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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by CC machine on 05/21/2005 21:24, 31 messages, last message: 06/13/2005 22:20, 10742 views, last view: 06/25/2024 02:08

There are other types of cheating other than mods of cube, for example:

using a modded map to give the player an advantage (e.g. flood the map to enable flying to dodge rockets etc.)

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#22: editing cube maps

by Dreadnought on 06/06/2005 01:10

one thing that I've seen when playing cube is if someone doesn't have the current map because they haven't done /getmap and they don't understand what I'm saying to them... <I see this a lot when playing Babel or the derivitives of that> is someone can be outside of the map babel <it's 12544 cubes square> and shoot into the map hitting me, but I can't shoot at them back, because the outside wall blocks the shot. going along with that thought, say someone went through all their maps and equalized the floor at -127. then went into multiplayer and loaded the map. if they're playing instagib they're invunerable <you can't shoot through the floor to hit them. hell you can't even see them> and don't say noone would do this, because I've given it some serious thought and decided I think it would be interesting to do. one way to combat this is to make your map so the floor starts at -127. the down side to this is you can't have any wells or depressions in the map <nothing except waterlevel goes below -127> and you can't have any ledges, or stairs, or platues because someone will come in and level the whole map and shoot potshots from underneath the original floor level.

another thing is someone can edit the item placements, and can add items anywhere just by editing their version of the map so they can have a flat map, with 6 quads, 5 rifle rounds, 5 shotgun shells, 5 rockets and 5 chaingun bullets and have a field day killing people. there are ways that I can think of to combat these issues but I can still think of ways to bypass the protection.

also, I use a zoom function when I play Cube, and I change the fog to 1024. I don't think it's cheating, anyone can do it, if they don't want to take the time to reserch this stuff online <like I did> then that is their own can of beans but I don't have any sympathy for them when we're fraggin'

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#23: Re: editing cube maps

by pushplay on 06/06/2005 02:22, refers to #22

If the mapper took the time to set a fog setting then that's the way the map was meant to be played and you are cheating.

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#24: ..

by makkE on 06/06/2005 03:11

You are right pushplay. I tend to try out fog values a lot in my maps until I think it fits. But you just can´t control it, that´s the point. Even if ppl don´t modify the map´s cfg, there´s some simple binding that´ll give you 1024.
I myself play the maps like the mapper wanted them to be. Even if the fog´s at default (no cfg)...
But it´s all not that bad. If you got the aim you got it, if you don´t , fog 1024 or zooming won´t make you hit any better. And if people decide to miss the atmoshphere of a well tuned fog-value, it´s their own fault.

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#25: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 06/06/2005 05:08, refers to #24

Amen. Fog shouldn't be changeable - you can't blame players for using the tools available tho. If they can turn it off, then they will. Hence, the game shouldn't let them reset the fog after the game's started.

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#26: Re: ..

by tentus on 06/06/2005 14:24, refers to #25

i strongly disagree, there are way too many mappers out there who don't know how to tweak performance by using fog and such details. i go through every map i download, optimizing it, and fogging has often been a handy way of making things work when the geometry doesn't work out.

really, zooming and such is uncontrollable. you could, if you're really dedicated, argue that people with bigger screens should be allowed to play, because they're getting a magnified picture. or, someone with a more powerful video card shouldn't be allowed, because they're not getting jacked by lower framerates. i mean, it's just kinda ridiculous to get worked up over some people using crutches to help themselves win. it's just a game, and all they're doing is limiting themselves.

a possible solution to zooming would be to make a weak in-engine zooming for the rifle, paralleled by a whack function for the shotgun, a slow rate-of-fire function for the chaingun, and maybe a remote detonation for the RL. by putting these in, you would eliminate a lot of people who just dig up a zooming script, because they wouldn't be motivated to do it anymore, even if it was a better zoom.

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#27: zooming

by rootnis on 06/08/2005 23:02

btw zooming is included in 22.05.2004 release`s autoexec.cfg file. Q + mouse wheel. so i don`t think it should be considered as cheating.

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#28: ..

by Rick| on 06/08/2005 23:37

wow! I never knew that lol

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#29: Re: zooming

by tentus on 06/09/2005 02:35, refers to #27

holy cr*p. i never knew that. (checks) he's right!

good lord i feel dumb. here we've been, discussing this thing for so long, we've made little scripts for zooming, and so on, and then someone calmly tells us the whole thing is a moot point.

ouch, hardcore.

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#30: ..

by shadow516 on 06/09/2005 06:59

I've created a new config script for those that really don't like people messing with fog levels on their maps. You can get it here: http://cube.snieb.com/node/73

Whether you can change fog levels should be the mappers choice, and if you know enough to override this, you probably have earned the right to anyways...

NOTE: I am NOT a programmer. This was a crash-course for me with programming, so it probably isn't very efficient (And it's definately not secure). If anyone wants to make a better .cfg for this, be my guest.

P.S.: Hey, Aard - how about including an editing option to decide whether the map automatically 'voids' the 'fog' command when loaded on DM servers?

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#31: Re: editing cube maps

by CrazyTB on 06/13/2005 22:20, refers to #22

About creating a modified map and playing with it instead of "correct one":

Items must be "acknowledged" by server before you really receive it. If you use a map with items more items than "normal one", the server won't allow you to use all of them.

About using a "-127" map: I don't think it is possible to avoid. I can think in two things:

1. When I join a game and I don't have the map, the cube/sauerbraten should show me a dialog box (or just a menu) asking me if I want to download the map.

1.5 If I join a game and I have the map, cube/sauerbraten should check the MD5 of current map with the server's map. If they differ, cube/sauerbraten should ask me if I want to update current map (and make an automatic backup of previous map).

2. If someone still uses a modified map (cheating), then whe should "apply" some anti-cheat techniques. I described my ideas here:

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