summary of the problems:

* Entities align to according to their bounding box when using "entselsnap 1" instead of the current gridsize.
* Moving entities along any axis does not always yield the expected result.

Some screenshots to demonstrate:

* http://qreeves.googlepages.com/sb02.jpg - Demonstrates bounding box alignment, and current selection ready for being moved.
* http://qreeves.googlepages.com/sb03.jpg - Shows the result of attempting to move the entity one interation along the X axis.

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#486: Mapmodel problems

by kurtis84 on 03/18/2007 14:29, refers to #485

The current cvs, and maybe previous ones, have a problem of mapmodels vanishing after a calclight. The entity is still in the map, but the model doesn't render, and they do not cast shadows. Savemap then loadmap and they render again, but there is no shadows.

I want to say this has something to do with the entity selection, since it happens on ents I've moved recently.

Also, the ability to modify a heightmap while it's selected is not working. I can still make a heightmap, and use smoothmap, but there is no modifying it with the scroll.

About the ent selection, I thought it works well, the way it highlights which side of the model we select on. All we have to do, is aim before clicking to use it properly. I have had no troubles with this so far.

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