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Alice Mc Gee Graphic engine superior: light&beautiful ?

by zatalaroch on 12/02/2007 14:49, 45 messages, last message: 12/07/2007 04:52, 21865 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:07

I always thought that \"Alice Mc Gee Graphic engine \" gave wonderful atmosphere, sounds, and graphics.
The game is impressively light and beautiful. It runs smoothly on any computer with giving complex maps, buildings, objects.

Would Sauerbraten be possibly as beautiful ?

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#26: Re: CVS update on Mac

by Zodar on 12/04/2007 08:02, refers to #25

I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. The only thing I used Terminal for was downloading the CVS stuff.

Here's a screenshot from XCode, if it helps at all.

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#27: Re: CVS update on Mac

by Hirato Kirata on 12/04/2007 08:31, refers to #26

That's exactly what I asked for.
But how to help I don't know. I haven't had much success compiling sauer OSX myself. if I had to guess, it's probably a problem with ldap, just don't take my word for it.

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#28: Re: CVS update on Mac

by MeatROme on 12/04/2007 13:51, refers to #26

It's a bit different than what I usually get to see ... but I'd say you've gotten some old pre-compiled objects lying around.
Do a "make clean" (or was that button labled "clean all"?) ... and retry.
Have you got all libraries (development (read "headers)) installed!?!

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#29: Re: CVS update on Mac

by JadeMatrix on 12/04/2007 15:35, refers to #28

OK then, anyone got a suggestion for me? Xcode claims that a file I know exists doesn't. Or it at least appears so.


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#30: Re: CVS update on Mac

by MovingTarget on 12/04/2007 16:15, refers to #28

Yeah, your right, they are linker errors. From the names of the functions that are having errors, seems logical to guess OpenGL...

JadeMatrix: It doesn't matter if the file exists or not, it must be added to your project before it will be recognized. At least on Windoze. I have absolutely no experience of Mac, but that's just my opinion.

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#31: Re: CVS update on Mac

by JadeMatrix on 12/04/2007 21:11, refers to #30

I added the entire src folder to the project, which should have included subdirectories.

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#32: Re: CVS update on Mac

by SheeEttin on 12/04/2007 21:15, refers to #29

Just to make sure, you installed the SDL dev library, right?
If not, get it here: http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php . Not sure if you need the runtime or dev libraries.

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#33: Re: CVS update on Mac

by MovingTarget on 12/04/2007 22:16, refers to #31

Well, I can't help you much then, 'cause I don't know anything about Macs. Sorry :-(

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#34: Re: CVS update on Mac

by Quin on 12/05/2007 03:10, refers to #26

Ok, the CVS project for Mac is pretty much only updated each release. There's no dedicated active Mac developer on Sauerbraten, only guys kind enough to make binaries for you.

The error you see ("undefined symbols") means that it can't find those functions, because the file that contains them has not been compiled and linked. Since the release, shadowmaps were added in 'shadowmap.cpp', which needs to be included in project.

I can't really guide you on anything Mac related, but suffice to say you need to add this file and mark it to compile and link (if your development environment contains such options).

Hope that helps, even if only a little bit.

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#35: Re: CVS update on Mac

by Quin on 12/05/2007 03:14, refers to #34

As a follow up, people using CVS should really be taking the time to learn the environment for themselves, and understand the compilation process.

I've been kind enough to help each time someone has had an issue with it that couldn't be solved by the community, but if you're really that dedicated to running the bleeding edge version of Sauerbraten, then maybe invest some time in learning about CVS, coding, and compiling?

No offense, but seriously, you Mac guys need to step up if you want better support for your O/S, like I have already done for the Windows users.

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#36: Re: CVS update on Mac

by SanHolo on 12/05/2007 10:14, refers to #35

Umh, step up to what? Someone successful compiling CVS stuff on his Mac makes no difference in the OS support of sauerbraten.

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#37: ..

by absinth_grrr on 12/05/2007 14:40

i've fixed the xcode project in cvs

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#38: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 12/05/2007 15:33, refers to #37

Thanks, works perfectly now.

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#39: Re: CVS update on Mac

by Quin on 12/06/2007 02:59, refers to #36

To helping the community, of course. By O/S support, I mean the 'help' side of the community, not the development.

There's tons of support for people wanting to compile on Windows or Linux/BSD, but hardly any for those on Mac. We try to help, but Xcode is beyond what we know because we don't use Mac's. As demonstrated by this instance.

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#40: Re: CVS update on Mac

by absinth_grrr on 12/06/2007 14:16, refers to #39

just some things:

i don't think it is good advice to recommend normal users to compile from CVS anyway, they can't play online anyway and if they don't have something to contribute that depends on unreleased features i fail to see the point.

normally compiling on mac is dead easy, if the xcode project isn't broken at the moment, like it was now.

if help is needed it would be wise not to bury a request for mac cvs compile problem help inside a thread called "Alice Mc Gee Graphic engine...", where no mac dev would ever look unless he is extremely bored ;-> there are much too many useless threads on this board, but in this case it would be good to start a new, properly titled thread, or even better yet, revive an old thread with the same subject (there are some).

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#41: Re: CVS update on Mac

by a--baby--rabbit on 12/06/2007 20:09, refers to #34

"There's no dedicated active Mac developer on Sauerbraten" - please - not true, between absinth and myself there are at least two.

note: lifes to short to read every post - so don't bury requests in random threads...

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#42: Re: CVS update on Mac

by Quin on 12/06/2007 23:57, refers to #40

Agreed on both counts.

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#43: Re: CVS update on Mac

by Quin on 12/06/2007 23:59, refers to #41

Sorry, I did thought I worded it right by using the word 'dedicated', as I meant it more in the capacity eihrul has been in, supporting both the other platforms concurrently, most of the time generally. It takes a bit longer before Mac gets updated like the others too, so I wasn't really that off the mark was I?

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#44: ..

by absinth_grrr on 12/07/2007 01:39

>so I wasn't really that off the mark was I?

nope ;)

>It takes a bit longer before Mac gets updated like the others too

yes and usually that was caused by the fact that i've never received any word about any upcoming release (date), i just started working on a mac binary when i received the sourceforge notification about a new version.

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#45: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 12/07/2007 04:52, refers to #44

"Official CVS Updates" thread, maybe?

But seriously, we need to move this to a separate thread.

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