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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by -[ECA]-ShocK-TroopeR on 06/18/2002 13:17, 24 messages, last message: 07/10/2002 10:21, 4152 views, last view: 06/01/2024 21:38

as some people know, i am making a cube loader, which is fully mod compatible. those which are making mods may wish to contact me.

could i please be told what people think is needed. it is a half-life sort of design.

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#21: Re: Verboten

by xean on 07/04/2002 03:45, refers to #19

just a note to all those who are not on any security mailing lists.. please update your apache to 1.3.24 as there are numerous remote root holes in ALL versions <1.3.24.. also working exploit code!.


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#22: ne1 want it

by Shockie on 07/10/2002 09:14

does anyone actualy want CUBELoader?

if they do, tell me, PLEASE, or i will stop making it.

email me if u want a copy, i also need beta testers

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#23: i will

by Comander on 07/10/2002 09:22

I would like to be a tester

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#24: ..

by Al_Capone on 07/10/2002 10:21

I'm game

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