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Syntensity: Razanak

by kripken on 01/09/2010 12:43, 48 messages, last message: 01/19/2010 03:31, 5948 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:55

We just launched a new game on Syntensity, called Razanak.

* Co-op gameplay, players vs. the enemies
* Robotic spiders that crawl on the walls
* Doors and keycards, with a semi-nonlinear plot
* 1 huge map
* Boss at the end of the level that is (hopefully) not too easy to kill
* Special areas with unique effects
* New textures, HUD images, cutscenes, etc.

YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M80DN-5Xgk

Screenshot: http://www.syntensity.com/static/screenshot_226138.jpg (more screenshots here: http://www.syntensity.com/toplevel/screenshots/ )

You can get to Razanak from the Syntensity lobby. (Note that you need a recent build, which you can get here: http://www.syntensity.com/toplevel/download/ - btw, better installers are coming soon).

Like all games on Syntensity, you can mod Razanak - make other versions of the existing map, with small or big changes, or make entirely new maps. (If you want to do some modding and need help, I am on IRC, #sauerbraten on QuakeNet, or #syntensity on FreeNode.)

- kripken

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#21: ..

by abs1nth on 01/15/2010 23:42

>but that should be the easy part, I think

well i don't know ;-) i've never ported project that wasn't only composed of C/C++ files...

> I'm not sure, but I thought CMake can only generate 'native' build files

what i wanted to say is letting it generate makefiles and using those probably works as fine as the generated xcode projects.

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#22: Re: ..

by kripken on 01/16/2010 11:50, refers to #21


>>but that should be the easy part, I think

>well i don't know ;-) i've never ported project that wasn't only composed of C/C++ files...

Oh, ok, I guess it might seem harder because it's less familiar. But actually one of the main reasons to use languages like Python and JavaScript is that they are inherently cross-platform, and porting them to various operating systems is extremely simple. Usually it is just to copy over the plaintext files, they will 'just work'.

>> I'm not sure, but I thought CMake can only generate 'native' build files

>what i wanted to say is letting it generate makefiles and using those probably works as fine as the generated xcode projects.

Ok, I understand now.


Well, to summarize the main topic about OS X, I think that getting this to work there would be quite simple, for someone that knows C++ and OS X development in general. I would of course help with any questions about the codebase. And my offer still stands, I am willing to pay for someone to do this, out of my own pocket.

- kripken

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#23: Re: ..

by Quin on 01/16/2010 16:08, refers to #22

Okay, buy me a Mac then ;)

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#24: *.xcodeproj

by LeftClicker on 01/16/2010 18:04

*.xcodeproj is Xcode's native file ending; I'm somewhat sure that while it can compile C++ it needs an *.xcodeproj file. Want me to try it? I use a Mac and dabble in C and C++... and think it would be better to just copy/paste the code instead of rely on CMake. I can't really edit the code, except for minor things like variable names or the if LINUX stuff you mentioned. Oh, do you know any good resources for C++ development?

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#25: Re: ..

by kripken on 01/16/2010 19:16, refers to #23


Feel free to try if you want. I'm on IRC if you need help. But, if you aren't an experienced C++ and OS X developer then it might be hard (and I can't help with the OS X part).

About resources for C++ development, there are some online tutorials that are good like this one, http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ , but C++ is in general a hard language - don't expect to learn it overnight. But it's worth the effort :)

- kripken

P.S. I just removed the external dependency on Boost, by bundling the small part of Boost that the engine actually needs and setting it up with CMake. So building the engine is now even easier. The only external dependency over what Sauerbraten has is Python, and as already mentioned that isn't a problem at all (it's already present in OS X).

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#26: Re: Kripken

by LeftClicker on 01/16/2010 19:43

Right now I'm learning XHTML and C, as a starting point for C++ and Objective-C -- Apple's official programming language for Mac and iPhone -- Java, C#, etc. While as you said Python is preinstalled for the Mac (see here: http://www.python.org/download/mac/ ) it is often one or even two years behind the current release. Thanks for removing the Boost thing, that should make this stuff easier. I'll read that tutorial stuff, I also have read up on some of the stuff lifehacker is talking about here <http://lifehacker.com/5401954/programmer-101-teach-yourself-how-to-code>.
== LeftClicker ==
P.S. Thanks for helping me get involved in this project, is there a wiki I could help at? (I'm a lot better with words than code =P)

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#27: ..

by Matt Bierner on 01/16/2010 20:41

In the meantime, if you do not know how to build or just do not want to put the effort in, you can try running the windows game through wine / crossover on a mac. It worked great for me.

Individual experiences with this approach may vary.

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#28: Re: Kripken

by kripken on 01/16/2010 20:53, refers to #26


Hmm, OS X 10.5 comes with Python 2.5.1, according to the website, and that is a recent enough version (2.6.x would be nicer, but not crucial).

There is a wiki at http://wiki.syntensity.com, but I am considering moving to the wiki on github, http://wiki.github.com/kripken/intensityengine/

- kripken

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#29: Re: Kripken

by LeftClicker on 01/16/2010 21:02

I don't know what 10.6 comes with; I have the developer tools from Apple's website installed and have a directory on my computer called /Developer/Applications/Utilities/Python 2.6. I assume this IS indeed Python 2.6; it only contains and application called Build Applet.app though. I'm checking the wikis out.
@Matt: I'll try that.

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#30: Python

by LeftClicker on 01/16/2010 21:07

I just checked (type "python" in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app) and it gave me 2.6.1. Huh.

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#31: ..

by abs1nth on 01/16/2010 23:26

hm i got it to compile, but not run, quite easily. the cmake system really works better than scons last time.

1.) thirdparty/boost/boost misses "cast.hpp" and "numeric/"

2.) turn around the condition in CMakeLists.txt so that the linux path picks up mac too (instead of windows picking up mac)

3.) somehow add "/usr/X11/include" to the include path list (obviously this will not work for people who don't have X11 installed, but the standard glext doesn't work cause it doesn't have the weird PFNGL* stuff used all over the place)

4.) remove -Werror so that the warnings don't break the build

5.) somehow the path to the v8 dir with the library get fucked up and have ../../../ in front of them...

6.) add the files macutils.mm and SDLMain.h/m from sauerbraten

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#32: ..

by abs1nth on 01/16/2010 23:34


OSX = sys.platform.find("osx") != -1 # ??? FIXME


OSX = sys.platform.find("darwin") != -1

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#33: ..

by abs1nth on 01/16/2010 23:36

ok change in get_home_subdir() the relevant line to

if 'linux' in sys.platform or 'darwin' in sys.platform:

it launches now

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#34: ..

by abs1nth on 01/16/2010 23:42


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#35: Compiling

by LeftClicker on 01/17/2010 02:14

Wow, sweet! What OS version, specs, etc are you using?

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#36: Re: ..

by kripken on 01/17/2010 09:31, refers to #34


Wow, great! :)

I committed the changes you mentioned, so it should work from git now.

About the X11 issue: This should also be an issue in sauer. Maybe they have a better solution for people without X11 installed? (which is optional in OS X?) Anyhow meanwhile I added it to the path as you said.

And I put the macutils.mm etc. files in src/osx_dev

- kripken

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#37: Re: Compiling

by abs1nth on 01/17/2010 14:11, refers to #35

>What OS version, specs, etc are you using?


>I committed the changes you mentioned, so it should work from git now.

i'll have a look.

>About the X11 issue: This should also be an issue in sauer.
>Maybe they have a better solution for people without X11 installed?
well they ship the necessary glext.h themselves.

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#38: Re: Compiling

by Quin on 01/17/2010 15:39, refers to #37

Also, you can't have OpenGL without being in X.

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#39: Re: Compiling

by kripken on 01/17/2010 15:53, refers to #37


Ok, I added the glext.h to src/include, and told CMake to look there for includes, so it should work now without putting X11 in the include path.

- kripken

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#40: ..

by abs1nth on 01/17/2010 17:11

>Also, you can't have OpenGL without being in X.

nah you must be confusing mac with linux

@ kripken
ok thx
i'll have more fixes soon, some things still aren't allright

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