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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Will the idiocy never cease?

by eihrul on 09/29/2006 21:12, 33 messages, last message: 10/05/2006 19:17, 10167 views, last view: 06/02/2024 03:55

First we have dumbasses going around crashing clients remotely, now we have dumbasses deciding to spam the forums.

Umm... why? What do people stand to gain from this stupidity? Do people really hate our project so much that you'd rather see it go away? Is it to regale your grandchildren with stories of how back in the day you annoyed the hell out of a little open source project of not much consequence, and forced them to shut down little by little? "Gee, Billy, when I was your age, I was out destroying the part time hobby of two virtually unknown random guys on the internet. How cool is that?"

How do we instill either so much hatred in people? I don't get it. I really don't.

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#31: Re: AW3S0M3 1D34S!!!!1111

by Aardappel_ on 10/05/2006 05:43, refers to #25


I think we already have that now :)

Oh and metl, those ideas are brilliant... consider them part of the next release.

rpointon: if only I hadn't heard similar suggestions from people who weren't joking, I'd find your post funny...

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#32: ..

by Sauceofallevils.. on 10/05/2006 06:08

Ya eihrul, I don't understand why some people are so ignorant. Well you guys have my 100% support, and I love the project you guys work so hard on! Also, I'm totally against cheating, and everyone who does so is a pussy, that can't play well thats why they need to use cheats. Now spammers, are simply just horny pimply 13 year olds that are to but ugly to get woman, so this is best thing they can do. I guess if we where in their shoes it would be much more understandible.

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#33: ..

by Drakas on 10/05/2006 19:17

> #25: AW3S0M3 1D34S!!!!1111 by Shadow (School) on 10/04/2006 14:31 through
> I Want VEHICLES!!!!!
> But not just any vehicles... super cars, with ROCKET LAUNCHERSSSSS, and hovertanks, ooooh and JET PACKS (you know, like in crash bandicoot... but cooler)
> OH AND I WANT UB3R GRAFIKZZZ! Like reflections EVERYWHERE. And why aren't there dynamic lights? that would be sweet. Oh, but it has to run at atleast 120 FPS on my pentium II with 32k modemz cause tahts all my mom will buy me :(
> (PS: teh pistole sukks)


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