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New hud progress

by JadeMatrix on 11/13/2007 00:01, 102 messages, last message: 06/02/2008 23:22, 39630 views, last view: 07/05/2024 15:42

The topic for all discussion on my hud concept, loosely based on geartrooper's hudguns.

Version 1:

Version 2:

As you can see, this is entirely useless as is. Aside from any æsthetic problems, it doesn't currently work with Sauerbraten at all. Thus, I need someone who can either
1. edit the code/shader that defines the HUD characteristics or
2. tell me what code/shader defines the HUD characteristics so that I can figure it out myself.

The hud will be optimized for resolutions 800x600 and up. This means that it will just fit at full resolution for 800x600, and be shrunk for anything smaller.
But, you may say, it's a ridiculous size for widescreen displays! No problem (for you): the hud will expand only horizontally at the bare point between the last big blue part (how scientific) and the fps.

Any questions, comments go here.

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#38: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/26/2007 23:58

By the way. JadeMatrix, you mentioned that you would like to know the code that draws the hud; well, most of that is contained in the functions drawicon() and gameplayhud() in fps.cpp

As someone mentioned earlier, there is no transparency allowed in the current hud; to enable transparency, simply delete this line in gameplayhud(): glDisable(GL_BLEND);
Voila! Transparency enabled!

In the very next function, crosshaircolor(), the code for making the crosshair appear more red the more you lost health is defined. More to come...

Hope it helps

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#39: ..

by w 400% on 11/27/2007 01:52

Dark forces style hud:


preferably something that takes up as little of the screen as possible and that can be read very quickly.

(this is mostly about layout but if someone really wanted to, im sure they could copy the actual dark forces hud into sauerbraten.)

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#40: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/27/2007 03:53, refers to #39

I don't think that particular style would fit with Sauer's theme.

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#41: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/27/2007 04:28

Thank, MT. It's kinda funny that you have to remove something to "add" a feature.

w 400% :
The design I'm working on will be a complex default, where modders can make certain parts clear where they want to change the appearance. But the goal is to run it off a cfg which allows different layouts, if you're adventurous. So you could do that for yourself, but the "official" version would be more in line with the Cube hud.

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#42: Re: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/27/2007 04:43, refers to #39


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#43: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/27/2007 05:13, refers to #41

You're welcome! Can you, by any chance, post your hud design (the actual design, without the screenshot)? I think I may have an idea of how to implement it. Thanks!

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#44: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 11/27/2007 06:28, refers to #42

Too circle-y, I find that circles do not work very well in the long run. It's just a lot more intuitive to read rectangular bars, not to mention a whole lot easier to set up.

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#45: aaa

by ATIRULE on 11/27/2007 09:16

and i thought i was the Troll =./ why are people dissing his new Hud I like it I have seen more people say bad things than good


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#46: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/27/2007 13:56, refers to #43


That's how I'm approaching it. Although it needs some polishing, and other such stuff. Comments welcome, criticism expected ;)

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#47: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/27/2007 16:32, refers to #46

That's an interesting way to go about it. I was looking for the actual hud picture, not the cfg though :-)

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#48: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/27/2007 16:35, refers to #47

I know.;) The picture take a bit to do, though, so I haven't got that for you yet.

Just remembered, forgot a very useful 'mask' command...

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#49: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/27/2007 16:57, refers to #48

Yes, you did! I have an idea how to implement your idea of stretching the hud to fit the res without skewing it or anything.

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#50: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/27/2007 17:43, refers to #49

hud parts:

improved hud.cfg:

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#51: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/27/2007 17:57, refers to #50

Thanks man! You may have a little while to wait though, I have a lot going on today.

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#52: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/27/2007 20:35, refers to #50

I appear to have screwed up on the size:resolution ratio. I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong, but it doesn't work for 800x600. Right?

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#53: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/27/2007 20:43, refers to #52

What do you mean, it won't work for 800x600? I have it working almost perfectly, *in game*. But the res of your hud image is kinda weird, if that's what your talking about.

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#54: ..

by marvin2k on 11/27/2007 20:48

dont,t work, isn,t it.?

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#55: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/27/2007 21:41, refers to #54

Oh, it works alright! I have everything in its proper place (except the FPS count, which, JadeMatrix, you should fix for 800x600) and it looks great.

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#56: Re: ..

by w 400% on 11/28/2007 00:08, refers to #40

maybe you would have noticed that in my original post i was talking more about the layout then the theme itself. It takes up very little space in the playing area and it displays everything clearly, if you know how to read it well.

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#57: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 11/28/2007 13:05, refers to #50

I think you should reverse the white->transparent gradient on the main reflection of the items, should look better. Right now it is almost_transparent->white from top-down, should be white->almost_transparent. ;-)

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