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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Sauer Guy

by Geartrooper on 11/22/2006 07:33, 107 messages, last message: 05/13/2007 00:16, 22557 views, last view: 06/02/2024 07:02

Hello. This thread will be a progress/critique thread for a character model for the Sauerbraten FPS game and game engine. His name is Sauerguy. Currently he consists of two object meshes, an upper and lower to be tagged together and linked within Sauerbraten to facilitate resolution depth for the uvmaps . Also weapon tags will be used if needed. Without much ado here is the current progress shots for your critiquing pleasure. Please ignore the vertex and edges that seem to lead off to nowhere. These are artifacts of the z offset and do not show up in the actual model.




Closeup of Face

Detail of Hands

As you can see extra edge loops were used to facilitate animation with proper deformation, specifically in all joints. I have not yet decided which animation rigging system I will use but it will probably be a combination of IK, painted vertex weights and script handlers for proper joint deformation. All that is on the drawing board, though, because first I would like your comments on how to improve the mesh before I even consider animation.


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#21: SG

by Geartrooper on 11/25/2006 19:43

Here you can see the general coloring and some shadow placement.


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#22: SG

by Geartrooper on 11/25/2006 20:35

Shadows are refined a bit more as far as placement...


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#23: models?

by CC_machine-cookie#5millionand2 on 11/26/2006 17:49

could we make it such that players could choose whether they looked like sauerguy or the ogro?

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#24: Sauerguy

by Geartrooper on 11/28/2006 02:36

I\'m not the guy to ask about that. I just make the models. :D

Here\'s the latest colorscheme and a few details;


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#25: ..

by Greywhind on 11/28/2006 04:28

That's getting good. Keep it up!

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#26: SG

by Geartrooper on 11/29/2006 03:54

Here is a progress shot on the suit texture and strap detail;


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#27: ..

by SanHolo on 11/29/2006 16:54

Haha, don't add more clothes, that'd be great! =D =D ;D

No, serious, looks very promising!

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#28: Black leather

by Pxtl on 11/29/2006 18:49

I'm curious, are you skinning the sheen onto the black leather? Isn't that sort of thing the job of the spec maps? Or am I mistaken.

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#29: Black Leather

by Geartrooper on 11/29/2006 19:37

I am adding a bit of specularity on the texture. A spec map after that will pronounce it more.

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#30: Sauerguy

by Geartrooper on 12/03/2006 21:27

Sauerguy is moving into a slightly different vein;



Comments are appreciated.

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#31: Re: Sauerguy

by shadow,516 on 12/03/2006 22:13, refers to #30


You're screwing with me, right?

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#32: Re: Sauerguy

by BAZOOKA on 12/03/2006 22:52, refers to #30

I think this is worse than the last you posted -> http://johnny3d.promail.ca/sauerguy/sgtex4.jpg
Sauer guy is like the SECRET OGRO'S SUIT :p prepared to new combat.

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#33: Re: Sauerguy

by BAZOOKA on 12/03/2006 22:59, refers to #32

I mean that this -> http://johnny3d.promail.ca/sauerguy/sgtex4.jpg is much better :P

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#34: Sauerguy

by Geartrooper on 12/05/2006 20:08

Ok, ok. The eyes stay. But this is another possibility;


The idea is to have random noses, duck, dog, etc, show up on different players.

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#35: Re: Sauerguy

by Passa on 12/05/2006 20:33, refers to #34


Heheh now thats weird :P

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#36: Sauerguy

by Geartrooper on 12/05/2006 21:42

A variation;


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#37: Re: Sauerguy

by Aardappel_ on 12/05/2006 23:08, refers to #36

I like both :) the pig especially.

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#38: Sweet

by shadow,516 on 12/05/2006 23:13

That's awesome

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#39: ..

by Pxtl on 12/06/2006 01:05

I love Sauward the Duck.

A set of industrial/steampunk gritty furry models would be hilariously awesome.

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#40: Sauerguy

by Geartrooper on 12/06/2006 02:19

Another variation;


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