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one easy thing that i think is important to do...

by ducis on 04/13/2008 02:07, 39 messages, last message: 04/27/2008 10:57, 15417 views, last view: 06/15/2024 19:32

I think it is critical to sauerbraten to balance out the weapons in the next release, here how i think we should do it

1-change hit boxes to included a headshot area with damage @ 150% to give the rifle a better chance

2- give pistol more dmg but less accuracy. A pistol should be a weapon not a novelty and not a infinitely long range novelty

3-either narrow the shotguns spray or amp its damage, ive been touching enemies and still not hitting the full 200

4-rifle needs a damage amp seriously 100 hitting people with a bolt action sniper sickens me :)

5- this one is easier then it seems since some severs already have a zoom function but either way a scope HUD would make rifles actually worth picking up/waiting for

more then just adding more elements of gameplay these improvement would allow use to keep random regen capture spawns
and i think put this awesome game on the map!

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#33: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 04/23/2008 04:48

I don't feel the pistol is weak at all.
I does 75 pts of damage in the same time as a rifle does 100pts, yet when a monster is hit, is pauses for a short interval without doing anything. This lets you pump rounds quickly into it relatively safely whereas the rifle does all its damage at once then takes so long to reload the the monster has time to do something.

Both have 'perfect' aim and can snipe.

I think the pistol's damage should be bumped up to 33 ( so it does same as rifle per unit time), but have its accuracy hindered by making the bullet ;scatter' like a shotgun pellet. not as much, perhaps, but enough to make it a short ranged weapon.

I don't know if this is how the pistol acts in mp games.

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#34: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 04/23/2008 20:57, refers to #33

Yeah, I think most of us were talking about MP. It's great for SP, but I don't think any of the suggested changes would greatly affect how good it is in SP. And if it is made more powerful, you could always start with like 40 or 60 shots instead of 80 to make up for it.

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#35: Re: Homing Rocket

by CCmachine-isgetting0wnedbycookies on 04/25/2008 21:41, refers to #14

EDM added one, well kinda. You controlled the rocket either pointing at where to go, or the camera rides the rocket (you can still move and strafe, but cannot aim or shoot :P) and use the mouse to control where it goes.

sounds pretty pointless for sauer though, don't you think? the last thing we need is yet more weapons >.>

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#36: one more cubescript command

by Bibi2 on 04/26/2008 18:19

I'd like to see a new command in cubescript, a simple one: a command that take in argument the position of a cube, the position of an other, and a direction (x, -x, y,-y, z,-z) and then make a selection.
So the cubescript could be use to make automatic editing (for general geometry). That was able in cube, this could be usefull in sauerbraten.

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#37: ..

by RealNitro on 04/26/2008 20:31

Hmm, you could even create scripts that create some kind of geometry then.

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#38: ..

by scasd on 04/26/2008 20:41

I want to use the movement/rotation commands in script (editing mode only) so mappers are able to move (reposition) and rotate the viewport to create complex particle models or copy/paste map geometry so complex prefab systems are possible like in id-softwares radiant.

...ok I add them by my own to the cvs version now :P

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#39: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 04/27/2008 10:57, refers to #38

Yes, well - for one thing - if you do have the ability to modify the code by yourself ... just feel free to do it ... but share it with the rest of us if you think it's any good, eh?! :)
(might even make it into the official code-branch ... if it fits Aardappels vision of the game)

BTW: I've found myself wanting such functions quite a number of times while editing myself ... BUT ... ! ...
usually I find out the result can be achieved quite painlessly with the methods in place already.

Like your example - for example - ...
... how many people (do you think) would really be able to _/use/_ such scripting techniques? Most players seem intimidated by code .. even so easily readable code as (basic) CubeScript is.

Even so - how long would it take you (including not-quite-right-better-delete-this-and-retry attempts) to get your complex-particle-model right?!?
You can build it by hand just as quick, I'm sure.
And copy-paste is often quite underestimated by beginning mappers;
try marking a number of entities (right mouse button to add to the group!) and then - as last step - mark a tile on the floor (think of it as your "hotspot").
Press "C" (for copy) ... then move to wherever you need a second edition of your work ... mark an appropriate tile on the floor and press "V" (for paste).

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