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n00b Cheaters - Please help :'(

by Harris on 01/22/2007 12:12, 54 messages, last message: 02/01/2007 22:17, 14071 views, last view: 06/26/2024 08:13

Today i was on my own server enjoying a game of instagib when 2 people connect:


these people had really fast rifles, could run fast and they were almost invincible. I used /setmaster 1 and asked them to leave before i kicked them, and CC_machene said "no we will crash the server". i typed /kick 4 and he was not kicked, and paxybetle then said "right we are crashing the server. the server crashed.

I also remember the ISPs of the cheaters, they were both on BT.

Please help stop these cheaters!!!

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#22: Re: ..

by Drakas on 01/24/2007 08:19, refers to #21

If you wanna have a good game, http://woop-clan.net/ fight against us ;)
Public gameplay became boring to me for some reason, and now private games are much more fun cause you're not playing efficiency at complex with 20 people ;)

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#23: A new game mode

by Rasputin [NOR] on 01/25/2007 18:37

Drakas: I propose a new game mode just for map Complex: Super Dual-Rocket Arena! =)

Again... There is no point in posting nicknames of cheaters in the forums. People will only be offended and so on... this has been discussed before.

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#24: ..

by {LiD}CC_machine on 01/25/2007 18:54


is someone against LiD? ^o|

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#25: Re: ..

by {LiD}CC_machine on 01/25/2007 19:00, refers to #22

i meant.. that wasnt me and praxibetel >_>

btw i dont like the woop-clan server... mastermode is locked and there arent always w00p members on there.

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#26: Re: You suck

by {LiD}CC_machine on 01/25/2007 19:15, refers to #2

censor the imposter plz!!!!

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#27: Re: ..

by Drakas on 01/26/2007 09:16, refers to #27

That's cause we don't go under our real nicknames.. duh

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#28: "Real Nicknames"

by Morosoph on 01/26/2007 14:38


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#29: Re: You suck

by {LiD}CC_machine on 01/27/2007 12:02, refers to #2

that was not me! please censor the post ffs! >_>

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#30: ..

by {LiD}CC_machine on 01/27/2007 20:34


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#31: ...

by {LiD}CC_machine-damned-cookies on 01/28/2007 17:21

...oh i guess somebody removed the admin functions?

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#32: Re: ..

by 1veedo on 01/29/2007 00:22, refers to #16

That's not the problem at all.

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#33: Re: ..

by 1veedo on 01/29/2007 00:31, refers to #32

-- in response to Aardappel

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#34: Ban www.notmilk.com

by Lex Luthor on 01/29/2007 15:42

There is a guy in SauerBraten MP with the name of ww.notmilk.com or maybe www.not-milk.com(Yes he is an advertiser)And he often cheats/hacks games and having an uber-fast machinegun which fires slimeball(That projectile goblins shoot)Not just that but he is also a nazist,Offending people by their families and putting setmaster 1 immediately and obviously kicks whoever complains about him/her,This guy is a total bitch man,Please ban this nazy retard from the server.

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#35: Re: Ban www.notmilk.com

by Lex Luthor on 01/29/2007 15:43, refers to #34

Let me correct myself,I meant master server so he would not access any server.

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#36: Re: Ban www.notmilk.com

by Drakas on 01/29/2007 16:32, refers to #35

how would anyone do that?

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#37: Re: Ban www.notmilk.com

by Lex Luthor on 01/29/2007 17:18, refers to #36

Ban his IP but the prob is that it is not possible to get IP's of others in MP so I guess thats impossible :( if it is then I don't know how.

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#38: Bizarre

by Morosoph on 01/29/2007 17:58

Why piss people off if you want them to visit your website?

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#39: Re: Ban www.notmilk.com

by 1veedo on 01/29/2007 22:59, refers to #37

"Ban his IP but the prob is that it is not possible to get IP's of others in MP so I guess thats impossible :( if it is then I don't know how. "

No, it's possible. The master server can have a list of banned IPs that gets downloaded by the individual servers. Servers can disable this, of course (I dont see why you'd want to), but by default anyone on the master ban list is auto baned from every server.

This is how bzflag does it.

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#40: Re: Bizarre

by Passa on 01/30/2007 06:45, refers to #38

Because I bet half of you right now opened up the site just to see what it was, probably giving him advertising revenue.

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#41: Think if SRB2

by Lex Luthor on 01/30/2007 08:26

Sonic robo blast 2 has rules on the master server that if you break them the admin that manages the master server(In this case Sonikku)Bans the n00b for a week and if he tries to connect and error occures(Obviously he is banned)

I find this idea quite useful.

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