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Contributions for Iron Fist?

by L. Tempris on 08/03/2008 03:04, 31 messages, last message: 04/18/2009 22:17, 14192 views, last view: 06/02/2024 07:06

I am currently putting together a game called Iron Fist. I am in a fix right now, and I cant seem to have time for completing this task. This game is a 25-30 level single player game. There are three parts too so do not worry.

This will be posted on quadropolis when completed.
Dead line is set to be 7/28/09.
Right now I am designing level 1.

How this level begins:

You wake up to find the monsters in your house. They have taken over the whole neighborhood.

I need two things:

1) I need to find out how to get a creative commons or something of that sort.

2) I need people to contribute houses for the neighborhood. Only the architecture is needed, but you are welcome to texture it.

Chances are I will be using other textures for them anyway.

And of course you will be credited for your help!

Thanks for the help.

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#32: Creative Commons license(s).

by LeftClicker on 04/18/2009 22:17

There are several Creative Commons licenses out there and there's also the GNU GPL (General Public License). Here are some licenses:



I'll try to dig up some more.

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