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How can i make grass (like map island, _rpg1, nmp8_d)

by 1234326456 on 02/12/2007 09:17, 103 messages, last message: 03/09/2007 02:27, 35371 views, last view: 10/06/2024 21:27

How can i make grass (like map island, _rpg1, nmp8_d)? - in the new CVS

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#39: grenades

by ethan592 on 02/17/2007 21:16

the grenades are deadly in grass...

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#40: OK - Now everyone shut up.

by shadow,516 on 02/18/2007 00:32

Here are some screenshots. Now stop bitching :P



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#41: Re: OK - Now everyone shut up.

by hampus_ on 02/18/2007 01:46, refers to #40

Beautiful :)
Sauer froze last time I tried it from cvs. But I think I will give it a try again :)

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#42: Cool

by BAZOOKA on 02/18/2007 03:54

What! Fucking great!
Cube2 is getting better and better.

PD: "recreate cookie" system is a pain, really ;)

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#43: .

by Wolf Man on 02/18/2007 16:05

i still dont know how to add the grass in, how do i????

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#44: ..

by Der/Nalia on 02/18/2007 16:12

someone needs to close and delete this thread... seriously... LOOK at the flipping configs and figure it out

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#45: Re: .

by ethan592 on 02/18/2007 19:29, refers to #43

this question was answered in like the third post. LOOK

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#46: Re: .

by rock.n.rol_w/o_cookie on 02/19/2007 11:24, refers to #43

Hm, did you mean how to add the grass textures ?

Just have a look into your Sauerbraten/packages/dg directory.
Choose a texture and remember its correct filename.

Ingame, you can add textures using "/texture 0 dir/filename.jpg", for example:

/texture 0 dg/trail_lg.jpg"

To add the textures that you like permanently into a map, you´ll have to change the map´s .cfg - file.
You´ll find information about this and all other questions here:



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#47: Re: .

by Wolf Man on 02/20/2007 23:51, refers to #46

i already knew how to add textures,but your all being really really indirect on how to add the grass INTO a map when im making one, or how to set it so there is isible grass, where in the freaking configs is the setting?? please clarify what you mean!!

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#48: ..

by makkE on 02/21/2007 00:45

Just look at the map´s configs that have grass (in cvs).

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#49: Re: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/21/2007 00:54, refers to #48

oh, in the cvs folder? . . . . . thank you very much for clearing this huge confusing mess up, i didnt know there were configs in the cvs folders, oops

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#50: Re: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/21/2007 00:57, refers to #49

wait, how do i set it? im really confused now, i need some clear instructions on what i need to change in , er , which cvs folder? is it the one in base?

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#51: ..

by makkE on 02/21/2007 01:12

The cvs folders are folders from the "cvs" - "Concurrent Versioning System" - where the most actual version of sauerbraten is being managed. It´s the "work in progress" version wich has the lastest features, while they are not 100% guaranteed to work or complete (but usually do). Try at your own risk so to speak. To get the cvs version and thus to see grass you need to "check out" from cvs. (downloading the actual version) Mind you´re not be doing anything with those cvs-folders in your gui-edition folder (!) .. For info on how to use cvs and check out sauer from it, see the sourceforge page of sauerbraten, they have more info. (in "files" iirc).

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#52: Re: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/21/2007 01:16, refers to #51

so, how do i "check out" from cvs to see the grass? sorry, but i seriously am confused with all this scripting and configuring jazz

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#53: .

by Wolf Man on 02/21/2007 01:17

oh, wait, sorry, u said to check the files to see how to "check out" from the cvs, sorry, ignore my last post

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#54: .

by Wolf Man on 02/21/2007 01:17

oh, wait, sorry, u said to check the files to see how to "check out" from the cvs, sorry, ignore my last post

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#55: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/21/2007 01:24

okay, now i AM really confused on how to check out from cvs, can someone give me, like, step by step instructions on how to get it so i can see the grass*and add it to maps*, PLEASE!!

and im really sorry for posting so many times

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#56: ..

by devoid ftw on 02/21/2007 01:42

Read please:


And read this thread again.

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#57: ..

by Wolf Man on 02/21/2007 01:52

oh my god, can someone just tell me straight forward what i need to go to and what i need to do?? thats all i want!

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#58: ..

by kurtis84 on 02/21/2007 02:16

You need to look at the link supplied in post #56 to learn how to do a cvs checkout. The two command lines you see on that site are what you need to use in a cvs client to checkout sauerbraten. If you are running a windows OS, you'll need to download a cvs client of some sort...basic command line cvs.exe will do fine for anonomous checkouts.

Once you have a cvs version of sauer, read post 2 and 3 to learn how to add the grass to a map.

NOW, if you cannot put these bits of info together to get this working...please give up game editing. People generally don't like stepping others through something thats been doc'ed, and asked so many times.

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