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one easy thing that i think is important to do...

by ducis on 04/13/2008 02:07, 39 messages, last message: 04/27/2008 10:57, 15324 views, last view: 05/18/2024 14:02

I think it is critical to sauerbraten to balance out the weapons in the next release, here how i think we should do it

1-change hit boxes to included a headshot area with damage @ 150% to give the rifle a better chance

2- give pistol more dmg but less accuracy. A pistol should be a weapon not a novelty and not a infinitely long range novelty

3-either narrow the shotguns spray or amp its damage, ive been touching enemies and still not hitting the full 200

4-rifle needs a damage amp seriously 100 hitting people with a bolt action sniper sickens me :)

5- this one is easier then it seems since some severs already have a zoom function but either way a scope HUD would make rifles actually worth picking up/waiting for

more then just adding more elements of gameplay these improvement would allow use to keep random regen capture spawns
and i think put this awesome game on the map!

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#1: ..

by darth-hid3ous on 04/13/2008 02:35

I think that the pistol should only have a bit more firepower,but with a faster fire rate.
And I agree we should add a scope to the rifle

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#2: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 04/13/2008 02:46, refers to #1

Dude, binding up a zoom of your choice is the oldest trick in the cube book. I always just bind MOUSE2 to domodifier 1, but there are countless ways to set it up depending on your preference.

I agree that the rifle could use a bit more power, but headshots seem totally unnecessary to me. If I shoot someone in the gut, I want them to fall over dead. Headshots are just being flashy and arrogant, no one (who has sense) actually shoots for the head.

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#3: ..

by Julius on 04/13/2008 14:44

A head hitbox would be cool though, I agree.

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#3: Re: ..

by ducis on 04/13/2008 03:06, refers to #2

srry to be a noob but what is the exact command to bind zoom to mouse 2 to zoom

also im glad to here you guys agree with some of my ideas

ps i also think we need physics and vehicles and an island map just like crysis oh oh and FULLY DESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENTS just joking dont worry

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#4: Re: ..

by CCmachine-isgetting0wnedbycookies on 04/13/2008 18:15, refers to #3

use something like this, on the commandline: (press tilde or T)

/bind mouse2 [fov <less than default fov>; onrelease [fov <default fov>]]

so for me its:
/bind mouse2 [fov 60; onrelease [fov 100]]

if you want it to zoom in more, reduce the 60 to something lower, like 40.

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#5: ..

by the W4 (old comp) on 04/13/2008 21:37

Make the pistol semi automatic and decrease the accuracy. The addition of a clip with reloads for the pistol would also be very nice.

That would make it a much better weapon IMO, but others may not like it.

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#6: Re: ..

by nefnoerrorsfound on 04/13/2008 22:49, refers to #5

None of the game's weapons have magazines, so why just the pistol? Not even the chaingun, which has a magazine sticking out on the left side of the mdoel can be reloaded.

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#7: Re: ..

by ducis on 04/14/2008 01:48, refers to #5

the problem is adding magazines to weapons isnt easy, the whole point of this thread was simple things that the devolopers could do to make a big difference thanks for the imput though

semi auto isnt a bad idea though

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#8: Re: ..

by the W4 (old comp) on 04/14/2008 03:22, refers to #7

With semi auto, every click is a shot, and without a magazine, the pistol would be too powerful. Many people would be able to get 4 or 5 shots off in a second, which is usually a kill. Even if they miss a couple or more, the pistol would still be too deadly.

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#9: ..

by ducis on 04/14/2008 03:39

okay then semi auto wont be useful for the time being

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#10: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 04/14/2008 09:30, refers to #8

Yeah, if I could that thing shoot as fast as I can click, it would be an effective starting weapon.

I'm going to hate myself for this, but at least I'm acknowledging that CoD4 inspired this:

I like the idea of a system with a limited number of things which can be added to your character in order to better some aspect of it. Like starting with +33 health, starting with at least one shot for each weapon, whatever. It doesn't fit at all with the way Sauer works now, but it's something to think about when making a mod.

So, it'd basically be a limited number of slots which can be filled with upgrades, some of which are mutually exclusive, others of which may have dependencies. It'd be a neat system to play with and create some cool complexities beyond a simple system of three slots with 7 choices each.


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#11: ..

by IllvilJa on 04/14/2008 11:17

I want a foot hitbox. So one might shoot oneself in the foot and then limp around cursing one's own stupidity. That would make wonders to the sacred concept we all know under the name "gameplay".

Ok, enough stupid sarcasm...

Regarding slots with upgrades: yes, it would be cool and bring a new level of complexity to the game. The latter will be praised by some and cursed by some others, it all boils down to individual preferences (yes, really). The issue with this system is that it have to be implemented by some coders, and then incorporated by the maintainers and then, it has to be TUNED so it is at least fairly balanced according to everyones (potentially subjective) view of the game. The latter requires a LOT of gametesting.

But of course, the slots system might be implemented by adding it one step at a time, ie. starting out small by giving players just one single slot per player with an upgrade of their choice, be it life, speed, improved firepower etc.

("1 added to 1 =...". Seriously, these math quizzes are murder! :-)

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#12: ..

by ducis on 04/14/2008 21:31

there is a difference between balance and sameness, sameness is boring and balance just means that all playing types get an equal shot

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#13: Re: ..

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 04/15/2008 00:50, refers to #12

Imbalance would mean that the upgrades were set up incorrectly. ducis is correct in his statement that sameness and balance are different. I don't actually want to introduce them, as you would know if you'd read the whole post, eihrul. :)

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#14: Homing Rocket

by radial on 04/15/2008 04:49

Hi folks. I\\\'m rather new to Sauer but i\\\'d love to contrib a little. i thought about implementing a homing rocket that will search for the nearest target/enemy and turn acordingly. I don\\\'t know if it is possible but i think it\\\'s a good idea.
A full article about it can be found here: (source code and all(for quake III))


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#15: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 04/15/2008 08:30, refers to #13

Upon a re-reading of my post #16, it seems awfully snarky, so sorry about that. The smilie at the end is most accurate about how I was thinking/feeling when I wrote that.

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#16: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 04/19/2008 23:04, refers to #12

Maybe just an ammo capacity boost for weapons...?

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#17: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 04/19/2008 23:06, refers to #16

I think that in singleplayer you should be able to carry more ammo than in multiplayer, since you are kinda expected not to die as much (or so one would hope...)

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#18: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 04/20/2008 00:09, refers to #17

That makes sense to me.

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#19: Saw

by conorkirk@mac.com(PeeCee) on 04/20/2008 09:35

I think the saw should stay out until the mouse is released. It could really change the feel of it.

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