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n00b Cheaters - Please help :'(

by Harris on 01/22/2007 12:12, 54 messages, last message: 02/01/2007 22:17, 13970 views, last view: 05/23/2024 20:06

Today i was on my own server enjoying a game of instagib when 2 people connect:


these people had really fast rifles, could run fast and they were almost invincible. I used /setmaster 1 and asked them to leave before i kicked them, and CC_machene said "no we will crash the server". i typed /kick 4 and he was not kicked, and paxybetle then said "right we are crashing the server. the server crashed.

I also remember the ISPs of the cheaters, they were both on BT.

Please help stop these cheaters!!!

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#2: Message censored by administrator

by CC_Machene on 01/22/2007 13:21

#3: iptables

by lambda on 01/22/2007 13:46

if you use linux for the server, a simple

sudo iptables -I INPUT -p all -s offending_ip/32 -j DROP

command will block offending traffic, and thus offending gameplay from offenders, cheaters, spammers and annoying people

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#4: in this case...

by lambda on 01/22/2007 13:52

sudo iptables -I INPUT -p all-s -j DROP

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#5: Message censored by administrator

by Aard Appel on 01/22/2007 14:27

#6: ..

by SanHolo on 01/22/2007 14:47

Harris, pay attention at the names of these people. They are trying to make you think they are someone known in the community. And post #5 is NOT from Aardappel, it's from one who's trying to trick you.

As for the client-crash-problem: You'll have to wait for a new security system to be implemented.

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#7: ..

by Drakas on 01/22/2007 15:58

by CC_Machene on 01/22/2007 13:21 through


by Aard Appel on 01/22/2007 14:27 through

anything obvious seen?
That's their real nicknames, the guys are from uk =P

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#8: ..

by Drakas on 01/22/2007 16:00

cc_machine seems to hate me too?

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#9: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 01/22/2007 19:02

This is not the true ones :o

CC_Machine and not Machene =O
The same for Paxybetle, the true one is Praxibetel.

So _ALWAYS_ read carrefully the nicknames =D

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#10: Re: ..

by eihrul on 01/22/2007 19:07, refers to #9

Well, yes, because it's, of course, impossible, no... UNTHINKABLE... that somenone could log onto a server using the exact spelling of the name you use on the forum for the express purpose of spreading ill-will, right?

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#11: Re: ..

by Drakas on 01/22/2007 19:13, refers to #9

how could one read such complex nicknames when they're getting attacked?

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#12: server crash

by PunDit@work on 01/22/2007 21:52

What is the symptom of a crashed server from the console. Does it just look normal but no updates of the number of clients connected? I have noticed a few times where it looks fine from the console but I can't connect to it. It is usually after $Cheater disconnects.

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#13: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 01/23/2007 00:25, refers to #11

Theres no point in posting nicks on the forum...you don't honestly believe the nicks are real, do you?

Also, ip bans are a waste of time...I could pose as several IP's anytime I want, 3 IP's at one time even. I don't bother cheating, but I know many others could do as I could with a large number of IP's.

If you join public servers, and expect to never get stomped by a cheater, you're in for a disappointment. I know it sucks, as it happens to me once in a while, and I don't play much :/

Best thing to do is gather the ones you want to play with (irc, or whatever you want to use), then set up a server to not allow others to join at all. Read the docs about master modes to get this done correct.

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#14: Message censored by administrator

by lambda on 01/23/2007 02:08

#15: ..

by GNU Jeffz on 01/23/2007 02:43

though.. crashes should be fixed, what about a segfault handler with backtrace/other info to send to the dev team?

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#16: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 01/23/2007 04:21, refers to #15

there is a neat stacktrace when sauer crashes (on win32 anyway), sadly 99% of sauer crashes are in drivers, which give no stack traces.

and multiplayer crashes... well, with knowledge of the source, its impractical to protect against all possible combinations of illegal data being sent.

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#17: ..

by SanHolo on 01/23/2007 09:42

I have never seen/had a crash because of another player. And I play quite a lot.

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#18: Re: ..

by rancor on 01/23/2007 11:03, refers to #15

I actually wrote a patch that started GDB on sauerbraten when it crashed, if there's any interest I'll try to dig it up.

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#19: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/23/2007 18:21

Please do.

Unfortunately, it is truly unfeasible to prevent cheating. I encountered two cheaters recently, one by the name of Patriots. He had some sort of one-hit-kill cheat, and ended up getting kicked. Another (same game) was able to jump very high, though either he stopped or left. I never got the nick.

It may be prudent to grab master mode, though, if you're going to play with a bunch of untrustworthy people. I usually grab it when I enter a coopedit game (so that I can one, prevent malicious players from grabbing it and kicking everyone, and two, so taht I can kick destructive players or those who only create huge junk structures for the purpose of slowing down computers).

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#20: Re: ..

by rancor on 01/23/2007 18:39, refers to #19

Here you go:
Apply from top level sauerbraten directory. I wrote it against the occlusion edition, but it works OK with the water edition. Currently only really works if sauerbraten was started from a terminal window, but it wouldn't be too hard to have it detect if it hadn't been and launch an xterm instead.

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#21: ..

by Grogan on 01/23/2007 20:24

I've never been one for online gaming (always preferring single player modes where I can be in god mode and stuff... I'd never cheat with anyone else)

But after some exposure to Call of Duty multiplayer, I decided to see what Sauer was like online so I dropped in the official Linux client binary and connected up to a server. Wow! I've never seen such fast game play. The guys who are really good can dance around and you'll have trouble getting them even with the machine guns. I enjoyed it a lot, even though I of course suck, with all the bad habits I've picked up from playing single player games in god mode over the years.

However, late at night (well, early morning) there aren't many servers with players on them in the list so you just have to join whatever one has a game going.

I was on an instagib game (serpentine map) last night and I encountered some "cheaters". Some hack that was like a ray trace of instagib projectiles, and allowing the users to fly around the map. It made the game pointless. I was getting killed so fast I couldn't even dig in my menus to change games. I just exited the program.

Probably some goggle eyed pimple wizards who couldn't get a date if they bought them dried in a tin.

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