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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Most Wanted Feature

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 03:14, 4190 messages, last message: 04/30/2008 20:02, 3619676 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:34, closed on 04/30/2008 20:09

Hello all... this thread is for discussing features you would like to see in cube, and in particular those that you find most urgent. If lots of people have the same urgent requests, I may give it priority to be implemented.

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#2281: Re: things i would like to see

by Pxtl on 08/03/2006 23:00, refers to #2280

All the player models are from Q2, so they all have crouch and moving crouch animations. The problem is that crouch is a useless feature in a fast-paced DM game. The only gamers I've seen that use crouch just use it for swimming (useful, imho) and as a substitute for "walk" (which, in some games, keeps you from falling off ledges).

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#2282: Re: things i would like to see

by rancor on 08/04/2006 04:21, refers to #2281

Might not be useless in Eisenstern though...

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#2283: Re: Vwep.

by quake3 on 08/04/2006 08:37, refers to #2277

The orgo md2 has some vwep weapons.
See this page


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#2284: Re: Vwep.

by Pxtl on 08/04/2006 16:16, refers to #2283

A bunch've those weapons are the Quake 2 weapons (but they do look reskinned)... but the blaster looks like it might be original to the Ogro.

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#2285: Re: things i would like to see

by djRobbieF on 08/05/2006 14:12, refers to #2281

>>crouch is a useless feature in a fast-paced DM game

Not true at all. It would give mappers a chance to add tunnels that require crouching, not to mention the ability to duck behind walls or whatever during combat.

IMO, crouching is a standard feature that should be in any FPS game. As much as strafe. It's a part of the movement sequence of a good player, and the lack of it makes Sauer feel 'behind' other games.

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#2286: Re: things i would like to see

by eihrul on 08/05/2006 18:16, refers to #2285

It's not a part of the movement sequence of a good player of Sauerbraten. If you're stationary, you're dead.

Sauer's FPS gameplay is meant to be FAST. No large amount of strategizing. This is purely an ego shooter. Anything that slows down gameplay will never be put in, period.

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#2287: What I need in Cube

by devknob on 08/06/2006 09:44


and keep up the good work on the multiplayer maps. a couple battlefield type maps would be rad, trenches and shit


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#2288: Per chance..

by Hiato on 08/07/2006 17:46

Any hint of new weapons/more weapons

(I truly dont want to offend/rush the contributing members in any way)

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#2289: Im sorry for double posting, other thread goes here

by Hiato on 08/07/2006 17:47

This is what i wrote...

The most confusing factor of online is simply-


blodd andn or gibs or faster disappearing bodies would really help


(P.S if this is in the wrong section I appologize- I am new here.)

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#2290: a good idea

by darkbasic on 08/08/2006 15:36

Make a menu thing were you can choose a player model or something like that or pick to be like bad or good and have a model for bad team and a model for a good team.any player select option would be nice.

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#2291: a small feature

by someyoungguy on 08/12/2006 01:07

It is not very urgent, but I think it would be nice if when a music track is played, the title could been shown temporarily. It would have to be done multiple times per level on sauerbraten for sure because the music doesn't loop.

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#2292: Re: a small feature

by Passa on 08/12/2006 01:18, refers to #2291

The songs, while Fanatic has given them names, they are all just numbered for convienience, so the song names would need to be hardcoded into the binaries, which isn't practical.

If you want it to show the song name of a custom song you are playing with it, just use a media player program, you will save yourself having to re-encode all your music to .ogg.

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#2293: Re: a small feature

by MeatROme on 08/12/2006 12:12, refers to #2292

I wrote myself a script to manage music inside of sauerbraten - because using an external player wouldn't give me the possibility to change tracks quickly.

Since I'm on linux there is no problem with using MP3 and I can soft-link my MP3 archives inside the sauerbraten directory structure too ...
... the script also displays current song played (if I tell it to).

Look at the meATpAk - http://www.quadropolis.us/node/263

...which reminds me I should work up a new release of that too ... so much to do ;)

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#2294: Capture & gibs

by theButcher on 08/12/2006 16:40

I know there is the "capture" mode with capturing bases and all, but I think a traditional CTF mode would be good too, with a flag for red and a flag for blue.
About gibs... I noticed that in earlier versions of Sauer there were models for gibs in the "packages" directory, but they're gone in the latest release. Were there meant for mapmodels, or were we actually going to have gibs?

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#2295: Re: Capture & gibs

by Passa on 08/13/2006 02:00, refers to #2294

Older Cube versions had gibs.

I guess the models were never removed from the packages/models dir.

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#2296: Re: Capture & gibs

by shadow,516 on 08/13/2006 02:42, refers to #2295


I remember that. When you killed a monster it just transformed into a single gib. No animation or anything :P

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#2297: Admining

by Cyk on 08/13/2006 21:32

So after hearing about this MasterMode thing, I'm a bit angry.

I feel that if I am the owner of a server, I should be allowed to be an admin.

There are, of course, problems with this. How do you identify who should be admins? Nicks don't work.

What I think would be cool would be a simple password feature integrated- you'd set admin password on the commandline and the admin could use it by typing "adminpass blah" or such into the console.

It just seems that I cannot control my server at all with the way it's setup.

(also, is server password protection in Sauer yet? private games would be nice...)

One last thing: What is with the forums here? Not only could I not remember what username I used with my email so I had to use a fake email, but every time there was an error it added another backslash in front of apostrophies. Why not just use phpBB instead of... this thing?

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#2298: Re: Admining

by eihrul on 08/13/2006 22:20, refers to #2297

It seems you have not read the documentation at all. There is already a master password.

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#2299: Re: Admining

by shadow,516 on 08/13/2006 22:36, refers to #2297

You'll be happy to know that every feature you wanted in sauer is already there... Just read the docs for once okay?

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#2300: Re: Admining

by Passa on 08/14/2006 06:20, refers to #2297

"What is with the forums here? Not only could I not remember what username I used with my email so I had to use a fake email, but every time there was an error it added another backslash in front of apostrophies. Why not just use phpBB instead of... this thing?"

Silence you!! This was discussed already, and it was decided that this forum suits the community the best.

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