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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Performance on Linux.

by maaarcooose on 09/07/2006 18:06, 26 messages, last message: 05/04/2007 17:06, 9040 views, last view: 06/25/2024 20:11

I've recently installed Sauerbraten on my Laptop (dual booting Kubuntu/WinXP) under both OS's.

Under Windows it runs fine, loads up levels and runs with very good performance.

Under Linux, it runs fine when you first load it up, but as soon as you load another level, the performance drops down to about 4 fps for every map I load. Even after exiting the game, the entire system seems to run slow afterwards until I reboot, and restart sauer.
From what I can see there are no processes still running from sauer.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and know how to fix it?



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#22: ..

by trashmaster5000 on 05/04/2007 12:38

tnx, i installed an ISA trident 8800 video card, it has a 512kb framebuffer, but sauerbraten still doesnt work


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#23: Re: ..

by sinsky on 05/04/2007 13:18, refers to #22

Obviously the PC is broken. Either you dropped it from a high place, or put it in direct sunlight. Check if the warranty has expired.

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#24: ..

by trashmaster5000 on 05/04/2007 14:09

my 286 is not broken, it runs fine, my power on self test shows that all 512kb of main memory is tested ok. clearly your assumption is wrong.

hmm, my warranty may have expired, purchased in 1988 + how many years of warranty? hmm....

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#25: ..

by Quin on 05/04/2007 14:26

Maybe you have too much ASCII pron on it, or those dudes playing the MUD on the BBS haxed your system.

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#26: Re: ..

by Drakas on 05/04/2007 17:06, refers to #22


You realise that this is the 21st century?:D

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