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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube2 For Kids - Sandbox Beta2Test1 Release Featuring Carts!

by PlatinumArts on 01/14/2008 23:49, 43 messages, last message: 08/30/2008 20:03, 55060 views, last view: 06/02/2024 06:23, closed on 08/30/2008 21:06

[url=http://PlatinumArts.Net/ccount/click.php?id=23]Platinum Arts Sandbox Beta 2.0 Test 1 Release[/url]

Here is the test1 release of Platinum Arts Sandbox Beta 2.0. Platinum Arts Sandbox focuses on making cube 2 accessible for kids and on making it as easy as possible to create games. This is a big upgrade from Beta 1.2. There are however a few things I could really use some help in testing/improving:
- Help improving cart code/animations. I do have a folder included of quin's "cart fix" but I have been unsuccessful in implementing it
- Help cleaning up weapon code and testing to make sure monsters/weapons/any violence is removed
- Tutorials
- Strange saving of sauermod (put it in my documents)
- Test that all weapons and monsters are out/inaccessible to players
- Help improving textures/look of sandbox
- Better menu / quick menu featuring mapmodels
- Additional scenery maps / racetrack maps
- Getting movable boxes in and working (the box models have been included)

Here are the key improvements featured in this version:
- Codebase updated to the Winter 2007 Edition
- Cart mode complete with a new model
- WIP castle map for regular mode and a WIP race track for cart mode
- Lots of weapon/monster code cleanup. Removed weapon.h, rpg code, lava doesn't kill anymore, etc
- new ogre model for 3rd person mode
- new texture set which should hopefully look a lot better than the previous textures
- defaults to SP mode
- moving platform and elevator featured in castle map
- project files have been cleaned up

Any help testing and helping improving sandbox would be greatly appreciated. I especially want to get the cartmode looking and working a little better. Thanks for your time and interest. Take care.

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#39: Message censored by administrator

by SheeEttin on 08/30/2008 06:09

#40: Message censored by administrator

by _scanff on 08/30/2008 08:06, refers to #40

#41: Message censored by administrator

by _scanff on 08/30/2008 09:52

#42: ..

by MovingTarget on 08/30/2008 15:43

Wow, I never new someone could/would go this far... until now.

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#43: Message censored by administrator

by noerrorsfound92992 on 08/30/2008 20:03

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