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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

New Release Expected?

by lonnie on 07/27/2003 00:13, 24 messages, last message: 12/15/2003 20:00, 5310 views, last view: 06/02/2024 02:20


I made a recent post, but am not sure where it showed up so I will re-post my question.

does someone know when we might get to test the new release of CUBE?

I hope that it comes soon so that I can start to build my project off of the newest release-candidate.


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#23: Re: ..

by sinsky on 12/15/2003 14:23, refers to #22

Hmm. From now on you must eat three times every day, go to church at Sunday and do other stuff like that. And be careful - we will watch the thread...

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#24: ..

by pushplay on 12/15/2003 20:00

/me stabs it



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