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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

a new mod, add magic to cube

by Tyball (godcube) on 06/23/2003 17:04, 44 messages, last message: 08/30/2003 16:53, 13054 views, last view: 06/25/2024 23:28

The player must choose between two Egyptians gods.
Seth evil\\\'s god.
Horus azure and protective\\\'s god.
The magic are create by drawing figures with the mouse (function already written).
However I am alone for this projects.
Needs Helps! (Mappers, ideas...)

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#25: Re: ..

by pushplay on 07/05/2003 01:07, refers to #24

Dude, replacing the sounds.cfg isn't cool. If you search for sounds.cfg in the source you can easily change it. Like Quad loads up sounds_quad.cfg so as to play nice with Cube.

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#26: Re: he

by pushplay on 07/05/2003 01:16, refers to #23

I tried the mod but I couldn't figure out if I was drawing a square right and if it worked or not.

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#27: nt

by Bascule on 07/07/2003 08:48

How do we know if the spell has worked?

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#28: spell has worked

by Tyball (godcube) on 07/07/2003 16:30

you know that the spell has worked when you hear a sound, after you can see your hudgun transparency and the monster don't see you until you shoot.
Yes i want add mana but i think the drawing stuff is good, but i can change.

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#29: ..

by Pathegreat on 07/07/2003 20:22

i wish the link worked for me :(

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#30: Re: spell has worked

by pushplay on 07/08/2003 01:15, refers to #28

I still couldn't get it to go.

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#31: ..

by skrik on 07/09/2003 23:43

tyball, g compris que t été francais avec ton \"euh almost serious\"
a part ca g pu télécharger et ca marche bien c marrant de voir les ennemis tourner en rond :)
par contre je trouve que le sort dure trop longtemps,les monstres tirent toujours vers le haut c bizarre...et ils finissent toujours par tous s entretuer.
autre probleme:quand on load une autre partie on garde l invisibilité en cours.
a part ca bon boulot l\'effet de transparence est réussi:)
bonne continuation

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#32: ..

by skrik on 07/09/2003 23:45

pathegreat,the link actually works!
it downloaded it after a while

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#33: ..

by Pathegreat on 07/10/2003 22:36

well skirk it didnt stay white it had all the words like this page is not blah blah blah you know the drill

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#34: Did Anyone Find Out Any Other Spells

by Sum Dude on 07/29/2003 05:52

I only know the invible spell
if you find more please post

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#35: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 07/29/2003 22:33

there IS only that spell ...

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#36: ..

by LOneWoolF on 08/15/2003 22:33

would u need a programmer?

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#37: need a programmer

by Tyball on 08/20/2003 14:30

i'm the programmer but
if you want giv help you can
the source are too bad for show
perhaps in the next release
i search a modeller and some great sound
feel free to send it, i will put the name in the pack

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#38: ..

by LOneWoolF on 08/21/2003 18:11

wot models for instance?
magic shoz or sth?

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#39: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 08/21/2003 20:31

if you need help with maps , im here :D

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#40: join the project

by Tyball on 08/26/2003 15:29

hi all,
im feel alone in this project !
nobody wants join ?

need :
- a modeler (mine sucks)
- a sound maker(----------)
- a linux programer ( i think the job will be not very hard because i use MinGW,need a linux compilater !)
- a mapper ( because im too lazy for make map)
- ideas for new spell or anything
email me !

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#41: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 08/26/2003 16:26

Hey . I dont think that i should join since im already in a cube project myself , but if theres no mappers that join you , i would be happy to join your mod team.

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#42: Re: join the project

by Thalion on 08/28/2003 20:36, refers to #40

I don't think you'll have any problems with Linux releases. As long as you open the source code, there are plenty of people here, on different platforms, to compile it. I personally can handle Linux and FreeBSD.

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#43: Re: join the project

by D.plomat on 08/30/2003 16:13, refers to #40

Well i'm already in Flameshot plus some side-projects, so i won't have time to code for you, but as i'm using Linux, if you want, i can make a Linux compile for you. BTW, i don't have windows at home, so i would be glad if you can in turn make a windows build for flameshot when we'll be releasing it.
PS: not mandatory of course, but i like this idea of "build exchange" ;)

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#44: build exchange

by Tyball on 08/30/2003 16:53

why not, i think it s a good idea.
i don t have finish my work but when it will be done i will release the source

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