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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272805 views, last view: 09/30/2024 17:26

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#235: sauer multi

by CC_machine4 on 01/05/2006 00:07

i think you're right aard, i can connect to the edm server just fine (what version was that based on again?)

oh, and when are we gonna have a http:// masterserver?

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#236: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 01/05/2006 23:56

I hope you fix this, im a big multiplayer fan of Cube, so i think ill be a big multiplayer fan of Sauerbraten. Oh, and whatever happened to the master server?

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#237: Server

by Ender01 on 01/16/2006 23:24

try it out, Im new to this so let me know.

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#238: server error

by ender02 on 01/16/2006 23:43

Sorry, its

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#239: ..

by CC_machine4 on 01/21/2006 17:46

it works :)

but the master's still down

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#240: ..

by UgaSofT on 01/21/2006 23:11

I'm sorry... maybe it's a little bit off topic... but I've Italian Keyboard without the key "`" (this is just cut-and-paste)

so i cannot access to cube console... Can you help me?

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#241: ..

by makkE on 01/22/2006 00:11

Just press t, and enter a "/" before the command. That´s just the same. Or bind a diffrent key for console just like this:

/bind f1 "saycommand /"

for example.

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#242: Sauerbraten and Cube Server

by Ender01 on 01/22/2006 06:54

Everything should be up and working now...
let me know if its not.

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#243: Cube Master Server DOWN !!!!

by BenKrU on 01/22/2006 14:28

Hello All,

We don't have any Master server ON for Multiplayer Cube FPS, when do you plan to recover it, without MasterServer Multi will be dead rapidly in Cube...

Thanks for Help !!!

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#244: ..

by makkE on 01/22/2006 18:21

The masterserver is down, will _probably_ be fixed on tuesday.

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#245: ..

by UgaSofT on 01/26/2006 15:17

Thak you makkE for my consolle question :D

...but today is thursday... the master server???

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#246: cub3 server

by n3m3sis on 01/26/2006 15:52

ok peeps wanna cub3 connect to ferret.cx

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#247: Cube server in Finland

by skeezer on 02/12/2006 22:09


I am also hosting a Cube server on my dedicated server (no, it is not only for Cube). Internet connection is 10 Mbps and it runs 24/7.

Address: skeezu.net (
Player limit: 20 (can be increased if needed)
Location: Europe, Finland

You can contact me via email if you have some problems regarding my Cube server.

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#248: My server

by Kripton on 03/01/2006 12:26

IP: (kripserver.net)
Public server @ 100MBit
Online 24/7 (I hope =)

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#249: My server

by vrillusions on 03/02/2006 16:04

IP: (rikku.vrillusions.com)
Public server @ insane speeds (somewhere in the OC range, not sure which one)
Located in Cleveland, OH, USA
Will keep online for as long as it seems like it's being used.

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#250: New Sauerbraten Server

by Superdreadnought on 03/07/2006 21:52

Adress: sauerbraten.servegame.org (
Location: Europe, Germany
Should be running 24/7.

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#251: Re: New Sauerbraten Server

by Passa on 03/08/2006 07:14, refers to #250

ive set up a computer to use as a cube or sauerbraten dedicated server (havent decided yet) but I have a few questions first...

what sort of specs does a server need? ive set up a pentium 120 with 32mb ram because it was just collecting dust and I figured as alot was client side it should work...

also, does it matter if I have a dynamic IP address? the server would be located in Sydney, Australia and would be run on an ADSL2+ connection.

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#252: server

by ben>< on 03/13/2006 07:44

add :
speed - T1
24 hours 7 days.
adults only.
french and english only.
no cunting women allowed.

Soon we will be running the outlands total conversion.

Looking for MOD developers, this is a paying job.

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#253: now people...

by Aardappel_ on 03/13/2006 07:53

remember interweb lesson #54

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#254: Re: now people...

by Passa on 03/13/2006 08:35, refers to #253

yes i remember interweb lesson #54 :P

but its sOO tempting to tell this guy off..

look at his email! just cos I worked out that he was a fake dont mean I deserve that! :D

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