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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by tentus_ on 05/05/2009 05:47, 41 messages, last message: 10/17/2010 23:42, 15846 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:27


A mod which contains as close to no content as possible, without sacrificing any engine features.

The purpose is to provide a starting point for other mods. This will save hopeful game developers time, effort, and possible litigation by eliminating the need to hunt down all the contributors, instead allowing them to start subbing in content directly.

Directly deleting whatever content possible from the Trooper Edition, and then going to the community for replacement assets for what cannot be deleted.

For other URLs see thread below.

Now and hopefully for every future release of Sauerbraten.

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#40: ..

by JoR on 01/16/2010 14:00

I think the playermodel list is a bit inconsistent, it's defined in the game_fps.cfg as well as hardcoded in render.cpp, it would be asolution to remove the other playermodels from render.cpp. I'm not that much in the sauer sources but I'll try to find another solution for this...

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#41: ..

by velociostrich on 01/20/2010 19:22

If you don't want to use subversion, you can use this script I whipped up some time ago for a total conversion I'm working on: http://pastebin.org/79308

Mind you, you'd have to be using some Unix or Unix-like system or have Cygwin installed to use that.

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#43: ..

by Meigus on 10/17/2010 23:42

Is there an effort to externalize the AI/model lists?

The monsters are defined in the source, which seems pretty dumb, and I think the models are hardcoded or something also, as just adding a new folder to the /packages/models folder won't let the model show up in the entity selector.

I think all the important data stuff (AI settings/monsters/models/whatever ekse) NEEDS to be external for a practical engine.

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