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by CC machine on 05/21/2005 21:24, 31 messages, last message: 06/13/2005 22:20, 11006 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:16

There are other types of cheating other than mods of cube, for example:

using a modded map to give the player an advantage (e.g. flood the map to enable flying to dodge rockets etc.)

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#27: zooming

by rootnis on 06/08/2005 23:02

btw zooming is included in 22.05.2004 release`s autoexec.cfg file. Q + mouse wheel. so i don`t think it should be considered as cheating.

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#28: ..

by Rick| on 06/08/2005 23:37

wow! I never knew that lol

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#29: Re: zooming

by tentus on 06/09/2005 02:35, refers to #27

holy cr*p. i never knew that. (checks) he's right!

good lord i feel dumb. here we've been, discussing this thing for so long, we've made little scripts for zooming, and so on, and then someone calmly tells us the whole thing is a moot point.

ouch, hardcore.

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#30: ..

by shadow516 on 06/09/2005 06:59

I've created a new config script for those that really don't like people messing with fog levels on their maps. You can get it here: http://cube.snieb.com/node/73

Whether you can change fog levels should be the mappers choice, and if you know enough to override this, you probably have earned the right to anyways...

NOTE: I am NOT a programmer. This was a crash-course for me with programming, so it probably isn't very efficient (And it's definately not secure). If anyone wants to make a better .cfg for this, be my guest.

P.S.: Hey, Aard - how about including an editing option to decide whether the map automatically 'voids' the 'fog' command when loaded on DM servers?

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#31: Re: editing cube maps

by CrazyTB on 06/13/2005 22:20, refers to #22

About creating a modified map and playing with it instead of "correct one":

Items must be "acknowledged" by server before you really receive it. If you use a map with items more items than "normal one", the server won't allow you to use all of them.

About using a "-127" map: I don't think it is possible to avoid. I can think in two things:

1. When I join a game and I don't have the map, the cube/sauerbraten should show me a dialog box (or just a menu) asking me if I want to download the map.

1.5 If I join a game and I have the map, cube/sauerbraten should check the MD5 of current map with the server's map. If they differ, cube/sauerbraten should ask me if I want to update current map (and make an automatic backup of previous map).

2. If someone still uses a modified map (cheating), then whe should "apply" some anti-cheat techniques. I described my ideas here:

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