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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11522840 views, last view: 06/03/2024 11:00

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#3923: Re: 2004 version slower than 2003 one

by makkE on 01/30/2005 00:26, refers to #3918

with that kind of setup, linux would be a solution. On this kind of setup, linux will give you at least a stable 60fps, with like 250 if standing in front of a wall ;)

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#3924: Re: 2004 version slower than 2003 one

by Dolphin on 01/30/2005 02:36, refers to #3918

Same problem: why is the newer version slower? Can i do something to make it faster?

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#3925: Re: bots?

by Tiger3000 on 01/30/2005 11:29, refers to #3922

where to dl Mods like Rick's Bot Mod
or Magic Cube mod?


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#3926: ..

by makkE on 01/30/2005 13:50


magic cube has been abandoned afaik.

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#3927: Re: ..

by Jcdpc Mozilla_is_teh_cookie_monster on 01/30/2005 14:33, refers to #3926

oooh, thats a cool site, can i upload some stuff to it?

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#3928: ..

by makkE on 01/30/2005 15:05

jcdpc, afaik you can upload stuff after registering,just bigger things like mods need contacting the moderators.

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#3929: How to run.

by johan on 01/30/2005 16:05

Sorry. I am a Linux n00b.
I have compiled and installed without error messages.
But...how do I run this game?
I have tried the command Cube and cube and whatnot.
How do I run this?

/ Me

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#3930: Re: How to run.

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 01/30/2005 16:58, refers to #3929

well, that depends on how you've installed it...

If you simply extracted the tar.gz to your home directory then you should do the following:

1. Open a console (konsole in kde, for example)
2. type cd <insert cube dir here>
3. then type ./cube_unix

(don't include the <> tags)

That should run cube fer you...

if you installed cube from a package manager software (such as in mandrake) then what you would probably have to do is:

1. Open a console
2. change to root. To do that you need to type the 'su' command and then your root passwordf
3. then type 'find / -iname cube' This find all files that have "cube" in their name
4. Post the results from that command.

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#3931: ..

by Drakker_ on 01/30/2005 17:15

To everyone that complains that the newest version of cube is slower, just keep in mind that the default maps are MUCH more detailed than the ones in cube2003, so it will run slower. If you compare the same maps, you will see that the fps is pretty much the same.

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#3932: Re: ..

by Dolphin on 01/30/2005 19:49, refers to #3931

Thank you for the answer. Is there a way to recuce the details? I didn't find it, maybe it would be an interesting feature.

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#3933: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 01/30/2005 21:29, refers to #3932

run in 640. run maps like aard3 which are fast on any machine.

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by >driAn<. on 01/31/2005 00:43

I had some free time tonight and on #cube we talked about some funny 'mod' leaders. So I decided to refresh my php knowledge and set up 'the rabid viper victims page'.


soon @


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#3935: Linux installer script

by loz-linuxizer on 01/31/2005 07:25

Hello all. I have just written a Linux installer script. Having occasionally read, but never posted, to this forum, I know how people are all elistist and shit...but I decided to have some fun and write a quick script to install cube in Linux, so here it is (nothing I can do if the forum messes up indentation):

#! /bin/sh
# Cube installation script for Linux.
# This script, unlike the game, is licensed by GNU Public License
# 1/31/2005 - wjholden@gmail.com

mkdir $HOME/tmp/cube-installation-script-tmp
cd $HOME/tmp/cube-installation-script-tmp


PS3='Choose Sourceforge.net mirror : '

select site
echo "This download will resume if you kill the script and restart it."
wget -c $site.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/cube/cube_2004_05_22.tar.gz

choose_mirror voxel aleron ovh kent mesh unc belnet puzzle optusnet internap umn

cd /usr/local/games/
tar -xzf $HOME/tmp/cube-installation-script-tmp/cube_2004_05_22.tar.gz
rm -rf $HOME/tmp/cube-installation-script-tmp/

mv /usr/local/games/cube/bin_unix/linux_client /usr/local/games/cube/linux_client

echo "#! /bin/sh" > /usr/local/bin/cube
echo "cd /usr/local/games/cube/ ; ./linux_client" >> /usr/local/bin/cube
ln -s /usr/local/games/cube/bin_unix/linux_server /usr/local/bin/cube-server

echo "Enter your name (for gameplay):"
read NAME
echo "Enter team name (4 characters max):"
read TEAM
echo "name " $NAME >> /usr/local/games/cube/autoexec.cfg
echo "team " $TEAM >> /usr/local/games/cube/autoexec.cfg

chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/cube
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/cube-server

echo "Ok, have fun! Project homepage is www.cubeengine.com"
echo "Just type cube to play or cube-server to host a server."

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#3936: LAN-Play

by Mirec on 01/31/2005 13:00

Hello, can I Play MultiPlayer on LAN, without Internet?

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#3937: Re: 2004 version slower than 2003 one

by Dylan666 on 01/31/2005 17:13, refers to #3918

Ok, the solution was very simple!
In 2003's version the resolution is defaulted to 800x600 atm. Instead in 2004's one the resolution is defaulted to 1024x768 atm.

Changing the file bat all is ok.

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#3938: ..

by makkE on 01/31/2005 18:56

:D true, I had totally forgotten about that.

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#3939: Re: LAN-Play

by makkE on 01/31/2005 20:04, refers to #3936

yes you can, look in the readme.html

one machine runs server.bat, the others(incuding server machine if you want) connect to it using the clients.
all you need to know is the server´s network ip address. Or the computer name if it´s a pure windows network.

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#3940: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 01/31/2005 22:35

"where to dl Mods like Rick's Bot Mod"

Or the *ahem* offical site :P : http://cubebot.bots-united.com/

Also gentoo has done something nice :
Image: http://www.gentoo.org/images/gwn/20050131_cube.png

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#3941: ..

by makkE on 01/31/2005 23:24

heh, nice!

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#3942: Compile

by Stevaux on 01/31/2005 23:27

I'm a student at Wartburg College working on a senior project using the Cube engine. Before making modifications, I'd really like to get a build from the source code we have, so we know that we have it all compiling and everything before we mess with it. I'm down to one file: clientgame.cpp. Here's the errors that I get when I try to compile:

clientgame.cpp:207: error: no matches converting function `sleep' to type `void
/usr/include/unistd.h:390: error: candidates are: unsigned int sleep(unsigned
clientgame.cpp:205: error: void sleep(char*, char*)
clientgame.cpp:207: warning: `bool __dummy_sleep' defined but not used
make: *** [clientgame.o] Error 1

The lines in question are the function "void sleep(char *, char *)" and "COMMAND(sleep, ARG_2STR)"

Any help would be nice. Thanks.


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