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n00b Cheaters - Please help :'(

by Harris on 01/22/2007 12:12, 54 messages, last message: 02/01/2007 22:17, 14082 views, last view: 06/28/2024 22:45

Today i was on my own server enjoying a game of instagib when 2 people connect:


these people had really fast rifles, could run fast and they were almost invincible. I used /setmaster 1 and asked them to leave before i kicked them, and CC_machene said "no we will crash the server". i typed /kick 4 and he was not kicked, and paxybetle then said "right we are crashing the server. the server crashed.

I also remember the ISPs of the cheaters, they were both on BT.

Please help stop these cheaters!!!

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#36: Re: Ban www.notmilk.com

by Drakas on 01/29/2007 16:32, refers to #35

how would anyone do that?

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#37: Re: Ban www.notmilk.com

by Lex Luthor on 01/29/2007 17:18, refers to #36

Ban his IP but the prob is that it is not possible to get IP's of others in MP so I guess thats impossible :( if it is then I don't know how.

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#38: Bizarre

by Morosoph on 01/29/2007 17:58

Why piss people off if you want them to visit your website?

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#39: Re: Ban www.notmilk.com

by 1veedo on 01/29/2007 22:59, refers to #37

"Ban his IP but the prob is that it is not possible to get IP's of others in MP so I guess thats impossible :( if it is then I don't know how. "

No, it's possible. The master server can have a list of banned IPs that gets downloaded by the individual servers. Servers can disable this, of course (I dont see why you'd want to), but by default anyone on the master ban list is auto baned from every server.

This is how bzflag does it.

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#40: Re: Bizarre

by Passa on 01/30/2007 06:45, refers to #38

Because I bet half of you right now opened up the site just to see what it was, probably giving him advertising revenue.

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#41: Think if SRB2

by Lex Luthor on 01/30/2007 08:26

Sonic robo blast 2 has rules on the master server that if you break them the admin that manages the master server(In this case Sonikku)Bans the n00b for a week and if he tries to connect and error occures(Obviously he is banned)

I find this idea quite useful.

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#42: Re: Think if SRB2

by Lex Luthor on 01/30/2007 08:27, refers to #41

I forgot to mention to make a log of what is happening in the server for proofs ;)

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#43: Re: Think if SRB2

by Drakas on 01/30/2007 21:26, refers to #41

Yes, but how to do it?

Did you consider:
1) that this game is open, it's not really about the community (although in most cases it owns)
2) that most people in the world who use internet have dynamic IPs (they change when rebooting the router or whatever)?
3) That masterserver cannot do a thing as the people can connect directly to servers
4) There are thousands of proxies online - will you have to ban them too?


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#44: Re: Think if SRB2

by 1veedo on 01/31/2007 01:25, refers to #43

Number four really isn't that big of a concern. Using a proxy for something like sauerbraten is a lot harder then connecting through a browser.

You'd have to actually program an interface into sauerbraten for it to work. There are a couple programs out there like socat that try to map connections between two sources but it's not really meant specifically to put a program like sauer on a proxy.

I guess it's possible but you really dont have to worry about anyone doing this. Plus you'd lag a lot unless you pay for a good one.

One, two, and three are all of course perfectly valid. Just thought I'd point out the misconception about proxies.

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#45: Re: Think if SRB2

by 1veedo on 01/31/2007 01:35, refers to #43

Oh, I must have not understood number three.

"3) That masterserver cannot do a thing as the people can connect directly to servers"

The master server would block people by letting all the other servers download a master ban list. Servers can disable this, of course (I dont see why you'd want to), but by default anyone on the master ban list is auto baned from every server.

This is only a temporary solution though as most people, like you said, get a different IP every few months. Of course blocking someone for five to six months is a pretty good way to do it, even if it is only temporary; you dont have to worry about the guy coming back for several months. Maybe he'll even learn his lesson by going w/o sauer for so long.

This is how bzflag does it. It works very, very well which proves, beyond a doubt, that the master server can globally ban people. If sauerbraten gets as popular as bzflag and thus starts having more cheating/related problems, it might as well follow the model.

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#46: Re: Think if SRB2

by thezeus18 on 01/31/2007 05:27, refers to #45

Can\'t it be fixed by forcing the player to use a login system before playing? Like microsoft allegiance?

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#47: Re: Think if SRB2

by Lex Luthor on 01/31/2007 07:35, refers to #46

Eihrul stated something like registering to play and I really wish he was serious,It suck's it's just a joke.

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#48: Re: Think if SRB2

by Drakas on 01/31/2007 08:20, refers to #46

no, the maker's phylosophy is to keep the game open. I guess that anyone is totally free to make a binary mod for gameplay with registration - this way, anyone can enjoy the game, and other players can recieve feedback :)

Pretty much like eBay xD
"Wanna play? Sure! ... GG! GG! Here's your feedback ;)"

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#49: Hmmph

by Pxtl on 01/31/2007 15:41

All we really need is
a) Servers stop blocking the master-feature.

b) Responsible players take master as soon as they join (note: need a way to be master but still vote normally for maps, since some players do want to be master without aborting democracy)

c) The server-code to be secured just enough to avoid being crashed by the client (the hard part).

d) Kick/ban work consistently.

That is how the current design is intended to work, but it\'s buggy.

(damn, 6*1, not 6+1 - oops)

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#50: Message censored by administrator

by {LiD}CC_machine-damned-cookies on 01/31/2007 16:45, refers to #2

#51: Re: for the fourth time

by Lex Luthor on 01/31/2007 17:09, refers to #50

Why are the devs being deaf?No offense please but yeah do what CC_Machine said,Censor CC_Machene's post.(Note the e)

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#52: Re: Hmmph

by Quin on 02/01/2007 02:48, refers to #49

Uh, mastermode works in both 'mastermode 0' and 'mastermode 1', the latter just allows the master to override (veto) any voting in place.

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#53: Re: for the fourth time

by Passa on 02/01/2007 21:34, refers to #51

Bahahaa thats ownage.

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#54: Re: Hmmph

by Pxtl on 02/01/2007 22:17, refers to #52

No, I just mean that some servers are, as I understand it, modded to prevent anybody but admins from taking master - I've logged on to servers with no master and tried to take it, and have nothing happen.

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