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Loading screen/HUD design contest

by eihrul on 12/27/2008 21:23, 109 messages, last message: 02/01/2009 00:20, 43412 views, last view: 10/06/2024 09:28

So, something I'd like to try for the next release is to make the loading screens less ugly, and for extra credit, maybe the HUD too - although that seems unlikely.

I'd appreciate if anyone with actual graphics design skills - since this excludes me - would like to take a stab at this and submit it here. The winner, of course, gets the thing included in the next release. Losers, well, there is no consolation prize. :)

A note: I would also like to change the branding from "Sauerbraten" (which most people find too weird a name) to just "Cube 2", so if any new logos are made and such, having "Cube 2" would be preferrable over "Sauerbraten".

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#37: ..

by mrpiddly on 01/02/2009 23:01

Two higher resolution (2048*1600) renders, one with the textures and the other with just materials:



I am fixing the problems with the reflections, as well as scaling up all textures to 2k and eliminating UV distortion. I need someone else's opinion, but i kind of like it more without all the textures.

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#38: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 01/02/2009 23:59, refers to #37

Adding the red line (as a white one consistent with the rest of them, of course) will help the illusion, IMHO:


But I like blindabuser's logo best so far. :)

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#39: ..

by yoopers on 01/03/2009 01:07

I like the lettering and style of Blindabuser's 'Cube 2' image best, combined with the iconic logo from mrpiddly, assuming they can be put together. I'm not so wild about the 3D cube for reasons I can't quite articulate, which I realize isn't terribly helpful, but there you have it.

It seems to me that there's no need to subtitle 'Cube 2' with 'Game & Engine'. The subtitle distracts from the really cool thing going on above it with the 'Cube 2'. If one downloaded looking for a game, then it's a game, if one was looking for an editor, then it's an editor. :-]

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#40: Re: ..

by Blindabuser on 01/03/2009 16:38, refers to #39

Hi yoopers, I'm glad that you appreciate my attempt. Although I like mrpiddly's nice logo too, I don't quite find my lettering stylistically compatible with it, but I understand your point of view. :)

Concerning the sentence below "Cube 2", it's a slogan/description: the basics of marketing. When you sell a product, the first needful thing is a quick way to inform people concerning what your product is all about, and its main features. You know: not every gamer out there is neither supposed to know Cube 2, nor to read the docs (and we all know this issue very well. :P)

But well, I've just placed it there to make the logo look more "serious" and have it say something more than its own name. It can be replaced or removed, of course. ;)

Thanks for your feedback.

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#41: ..

by eihrul on 01/03/2009 20:42

Apparently Aard still wants Sauerbraten in the title somewhere. So I guess the best compromise is: have Cube 2 be the main heading, but where normally we might have the "game and engine" sub-text, we put "Sauerbraten" in that small print instead.

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#42: Re: ..

by yoopers on 01/03/2009 21:56, refers to #40

Hey Blindabuser, your point about mrpiddly's logo not being stylistically compatible with your lettering makes sense to my graphically-challenged mind. I was basically trying (and failing) to state the adage, "less is more" and it seemed to me there was some common denominator between your two works that could be cultivated to reach that "least best fit." But this may just be an example of why I should stick to programming. ;-]

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#43: Re: ..

by Blindabuser on 01/03/2009 22:12, refers to #41

eihrul: "Apparently Aard still wants Sauerbraten in the title somewhere"

Nostalgia, uh? :P
Replacement done (hope it works) and... added a different background texture, just for trying: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?3c716d3955.jpg :p

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#44: Re: ..

by eihrul on 01/03/2009 22:16, refers to #43

Hmm, what does it look like without those [] brackets around the word Sauerbraten?

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#45: Re: ..

by Blindabuser on 01/03/2009 22:16, refers to #42

@ yoopers: nah, I think different points of view are good, so if the most of the people wouldn't like that "game and engine" sentence, we'd get rid of if, of course... but well, now it seems that the direction is changing again, according to eihrul's last request. ;)

Sorry for the double post, but yoopers one came right after I've pressed "send". :P

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#46: Re: ..

by Blindabuser on 01/03/2009 22:26, refers to #44

@ eihrul: it looks like this:


In my opinion, the brackets give the logo more "volume" and balance, however the last word is yours.

...now I hope I could finally join a server and have some frag time! XD

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#47: Re: ..

by SephoD on 01/03/2009 23:32, refers to #46

In my opinion the brackets are excessive...
I must say I really like this Logo, and the C2 part is awesome

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#48: Re: ..

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/04/2009 04:56, refers to #47

Whereas I dislike the C2 and the cube - but do very much like the style of lettering (anti-C2 because it's yet another redundant name/abbreviation, e.g. - C2, Sauer, Cube2, sauerbraten...)

- but my opinion is suspect as I'm a programmer not an artist :-)

btw - random food for thought: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Cube2-Compound.html - especially the blue/yellow Escher star

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#49: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/04/2009 04:59

Ugh, so many polite posters... boggles my mind...

So, my impression is that the art direction (um... lol?) of Sauer/C2 is kinda cartoony-industrial. So I should head that direction. amirite?

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#50: Brackets and sour roast

by Blindabuser on 01/04/2009 15:36

@ SephoD: after looking at it better, I agree with you and eihrul.

@ a~baby~rabbit: the "C2" on the logo isn't meant as another abbreviation (although I understand your concern). It's thought to let people know what the logo is all about, when the cube is shown alone (i.e. on icons).

@JadeMatrix: I think you can choose whatever direction you like, as neither developers nor the people have expressed any hints about it (and there would be more chances to have a richer variety of styles). Concerning the "cartoony-industrial" you're mentioning, who knows: I've just took a look at a bunch of known logos, and took inspiration from them (probably, I've failed... :/)


(Links are anonymized to prevent blocking based on referrer).

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#51: Loading Screen

by Blindabuser on 01/04/2009 22:13

Here's a quick attempt for a possible loading screen.


Note: please, make sure that your browser doesn't automatically resize images.

I've tried not to "dramatically" change the original look and feel, and I've re-used the mapshot frame that can be found within the "Sauerbraten\data" folder and the same texture tile used on the current in-game menus, as an attempt to optimize things, by using what already exists. Credit goes to whoever made them (I'd say makkE, according to the style).

I've resized the loading bar to a more reasonable width/height, and placed everything in a fake windowed environment, to give it a more realistic appearance. Although I'd gladly change the in-game font, I've avoided it purposely until a final logo choice will be made.

Ok, I think I've bothered enough with my ideas, so I'll shut my mouth. :P

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#52: Re: Loading Screen

by SephoD on 01/04/2009 22:43, refers to #51

An idea...

Blindabuser... what about some bulletholes or decals... this may look a bit "polished" for a fps...

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#53: Re: Loading Screen

by MovingTarget on 01/04/2009 22:45, refers to #51

The background needs to be much more varied. Other than that, not bad.

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#54: Re: Loading Screen

by Blindabuser on 01/04/2009 23:28, refers to #53

SephoD, MovingTarget: I agree with both of you, guys. This was just quick, basic attempt, which can be improved in many different ways.

However, keep in mind that the background will probably have be a small tile (to save loading time and preserve the apperance on different screen resolutions) therefore, every "decoration" (logo and mapshot included) will be an overlayed png, to prevent repeating the same bulletholes/decals over and over.

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#55: Re: Loading Screen

by a~baby~rabbit on 01/05/2009 00:20, refers to #54

I say make us art - and leave it to the devs to worry about efficiency :P

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#56: Re: Loading Screen

by demosthenes on 01/05/2009 00:52, refers to #51

I like the loading bar.

Just a thought for the devs: it would be nice if some read-ahead and size estimation could be done so that the progress bar could progress instead of flashing between 0 and 100. If it's not too much work, that is. Maybe an entry in the config declaring the total size of the map's resources?

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