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Rocket Launcher,Shotgun,Chaingun and Rifle UPDATE !!!

by Darthvim on 05/23/2003 21:16, 88 messages, last message: 07/07/2003 22:05, 15390 views, last view: 06/26/2024 09:02

Hi, it is a new weapon update released.

the link is :

<a href="http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip">http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip</a>

Have fun with it :)


(Beta 0.2)

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#47: ..

by macher on 06/04/2003 20:40

the shotgun:
it looks like he reloads it two time after a shot. first when it pushs back and second when he "realoads it"

could you make it a little bit more shakily?

i love the new aniamtions! they are really great

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#48: ..

by Darthvim on 06/04/2003 23:13

:) thanks
i'll work on it to make it more feel like a heavy gun :)

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#49: Re: ..

by VerbalC on 06/04/2003 23:34, refers to #47

The pushing back signifies a kickback from the power of the gun.

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#50: ..

by Darthvim on 06/08/2003 18:07

yes, that's right ! :)
it is very powerful

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#51: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 06/17/2003 18:49

Darthvim , i send you a messege in ICQ its been some time now , could you check that please (or did you ?)


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#52: ..

by Darthvim on 06/18/2003 13:36

sorry that i didn't respond. i checked it and it looks like that it is a lot of work ... :) but i'll try to make it :)


in some weeks i'll have summer holidays. then i'll have a lot of time ... :)

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#53: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 06/18/2003 14:41

ok, thats great thanks . I know it lots of work , but we know it will end up great :P


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#54: :)

by D.plomat on 06/19/2003 14:50

The're cute!
Specially the new rifle with the hand.
We could ask Aard if it's possible to set the origin of the trail to make it from the cannon of the rifle instead of center-bottom of screen. Same for RL.
Just that i don't enjoy the rocket launcher, but that's must be me, i never found a RL model in any fps ever that pleased me -maybe i don't like the shape of a RL, only good'ole rifle/shotgun- ;)
The SG feels 'hunter but not too much,
the rifle feels sniper but not too much, good job cause their feelin's great!

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#55: ..

by SnipamastaK on 06/19/2003 17:27

you should make a sniper for the rifle, not just a crappy bolt action one wit no scope :P

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#56: ..

by Darthvim on 06/19/2003 18:03

it's up to ya :)
i won't have that much time to make a new rifle i have a lot work to do for other projects... sorry.
i think you could do this job very well, too.

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#57: Re: :)

by Thalion on 06/20/2003 01:16, refers to #54

The best RL model I've seen so far is in the MD2 model pack for JDoom...

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#58: ..

by SnipamastaK on 06/20/2003 17:20

hmm i dont like the cube restictions that much like the texture size.

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#59: ..

by Darthvim on 06/26/2003 23:08

256x256, isn't too bad ...

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#60: ..

by SnipamastaK on 06/26/2003 23:23

i think it is.

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#61: ..

by SnipamastaK on 06/26/2003 23:24

btw why do u always come oline then suddenly go offline?!

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#62: ..

by Darthvim on 06/27/2003 14:25

with msn ?
msn is in my autostart. i don't like it so i close it. i am more often online with icq or in mirc

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#63: Re: ..

by Piglet on 06/27/2003 22:13, refers to #62

why not remove it from your autostart then?

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#64: Re: ..

by pushplay on 06/28/2003 03:47, refers to #63

And get trillian.

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#65: ..

by Pathegreat on 06/28/2003 15:10

modelers work in masterous ways

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#66: ..

by Darthvim on 06/28/2003 22:05

/me lazy bones ...

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