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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 521889 views, last view: 10/06/2024 12:36

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#411: Re: so

by Pxtl on 04/27/2006 01:48, refers to #410

I've got a 9600 and it runs fine under win32. Afaik, the 9250 is just a 9600 with some stuff ripped out.

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#412: Re: so

by Passa on 04/27/2006 02:43, refers to #410

While my 9250 has probs with the shader edition (i havent tested occlusion edition with the fix yet) my laptop has a radeon 7000 (it sometimes calls it a M6 depending on my drivers). it runs normally without shaders obviously, getting about 15fps average on metl3 and 30-40 fps on aard3.

ill post back here soon with my results with that ati fix disabled on the 9250.

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#413: Re: so

by enigma_0Z on 04/27/2006 04:30, refers to #412

Yeah, try the occlusion edition, if the variable doesn't fix it, I can build you a linux version if you want...

You'd have to ask someone else for a windows version...

BTW: Is there anything that I can do to help coding Sauer? I'n not an _expert_ coder but I am fairly good, I'd like to be able to understand cube's code a bit more, but all of the macros get me confused...

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#414: Re: so

by Aardappel_ on 04/27/2006 04:40, refers to #411

again, there are fundamental architectural differences between 9500 or above and whats below it. The 9500+ cards have shader model 2, below is 1.0 to 1.4, which is a big difference in capabilities.

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#415: Re: so

by enigma_0Z on 04/27/2006 04:57, refers to #414

So does this mean that we have shaders in both linux and windows? (I'm just starting to drool for when I get my new laptop)...

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#416: Re: so

by enigma_0Z on 04/27/2006 04:57, refers to #414

So does this mean that we have shaders in both linux and windows? (I'm just starting to drool for when I get my new laptop)...

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#417: Re: so

by rancor on 04/27/2006 05:22, refers to #416

Very yes!

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#418: Monster models increase the load significantly

by enigma_0Z on 04/27/2006 19:35

What: SP maps increase the load significatnly, FPS on SP maps (stsp1 as example) is ~15 in SP mode (with monsters), ~75-100 in mode 0

How: Play an SP map with an older video card, I guess... I don't know if it affects just me or not

When: Sauer Occlusion Edition, Ubuntu Linux, ATI Radeon 9000.

Details: I know that SP maps were running fine in the older versions. MP Edition in particular, ~25 FPS instead of 10. I'd at least expect similar performance, or a performance boost... ** HOWEVER ** the MP edition had the invisible hellpigs bug... If that matters.

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#419: Re: Monster models increase the load significantly

by eihrul on 04/27/2006 20:57, refers to #418

Your card just is too old to support occlusion. Nothing we can do.

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#420: Re: Monster models increase the load significantly

by enigma_0Z on 04/28/2006 04:12, refers to #419

Well, that's nice...

I'm just wondering if I can squeeze any more FPS out of it. I got (for comparision) ~20 fps in the MP edition

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#421: Oh yeah...

by enigma_0Z on 04/28/2006 04:31

I'm planning on buying a laptop in the future, my question is:

Does/Would a nVidia GeForce Go 7400 work?

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#422: Re: Oh yeah...

by Passa on 04/28/2006 04:55, refers to #421

That would definently work, with decent performance too, the 7400 Go supports shader model 2.

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#423: Re: Oh yeah...

by Passa on 04/28/2006 04:55, refers to #422

when i say decent performance i mean 150-200 FPS ;-)

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#424: Re: Monster models increase the load significantly

by eihrul on 04/28/2006 06:58, refers to #420

Well, the rendering was tuned to make the best use of occlusion and shaders, which in some cases could have made normal rendering a bit less tuned. So we have to choose between supporting ancient cards well, or last/current/next-gen cards well.

We basically tuned the occlusion release to work well on a GeForce 5200. Hardly top of the line. You can pick them up in the bargain bin for $30 these days. It doesn't get anymore last-gen than that. Only problem is a Radeon 9000 is much suckier than the 5200.

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#425: ..

by makkE on 04/28/2006 11:31

Enigma, get some nvidia 6xxx or better, if you can. I have a 6600GT and it runs like a charm. Dunno about that go 7400, but if it´s equivalent or better take it.
A 5200 might run better than your card as well, but maybe not too enjoyable.
I get 450fps standing in a corner. Average 150-300.

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#426: Re: ..

by Passa on 04/28/2006 12:51, refers to #425

for sauer to be playable at highest detail, you need a 9600XT or better. simple as that

my lil bro has a 9600XT and he gets on average 180fps which is more than enough at a 1024x768 res. oh course a 9600XT is last gen, but as you are getting a laptop, a 7400 sounds sufficent, but you might be better off stretching your budget to a 7600GT, as you will find it will give you more performance per buck, and it is not much more

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#427: Re: so

by Pxtl on 04/28/2006 14:03, refers to #414

My understanding was that the 9250 was a shader 2 card based on the 9600 model, unlike the 9200 and the 9000 which where based on the 8x series.

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#428: Re: so

by Passa on 04/28/2006 15:05, refers to #427

the 9250 is shaders 1.1, which is actually a pain, like in unreal tournament, its better to have a non-shader card for better performance as you cant set the shader settings in ut2004. i found my old geforce 4 mx was faster in ut. but that died when i accidentaly overclocked it from 300mhz to 450something mhz :(

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#429: Re: so

by kurtis84 on 04/29/2006 00:48, refers to #428

So, if you have a video card, that by todays standards, is cheaper than $30, you won't get good performance with Sauerbraten...thats DEFINATELY not too much to ask :)

I should add that I feel you're pains, if you're thinking "my current card cost me x-amount of money!!" , but it's time to do that again, or stick to older games, or deal with poor fps in any game remotely close to todays standards :)

btw, a GF5200 isn't a good choice, eihrul was just using that as an example. They are CAPABLE, but not fast, when doing the shader work. Doesn't take much to slow them down.

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#430: Re: so

by Passa on 04/29/2006 02:51, refers to #429

if you want a new desktop gpu, its the 7600GT for budget gaming. it is so cheap yet it is very, very capable. it a 7600GT is beyond your budget (they are around $310 in australia :) you could go for a cheaper card, but beware, a cheaper card's capabilities may not extend to games other than sauerbraten. if you are going for the cheap card option, you will find 6600GTs and X1600XTs in bargain bins now ;-)

another aspect of performance in sauer I dont think is considered is ram. how much do you think is needed? i think 512MB should be sufficent to run it. another thing is CPU. with my p4 2ghz laptop, it gets around 20fps in the starting map of the shader edition (metl3, i havent tested it with the occlusion edition yet :) and of couse this is without shaders. now if i pull out my power cable, performance drops to around 6-7fps, as the CPU is slowed down to 733mhz to save power.

I wrote some system requirements for Sauerbraten, see it here : http://www.cubeengine.com/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=802 (post number 5)

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