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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

iPod Touch?

by conorfjdhfsdhfdhsfkshkdj on 12/23/2007 04:11, 24 messages, last message: 05/01/2010 16:37, 5485 views, last view: 06/17/2024 09:11, closed on 05/04/2010 23:07

I was wondering of the possibility of an iPod Touch port.

I remember back when there was a Dell PDA port of Cube 1, and I thought (Other than the terrible controls) that it might be kinda cool.

iPod Touch Specs:

(Everything from my sysinfo.)

Memory Size: 116.00MB
User Memory: 92.88MB
CPU Frequency: 400Mhz
Bus frequency: 100Mhz
Byte-Order: 1234

It has an Accelerometer, which could be used for jumping, and the controls could be drawn on the touch screen.

The iPod Touch has OpenGL ES (That may be a problem...)

Also, since the controls would be on the touch screen, it would lessen the area that the game would be drawn on, so less to render.

What do you think?

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#5: Cool...

by dafhjsddashfjksconorhfkjdshfjkds on 12/24/2007 04:14

Cool! I tried out the Teapot demo from that page and voila, a teapot running (from what I can see) well over 30Fps, and even shiny (shaded)...

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#6: Okay

by afdskjlconorhfjdshk on 12/26/2007 08:46

A PS1 Emulator has just been ported to the iPod Touch/iPhone :O

I am going to set up a build environment for the iPod Touch so I can compile this. (And squash the thousands of bugs (errors) that will most likely come up when I make :D)

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#7: böb

by böp on 12/26/2007 14:46


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#8: WhY

by CC_machine[ff3b2] on 12/29/2007 21:57

just.... WHY?
what\'s the point, you might as well port Cube 1 to the gp2x instead, that\'s at least a gaming console.

theres been a working port of Yeti3d out for ages:

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#9: Re: WhY

by rancor on 12/29/2007 23:14, refers to #8

Actually, the GP2x would be a really bad platform for Cube, since it appears to lack hardware accelerated OpenGL. In contrast, the IPod Tough/IPhone has OpenGL ES 1.1, which is actually better then the OpenGL ES 1.0 supported by the Dell Axim x51.

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#10: ..

by W4 (on his old computer) on 12/30/2007 21:25

just use a program like telekinesis to stream the game screen from your computer to your iphone. Using that approch, almost anything can be run "on your iphone" with hardly any hardware requirements. The main issue then is control, a fps with only multitouch input could be difficult to play.

IMO, its not worth it. Better to try and port something like x-plane, which would be able to use the accelerometer and multi-touch really well.

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#11: Sounds good :D

by afdskjlconorhfjdshk on 12/30/2007 22:46

Although, I am working a few things out with cross compiling, I like the Xplane idea, although, keep in mind, I am stubborn, and I am not ditching Cube 1 that easy, just, I am doing it myself :P

There is a PSX emulator for the iTouch/iPhone right now, and the controls SEEM terrible when you think about it, but when you see and use it, it isn't too bad...

(The controls are like this: Every button on the touchscreen, with the top half of the screen devoted to the actual game. This is also a potential performance increase, because there is less to render :) )

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#12: ..

by Moomi 14 on 04/18/2010 10:44


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#13: ..

by Fischkopf on 04/19/2010 01:39


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#14: ..

by Quin on 04/19/2010 05:30

Already been done.


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#15: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 04/19/2010 17:35, refers to #14

Thank you. I thought I was going crazy, since no one else had mentioned it.

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#16: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 04/19/2010 22:35, refers to #14

Check the dates, Quin. This is a two-year-old thread. :P

But anyway, now that the iPad's out, how long until we see Cube on there? :D

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#17: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/20/2010 09:26, refers to #16

Heh, I didn't notice that. Stupid thread bumpers.

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#18: Re: ..

by baby~rabbit on 04/20/2010 10:27, refers to #16

Cube 1 runs on the iphone/iPod, and so it will automatically run on the iPad. The controls will feel even worse due to the iPad dimensions and weight.

There is an outside chance I might update it for the iPad, but more likely not. Meanwhile life is too short to port Cube 2 without investment.

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#19: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 04/25/2010 01:46, refers to #18

"The controls will feel even worse due to the iPad dimensions and weight" with or without the screen doubling?

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#20: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 04/25/2010 02:10, refers to #16

Offtopic, but guess who's on Slashdot?! No, not me. You! Congrats.

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#21: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 04/25/2010 02:14, refers to #20

And that happened to be the only post in that issue that interested me.

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#22: ..

by K1P57A on 04/26/2010 11:36

Ya'll just wait for the iPhone 4g with its 1 GHz prozessor ;) Things'll run a lot smoother on there ;)

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#23: Re: ..

by Q009 on 04/27/2010 11:14, refers to #22

cpu isnt all...
more important is gpu

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#24: Iphone 4g = maybe SB

by Calinou_ on 05/01/2010 16:37

I think when the Iphone 4g will be out, we might port sauerbraten :P

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