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How can i make grass (like map island, _rpg1, nmp8_d)

by 1234326456 on 02/12/2007 09:17, 103 messages, last message: 03/09/2007 02:27, 35335 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:34

How can i make grass (like map island, _rpg1, nmp8_d)? - in the new CVS

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#4: Re: ..

by Quin on 02/13/2007 06:00, refers to #3

Haha, it was the cfg for k_rpg1 that helped me figure that one out :D

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#5: Re: ..

by Drakas on 02/13/2007 09:03, refers to #3

umm ok ;P

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#6: Screenshot

by Lex Luthor on 02/13/2007 09:10

I'm interested in seeing an autograss screenie,Heck I wanna know what is new for the upcoming CVS.

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#7: ..

by Passa on 02/13/2007 09:10

Shame that I now get 10 FPS or so on k_rpg1, but the grass looks awesome, gives Sauerbraten some life.

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#8: ..

by SanHolo on 02/13/2007 09:53

Cool, that means we will get foliage in the next version? Great. =D

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#9: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/13/2007 13:14, refers to #8

Oh they've got more suprises for you..


Underwater caustics! *drools*

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#10: ..

by Lex Luthor on 02/13/2007 13:31

Imageshack is not working at the moment,Will they make support for glass light thing like on this website?

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#11: grass?

by osbios_TheLostCookie439 on 02/13/2007 16:16

Can somebody plz make a screen of the grass and post it? :D

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#12: Re: grass?

by Lex Luthor on 02/13/2007 16:23, refers to #11

I think Grass is just a texture :( I don\'t think that autograss is impressive at all,Well thats just me ofcourse.

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#13: Re: grass?

by kurtis84 on 02/14/2007 01:50, refers to #12

The autograss is animated, and much more than just billboarded. There is a randomized grid it uses to generate on. It's all adjustable with several commands to get a really tall/short/thick/thin grass, or sparse weeds...a very nice feature, which just sets off any outdoor map it's used in.

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#14: Re: grass?

by Passa on 02/14/2007 06:08, refers to #13

Yeah, hopefully the performance is fixable (probably due to me having anti-aliasing on though).

Like I said before, the underwater caustics are hot :)

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#15: Re: grass?

by Lex Luthor on 02/14/2007 08:05, refers to #13

Wow,Thats cool stuff :)

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#16: plz

by osbios_TheLostCookie439 on 02/14/2007 17:52

plz just one screen shoot of some grass. :[

8 * 7 <--- YES, no more 1*2 stuff

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#17: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 02/14/2007 18:49, refers to #10

If you read that website, Lex Luthor, you will read there that it took 5 Minutes to render that Image with one Single Glass-orb. Ask again in 10 Years when we have Quantum-driven GPUs... =D

1*2 <-- osbios, you were wrong... :P

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#18: Re: ..

by Lex Luthor on 02/14/2007 19:02, refers to #17

Despite how much SauerBraten is improving,Version by version one day that feature could happen.

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#19: Re: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 02/14/2007 22:32, refers to #17

Yeah and it also says it was rendered on a 100mhz pentium.


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#20: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 02/15/2007 00:36, refers to #19

Well, they say that they achieved up to 22fps on non-trivial scenes. While this is still not playable, plus their "non-trivial scenes" are nothing compared to a map in sauerbraten (I guess), I doubt this will come earlier than cube 3. =)

Besides this – sauerbraten does not use raytracing, does it? I'm not the expert, but I think it uses Z-buffering. Does Photon Mapping work with Z-buffering? I don't know.

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#21: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 02/15/2007 02:12

Never said Sauerbraten is doing (or would do) it I just highly doubt caustics are as far off as 10 years.

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#22: grass screenshot

by ethan592 on 02/15/2007 04:55

for whoever it was that asked for it
<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v612/HIethan592/grass.jpg">

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#23: wow

by cónorkirk (cookie) on 02/15/2007 05:19

That is amazing, something about that brick texture is cool also.

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