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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 521872 views, last view: 10/06/2024 10:48

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#429: Re: so

by kurtis84 on 04/29/2006 00:48, refers to #428

So, if you have a video card, that by todays standards, is cheaper than $30, you won't get good performance with Sauerbraten...thats DEFINATELY not too much to ask :)

I should add that I feel you're pains, if you're thinking "my current card cost me x-amount of money!!" , but it's time to do that again, or stick to older games, or deal with poor fps in any game remotely close to todays standards :)

btw, a GF5200 isn't a good choice, eihrul was just using that as an example. They are CAPABLE, but not fast, when doing the shader work. Doesn't take much to slow them down.

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#430: Re: so

by Passa on 04/29/2006 02:51, refers to #429

if you want a new desktop gpu, its the 7600GT for budget gaming. it is so cheap yet it is very, very capable. it a 7600GT is beyond your budget (they are around $310 in australia :) you could go for a cheaper card, but beware, a cheaper card's capabilities may not extend to games other than sauerbraten. if you are going for the cheap card option, you will find 6600GTs and X1600XTs in bargain bins now ;-)

another aspect of performance in sauer I dont think is considered is ram. how much do you think is needed? i think 512MB should be sufficent to run it. another thing is CPU. with my p4 2ghz laptop, it gets around 20fps in the starting map of the shader edition (metl3, i havent tested it with the occlusion edition yet :) and of couse this is without shaders. now if i pull out my power cable, performance drops to around 6-7fps, as the CPU is slowed down to 733mhz to save power.

I wrote some system requirements for Sauerbraten, see it here : http://www.cubeengine.com/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=802 (post number 5)

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#431: Re: so

by kurtis84 on 04/29/2006 03:53, refers to #430

I don't think Sauerbraten requires much ram. I monitored it while running Sauerbraten with k_rpg1 loaded up, it didn't take more than 150mb's itself, so I'm sure a WinXP system with 384mb or more ram would do fine. The biggest factor, imho, is the video card capabilities.
As long as you have at least a 1.5ghz cpu, and a good video card ( keep in mind that Nvidia does a better job of openGL than ATI ) with shader 2 capabilities and 128mb or more video ram, you'll do fine for most games that are around now...freeware, or commercial.

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#432: Re: so

by Aardappel_ on 04/29/2006 21:17, refers to #431

90% of sauers memory requirements are about textures and geometry. If you had a small map you could run inside 64megs easy.

sauer, sadly, is not quite free from cpu load, but its not too heavy either, anything 2ghz+ should be fine for even the biggest maps. Small maps could run on less than 1ghz even.

As kurt said, video card is by far the most important hw in your computer. I agree with Passa that the 6600GT is a sweetspot at 120$ or so (http://www.pricewatch.com/video%5Fcards/).
For cheaper, as much as I like the ATI 9700 based cards, I would stay away from ATI nowadays if you can just because of driver quality problems. Nvidia 5xxx cards suck at shaders, and are overpriced still, so for those short on cash I would not go lower than the regular 6600 at 69$, you'd just be throwing money away otherwise. On the high end, the 7800gt looks juicy at under 300$.

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#433: Re: so

by rancor on 04/29/2006 22:03, refers to #432

I've been having good luck with my 6800XT. It's PCI-e, but if your motherboard has it, $100 is hard to beat.

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#434: Re: so

by Passa on 04/30/2006 01:34, refers to #432

just as an added note to the 7800GT, do not think the 7900GT is a large increase in performance because for the extra $100, you only get say an extra 5fps in some games.

for the top end of things, its the 7900GTX ;-) . just remember, STAY AWAY FROM ATi! their linux drivers are terrible, they have poor image quality, bad prices and some chips have problems with sauerbraten and cube.

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#435: Re: so

by enigma_0Z on 04/30/2006 02:43, refers to #432

sauer, sadly, is not quite free from cpu load, but its not too heavy either, anything 2ghz+ should be fine for even the biggest maps. Small maps could run on less than 1ghz even.

A comment to that... until the more recent editions of sauer (and a testament to it's performance), I have a 1 GHz machine and almost all maps ran decently... Even now, most DM maps are fine, it's just the HUGE (Read: single player or RPG) ones that give me problems.

I hope to get my new laptop sometime in the near-to-distant future. However as it stands right now, I can get a 1.66 GHz Intel Core Solo w/ the nVidia GeForce Go 7400 for ~$1200 ... so I'm happy with that.

Honestly, I'm not trying to build a gaming machine, I'd just like to keep up with Sauer & Cube. I respect games that don't tout the "most awesomest graphics evar!".

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#436: Re: so

by Aardappel_ on 04/30/2006 23:49, refers to #435

cool. and I think it just got a little cpu friendlier yet again.

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#437: Normal mapping bug...

by metlslime on 06/30/2006 21:16

Seems like any texture that is rotated 90 degrees is rendered with super-high specularity, ignoring the specularity multiplier specified using "setpixelparam 1 X X X" in the level's config file. There is a ceiling lamp in the central room of metl4 that exhibits this problem. (Also, i think there are several examples in aard3b.)

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#438: Re: Normal mapping bug...

by eihrul on 06/30/2006 23:10, refers to #437

As far as I know we already fixed that. Maybe Aard just didn't make new exes with the fix before he went on vacation.

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#439: eihrul:

by metlslime on 06/30/2006 23:21

okay, thanks.

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#440: 64Bit machines

by SkAzZ on 07/08/2006 08:38

Iv got a 64Bit machine
64bit AMD x3200
Abit motherbord AX8
1.5GB of ram (another 512mb corsair dosent work
ATI Radeon X800 GTO sapphire pci express ver. (Fireblade Special edition) 256mb

I have 200 constant during play and when i rise it i get 500 constont but i am always struck with crashes that i have to manuly restart my computer.. i have activity in the backround and have managed to shut it down with only the game screen frozen but it then just stops.

Is their a particular problem with 64Bit? or chould it be my fps.. i whould realy like to know.


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#441: Deleting Lights

by Morosoph on 07/08/2006 16:05

I'm currently constructing my first level, but it seems that I can't always delete lights (and possibly other things). I've put in "skylights" to soften the sun's glare, which are situated in the highest cube. Occasionally I do delete them, but usually I get the message (when the light is clearly marked as the nearest item) "selection is not in view". entproperty gives the same message.

Graphics Card: MSI NX6600-VTD256EH (nvidia 6600)

Machine: Fedora Core 5
$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.16-1.2122_FC5 #1 SMP Sun May 21 15:01:10 EDT 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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#442: Re: Deleting Lights

by Morosoph on 07/08/2006 16:09, refers to #441

Forgot to say. Binary is recompile of source sauerbraten_2006_06_11_sp_edition_linux.tar.gz for the x86-64 (Opteron), with the map rotation patch applied.

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#443: Re: Deleting Lights

by kurtis84 on 07/08/2006 16:24, refers to #442

I do not think thats a bug. The selection warning just means you have a cube selected thats not in view. To delete lights and not get this warning, just aim at the light, left-click the mouse, then use the backspace key to delete the light you are aimed at.

The thing to remember here, is sauer will not edit anything selected that is NOT in your line-of-sight...and this is a good thing ;)

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#444: Re: Deleting Lights

by Morosoph on 07/09/2006 01:14, refers to #443

Thank-you, but it's not that simple.
Sauerbraten will allow you to put items above the map being edited, by one bounding box of whatever size. Such items simply cannot be removed, whether by selecting the box and hitting delete, or pointing at the light so that it's highlighted in red; lights below the ceiling can be deleted.

I now know that it's above the edited volume since when I reduce the box size, the selected box is no longer above me. Successively smaller cubes obviously place themselves on an imaginary surface "the top of the box". Also, when I placed the lights, I went through the highlighted square and find another square above it, which I took advantage of to place the light still higher (doh!).

I agree that not being able to delete unfocused items is good behaviour, BTW, but the real bug is that I can place lights too high up (by one box hight), so that I cannot subsequently remove them.

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#445: Re: Deleting Lights

by MeatROme on 07/09/2006 01:18, refers to #444

try clicking _right_ mouse button (to deselect your current selection) while the entity is closest. then delete it.

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#446: Thank-you MeatROme

by Morosoph on 07/09/2006 01:39

But it really is broken.

Try it yourself. Adjust the box so that it is fairly large. Fly through the ceiling of the map, so that you see the box flip up one unit, and place a light (you might need to save).

| | <- Above
--------- ... ---
| |
| |
| |
. .
. .
. .
--------- ... --- <- Ground

Lights below the ceiling delete fine. Doing another test run I find that occasionally the engine /will/ allow the light to be deleted, but this is rare, and has nothing to do with what is selected (in any case, right click every time). Also, you can delete items that are some distance behind you pretty often (as long as they're nearest), so I suspect so kind of strange wrap-around that occurs at the top of the editing space, and wraps differently for placement and removal. The engine is (IMO) mistaking the location of the light when attempting to remove it.

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#447: undeletable light

by MeatROme on 07/09/2006 01:50, refers to #446

could you maybe post a minimal map displaying this behaviour somewhere?

I cannot reproduce your error.

Have you tried renaming your config.cfg to see if that might solve the problem?!?

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#448: temp.ogz.bz2.uu

by Morosoph on 07/09/2006 02:21

If you're running Fedora, you'll need to install sharutils, as uuencode/uudecode isn't installed by default(!)

begin 644 temp.ogz.bz2.uu

The light is vertically above the centre, and I certainly couldn't delete it when I tried.

Thanks for this, BTW.

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