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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Loading screen/HUD design contest

by eihrul on 12/27/2008 21:23, 109 messages, last message: 02/01/2009 00:20, 43356 views, last view: 09/29/2024 06:19

So, something I'd like to try for the next release is to make the loading screens less ugly, and for extra credit, maybe the HUD too - although that seems unlikely.

I'd appreciate if anyone with actual graphics design skills - since this excludes me - would like to take a stab at this and submit it here. The winner, of course, gets the thing included in the next release. Losers, well, there is no consolation prize. :)

A note: I would also like to change the branding from "Sauerbraten" (which most people find too weird a name) to just "Cube 2", so if any new logos are made and such, having "Cube 2" would be preferrable over "Sauerbraten".

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#4: ..

by mrpiddly on 12/28/2008 05:06

What style are you looking for? Should it look more like a polished game or a tech demo, and what theme should it have?

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#5: Re: ..

by eihrul on 12/28/2008 13:16, refers to #4

It should look polished, that goes without saying. As for theme, as I said, I am not a graphics designer, so that I leave up to more capable minds. :)

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#6: ..

by abs1nth on 12/28/2008 17:34

I >would also like to change the branding from "Sauerbraten"


>(which most people find too weird a name)

why care?

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#7: Re: ..

by eihrul on 12/28/2008 17:49, refers to #6

Why care about something that many people find an obstacle to the promotion of the game, and/or just plain embarassing?

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#8: ..

by ZGMF-X20A on 12/28/2008 18:04




ffs search quad once in while :P

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#9: Re: ..

by eihrul on 12/28/2008 18:22, refers to #8

All of that stuff has problems that prevents it from being of requisite quality. This is why it is not being used.

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#10: ..

by ZGMF-X20A on 12/28/2008 19:18

requisite quality ... its better then the current stuff what do ya want its free :P

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#11: ..

by JadeMatrix on 12/29/2008 06:50


Looks interesting. Any deadlines?

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#12: game logo

by mIscreant on 12/29/2008 10:52

Okay, I made a couple "Cube 2" logos tonight, attempting to keep the style of the old "Sauerbraten" logo. There's a flat version and a more round "3d" version, both with white and black backgrounds.

And of course I'm willing to make any necessary alterations if you're interested.

Download: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a0082ha/n/misc-logos-12_29_zip

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#13: My attempt...

by Blindabuser on 12/30/2008 03:55

Since graphic design is one of my passions, here's my modest attempt to design a new logo for Saue... ehm, Cube2. :P

In case it will be chosen, I'll go ahead with the splash screen and loading bar, of course the logo itself can be (partially) edited.

Download at: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?d7366ebd31.jpg

If you wonder, the cube has been ripped-off directly from my map "Asteroids" (yes, I'm lazy! XD)

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#14: Re: My attempt...

by MovingTarget on 12/30/2008 04:32, refers to #13

Very nice. I like it. I think the cube is perfect.

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#15: Re: My attempt...

by mrpiddly on 12/30/2008 17:14, refers to #13

I like the text part, it reminds me of Doom, but I am not a big fan of the 3d cube. I would change something about the perspective and the size of the \"C\".

Im working on turning the cube logo into a partially 3d model, a 2d logo that can be embossed, but the subdivision is really messing me up.

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#16: Re: My attempt...

by Blindabuser on 12/30/2008 19:24, refers to #15

@ MovingTarget: thank you very much! :)

@ mrpiddly: I agree to both of your remarks. In fact I'm going to install Blender, and see if I can remake the same cube as a 3D model, then I think I'll also adapt and resize the letter "C" according to the text font.

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#17: ..

by mrpiddly on 12/31/2008 07:11

I have the basic logo in 3d, subdivision was to much of a problem however. I still have to work on the background models, materials, and lighting. I basically just dragged and dropped on the current material and tossed in one overhead area light for this shot.


I have an idea where I am headed, but I would love some other input.

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#18: Just for fun.

by demosthenes on 12/31/2008 21:50

Not a graphic designer or anything (as will be obvious upon clicking the link), but I thought it would be fun to play around with the logo:


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#19: ..

by mrpiddly on 12/31/2008 23:55

Another quick render (ambient occlusion):


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#20: ..

by mrpiddly on 01/01/2009 00:12

Another quick render with the same basic material and a hdr light probe:


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#21: ..

by mrpiddly on 01/01/2009 23:14

Same model and setup as before with a reflective material on the logo and rust like bump map (still no diffuse texture).


There is a test rust diffuse texture on the background grid, but the UV map is casing to much distortion. The background grid does not have its material yet.

Slight postwork in photoshop.

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#22: Re: ..

by eihrul on 01/02/2009 02:23, refers to #21

On the last one, there is only one appropriate response:


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#23: Re: My attempt...

by Blindabuser on 01/02/2009 02:23

Here's an updated version of my logo proposal: I've changed the perspective of the cube, improved the render quality and changed the "C²" size/font, according to mrpiddly's suggestions.


Hope you'll like it. :)

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