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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 520647 views, last view: 09/30/2024 02:23

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#223: Changing Textures

by shadow516 on 06/19/2005 22:57

What: Changing texture can affect geometry.

When: 6-12-05 release

Detail: While trying to create a "smooth" arch, i noticed that changing the texture on the front changes the geometry significantly. Note that this doesn't happen with the smaller arch next to it.



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#224: Re: Changing Textures

by shadow516 on 06/19/2005 22:58, refers to #223

Reloading the map before changing the textures seems to have fixed this.

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#225: ..

by makkE on 06/20/2005 03:40

Omg :) Screenshot : F12 by default XD
Funny how many people actually type it :D

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#226: Re: ..

by shadow516 on 06/20/2005 05:28, refers to #225

I already knew about F12, but I still always type it out. Go figure.

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#227: ATI lockups

by thepacz on 06/20/2005 06:10

Is there any way yet to fix the random lockups that happen with ATI cards? It's not just cube/sauerbraten, but I can't find any help anywhere else.

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#228: Some Textures

by jean pierre on 06/20/2005 12:56, refers to #226

This bug is small but it gets annoying

Bug:I did lightning and recalculated as well and then i change textures and some textures lose the light which they are already in the light and then i recalc again and gets normal but annoying especially if you are doing a mega light level.

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#229: Re: ATI lockups

by tentus on 06/20/2005 15:37, refers to #227

did you get this card recently? i got an All-In-Wonder not long ago, only to find out that
a) AIWs don't like my Audigy sound card
b) My Soyo motherboard has issues with cards that use over 150V.

so i had to buy a cheap XFX card to use until i can get a new motherboard. i hate the way those crucial little incompatabilities are squirreled away where you have to be searching for them specifically if you want to know.

of course, yours may be a completely different issue, if so sorry about my little rant there.

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#230: Re: ATI lockups

by tentus on 06/20/2005 17:13, refers to #230

sounds like you have some beef with ATI there Morgaine :) funny how getting an ATI card has made me even more an nVidia fan

just out of curiosity, does anyone have any advice on getting a mid-range mb/processor? i'm looking at this one
because i'm in the market for an approximately $400 US mb/processor combo. any advice on this would be great.

on sauerbraten:

What: psycodelically colored skyboxes

When: 6-12-05 release (onboard video :/ )

i do a lot of testing on the family computer, which has onboard video. hence, craptastic with plenty of visual bugs. one of these, common to both cube and sauer, is that often the skybox will be psycodelically colored when the game is first load: this is fixed by simply loading a new map. however, in the newest sauer release, ALL the skyboxes are colored crazy, dispite many reloads and map changes. this is probably something specific to the onboard vido, but i thought it was interesting that there was an inconsistency.

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#231: Re: ATI lockups

by thepacz on 06/20/2005 18:55, refers to #230

hehe thanks guys =)

I'm getting a new computer soon anyway... and it WILL NOT have an ATI card.

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#232: Re: ATI lockups

by CC_machine on 06/20/2005 19:27, refers to #230

funny, there MUST be something different with the new sauer, the newest sauer and the one before (12/6/05 and 5/06/05) my computer crashes at startup, but the versions before (29/05/05 and earlier) work properly (i think it is something to do with loading maps, i can make the newer sauers work by:

-renameing/deleting aard3.ogz in base folder

-not loading a map or changing weapons - i am stuck on a newmap :(

i think this is a driver problem but it is quite wierd.. you would think it would crash if it started on a newmap :\

also if i load a map then SOMETIMES it will load and work as normal.. even wierder

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#233: MB/Processor combo

by shadow516 on 06/20/2005 19:36

If you want an AMD processor here's my suggestion:



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#234: Funky sprites & explosions

by enigma_0Z on 06/22/2005 02:52

Sprites such as smoke, weapon trails, etc. look funky when drawn over water.

Look at water and fire the rocket launcher so the smoke goes over the water.

Revision 1.66, Released: Wed Jun 15 01:57:13 UTC

I read this bug was "fixed" but it isn't in the latest CVS release, unless i'm looking in the wrong spot. ( http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/sauerbraten/sauerbraten/sauerbraten/bin/sauerbraten.exe?view=log )

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#235: New (large?) maps are pixelated

by enigma_0Z on 06/22/2005 03:00

If I start up sauer and create a map with a command, the textures are pixelated, but not if I select it from the menu

Type (in the console, in edit mode, without quotes) "/newmap 256" for example. When the map loads, the textures will be pixelated, but if you go into the editing menu and select a 256^3 cube map, the textures aren't pixelated.

Revision 1.66, Released: Wed Jun 15 01:57:13 UTC

I've got an ATI graphics card, and am under Windows XP Pro. I looked in the menu config and the arguments to newmap are in the range of 10-16. Does this matter? Perhaps there should be an error message displayed if the argument is > than some reasonable number.

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#236: Re: Changing Textures

by Gilt on 06/23/2005 04:17, refers to #223

all cube editing commands have the potential to subdivide cubes if the gridsize is smaller then the selected cubes. If you use a larger grid size to texture they wouldn't break like that...

that being said, it doesn't look like it is subdividing properly...

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#237: Re: CVS Sauer on x86_64 hangs in intermission

by Aardappel_ on 06/23/2005 18:50, refers to #237

maybe it depends on which map gets loaded first? try modifying the source to load another startup map.

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#238: Lastes CVS Sauer?

by enigma_0Z on 06/23/2005 20:48

Where/how can I get the latest CVS version of sauerbraten? The last version I see on the above link is like 8 days old...

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#239: Re: CVS Sauer on x86_64 hangs in intermission

by Aardappel_ on 06/25/2005 09:41, refers to #239

I'll make sauer 64bit clean.. not many changes required.

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#240: Re: CVS Sauer on x86_64 hangs in intermission

by Pxtl on 06/25/2005 15:58, refers to #240

Ick. cout is your friend.

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#241: slides...

by Wolf on 06/30/2005 06:37

its not a major bug or anything but its annoying for what i am trying to do. (maybe i just shouldnt do it lol)

i was trying to make a slide that the player slides down in my map. dont ask me why lol. in order for the character to slide and not be able to climb back up it must be one click over 45 degrees. so i made my slide and then slid down it. whenever u hit a division the size of the cube u edited the slide with u hit a bump. the geometry is smooth tho. just make a slide with an angle of more than 45 degree's and u will see what i mean.

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#242: Bouncy Jump...

by enigma_0Z on 07/02/2005 04:34

What: If player jumps repeatidly, player gets higher jumps.

How: Jump, then jump as soon as you land. Repeat. You get more air to an extent with the more jumps you make. In aard3 there is a higher area near the central part of the map. You can't jump up there on your first jump but if you keep bouncing, you can get high enough to make it up there.

When: Version 1.67 . I believe it's the lastet? I downloaded it in linux using CVS.

Details: None aplicable that I can think of... perhaps this is caused by the same thing that makes you bounce higher on jumppads?

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