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Rocket Launcher,Shotgun,Chaingun and Rifle UPDATE !!!

by Darthvim on 05/23/2003 21:16, 88 messages, last message: 07/07/2003 22:05, 15392 views, last view: 06/26/2024 09:05

Hi, it is a new weapon update released.

the link is :

<a href="http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip">http://darthvim.cube-city.de/downloads/packages.zip</a>

Have fun with it :)


(Beta 0.2)

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#27: ..

by Darthvim on 05/28/2003 21:05

that are almost 5-10fps ...

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#28: ..

by SnipamastaK on 05/29/2003 00:00

i have a ge force 4 ti 4600

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#29: ..

by Darthvim on 05/29/2003 11:04

my brother has a geforce 4 ti 4600, too. but many other cube players don't have a ati 9700 or geforce FX or ti 4600 ...

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#30: ..

by SnipamastaK on 05/29/2003 14:49

Suppose :)
I nomrally play games that...well...show off my gfx card.
Like oni, great gamne :)

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#31: Re: ..

by Skaus on 05/29/2003 16:20, refers to #30

Oni? show off your card? hah :P

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#32: ..

by Thalion on 05/29/2003 18:06

Well, I have GeForce2 Ti, so what? =)

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#33: Well

by VerbalC on 05/29/2003 19:01

I don't like the fact that the game is bent around older machines, but then again I don't give a damn about other people so I guess there's a reason. :)

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#34: Fist

by spentron-oatmeal on 05/29/2003 21:11

New weapons... anyone made a fist yet?

Verbal: I wouldn't quite agree Cube is for low-end, it requires at least as good a CPU as Q3A for most stuff, and can be mapped to aim at different levels of performance. It is somewhat inefficient due to the on-the-fly calcs.

Continuing the performance discussion from elsewhere, a reasonable target system spec depends on what you can do at that spec, if you can't do things reasonably expected at a low spec, you have to go to a higher one.

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#35: Re: Fist

by VerbalC on 05/30/2003 02:03, refers to #34

Maybe I should restate that. Cube isn't necessarily bent around low end machines, but, as stated in this topic the models are.
If he's keeping under 300 (291 polys is his max), I'd say that's low end for the models.

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#36: ..

by SnipamastaK on 05/30/2003 12:02

Skaus : Oni gfx are good.
Ok then, UT2003,happy? :P

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#37: ..

by Darthvim on 05/31/2003 13:24

287 is the max :)

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#38: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/31/2003 19:03

hey darthvim , i got to talk to you , whats your email adresse for msn ?

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#39: ..

by Darthvim on 05/31/2003 19:51


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#40: ..

by SnipamastaK on 06/01/2003 01:15

i added u Darthvim but why havnt u been online/accepted my request?

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#41: ..

by Darthvim on 06/01/2003 10:33

sorry i a not very often online with msn, i am currently playing a bit with linux and i don't know any clone for linux, but i'll be online today or tomorrow

cya ;)

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#42: hey

by remouk :) on 06/01/2003 10:57

a clone for linux (exist for win32, too) : gaim [ http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ ]

You can use msn and many other ones (more than trillian)

see you

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#43: ..

by SnipamastaK on 06/01/2003 11:25

or you can search for WINE (a linux win32 emulator)

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#44: Re: ..

by Skaus on 06/01/2003 14:31, refers to #36

Oni had terrible level design. That's one game i regret spending $10 on. But meh, to each his own :)

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#45: Re: ..

by VerbalC on 06/02/2003 06:45, refers to #41

I use aMSN. It's exactly like MSN for Windows, same UI almost.
I hate GAIM...

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#46: ..

by SnipamastaK on 06/02/2003 16:59

I thought it had great level design! You were in a assortion of places, interior/exterior, and both were great!
The ending seriously sucked though.I was pissed of when i completed it to find out u LOST!

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