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one easy thing that i think is important to do...

by ducis on 04/13/2008 02:07, 39 messages, last message: 04/27/2008 10:57, 15445 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:32

I think it is critical to sauerbraten to balance out the weapons in the next release, here how i think we should do it

1-change hit boxes to included a headshot area with damage @ 150% to give the rifle a better chance

2- give pistol more dmg but less accuracy. A pistol should be a weapon not a novelty and not a infinitely long range novelty

3-either narrow the shotguns spray or amp its damage, ive been touching enemies and still not hitting the full 200

4-rifle needs a damage amp seriously 100 hitting people with a bolt action sniper sickens me :)

5- this one is easier then it seems since some severs already have a zoom function but either way a scope HUD would make rifles actually worth picking up/waiting for

more then just adding more elements of gameplay these improvement would allow use to keep random regen capture spawns
and i think put this awesome game on the map!

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#19: Saw

by conorkirk@mac.com(PeeCee) on 04/20/2008 09:35

I think the saw should stay out until the mouse is released. It could really change the feel of it.

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#20: Things That Sauerbraten Needs (easy or not)

by renoa on 04/20/2008 11:27

Now that Sauerbraten has new weapons I have started playing it again. However there are still some things I would like to see implemented.

- Reload action for all or most guns or at least have bullet cases eject out of guns after each shot.
I noticed Sauerbraten has neither.

- We need a grenade launcher that actually launches grenades. The grenade launcher is a gigantic gun but yet the grenades just roll out of it, they should be blasted out of it.

- Proper character models. Im tired of coloured Minime type characters. Also have more voices for getting hit.

- Smooth out any bugs, at the moment Sauerbraten freezes when it is going on to another song.

I know this might be asking for alot but I don\\\'t care how long it takes... if these were implemented it really would make Sauerbraten the king of Free FPS games.

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#21: Re: Things That Sauerbraten Needs (easy or not)

by Hirato Kirata on 04/20/2008 14:07, refers to #20

- there's a full conversion being made by quin and acord called blood frontier. I'd suggest you look into it if you're interested in having such actions that don't fit the style and speed of sauer...

- er.. don't ask me

- Geartrooper is pretty much the only person in the past year or two that has contributed any player and map models. and do you know how hard it is to find fitting royalty free voice samples to use without creating it yourself?

- that's a most peculiar bug, if you can get a backtrace you should probably give it to one of the developers, but I'll let you know eihrul is fixing up lots of bugs in his insomnia ;)

~Hirato Kirata

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#22: Thanks for the update

by renoa on 04/20/2008 18:48

I had a look at Blood Frontier, it might be good but it needs alot more people to get involved.

Does anyone else feel that the grenade launcher is a bit well emm... crap. I hate it at the moment its a gigantic grenade launcher yet it has the power of a spring loaded toy gun.

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#23: Re: Thanks for the update

by yoopers on 04/20/2008 21:23, refers to #22

You get used to the grenade launcher, but I agree it wasn't exactly what I expected when I first started playing Sauer. Still, the grenade launcher can be devastating in the right hands (not mine ;), you just have to learn how to aim in arcs.

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#24: Re: Thanks for the update

by tman_elite on 04/21/2008 03:05, refers to #22

It may not shoot far, but the fact that it can pump out grenades that either explode on contact or explode after like 4 seconds at a rate of like 90-120 rounds per minute makes it a nice weapon during capture/regen capture.

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#25: ..

by SanHolo on 04/21/2008 11:28

As for the pistol - making it more inaccurate was a good idea. You can even use it as a sniper "rifle" since it always shoots exactly straight. When/if a head-hitbox will be implemented, you could make it a one-hit-kill, so the accuracy could go down to balance this.

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#26: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 04/21/2008 15:32, refers to #25

Aard has stated before that he thinks headshots as one-hit kills is a bad idea. I totally agree with him (though I would not be opposed to one-hit gut shots), so I doubt that accuracy can do much to improve the pistol.

What about letting the pistol bullets ricochet? Even on a crowded server you'll never have that many going at once, and even if a ricocheted bullet only does 1/2 the damage, it's still a nice tactical application.

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#27: ..

by Khane_at_School on 04/21/2008 19:40

The rifle is perfect as is. I use it regularly in all of my PSL matches, and I can assure you that it is NOT underpowered. The grenades could be a bit more useful if they exited the launcher with more force, but as is they\'re more of a tactical tool than a weapon.

The pistol, however, DOES need some buffs. I recommend putting the damage up to 40, MAYBE give it a TINY rate of fire tweak, and leaving the accuracy the same. It should be a mediocre weapon in every situation, allowing newly spawned players a way to defend themselves that, although decent, should quickly be replaced. As it is, the pistol can\'t fill that role and it\'s almost always a better idea to take the grenade potshot and try to run, than it is to stay and fight with the pistol.

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#28: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 04/21/2008 21:11, refers to #27

I agree that the pistol needs to be made better. Often if I have nothing but the pistol I'll try punching (well, now sawing) the enemy to death instead. The pistol should be better than the saw. I think the developers should either go with the idea above (in which case it should come with a little less ammo) or dial down the damage to like 15, make it less accurate, and make it semi-auto.

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#29: Pistol Definitely Needs to Change!

by renoa on 04/21/2008 21:24

I agree that the pistol at the moment is absolutely useless...

slow rate of fire combined with its weak strength make it a crap weapon. Please increase rate of fire and strength.

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#30: ..

by Pxtl on 04/22/2008 23:05

The pistol is perfect. It's a good jack-of-all-trades weapon (hence its straight shooting), without being too powerful such that it prevents players from hunting down real guns. Many games that have stronger starting weapons end up losing any interest in map-control, since it is more efficient to start fragging than to start playing the map.

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#31: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 04/22/2008 23:23, refers to #30

I disagree completely. If you respawn with a pistol and no armor and run into someone with rockets, chaingun, or shotgun, you're pretty much screwed. If the enemy has a rifle, you're an easy 1-hit-kill, and you need to hit them 4 times (or more depending on armor, health boosts, etc. so it's probably on average 5-8 times.) Remember, it may be the worst weapon in the game, but it is still a weapon. The only use for it right now is to try to pick off injured people from long range (which it's not even good at.) You should at least have a chance of killing someone with any weapon.

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#32: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 04/23/2008 00:20, refers to #27

Another thing that I think should be said. The rifle is not underpowered because in ffa, regen capture, etc. it can take out unarmored players in one hit. However, it has a long way to go before it becomes overpowered. Really, it would hardly affect gameplay if the rifle did 120 damage instead of 100. If you don't have armor it kills you right away anyway, and if you do then its really not that big of a difference. As long as it doesn't do over 150, it won't be overpowered. I personally would like to see it do around 120 or 130 so that it is a two-shot kill even if someone is regenerating at a base. That's just my opinion, though.

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#33: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 04/23/2008 04:48

I don't feel the pistol is weak at all.
I does 75 pts of damage in the same time as a rifle does 100pts, yet when a monster is hit, is pauses for a short interval without doing anything. This lets you pump rounds quickly into it relatively safely whereas the rifle does all its damage at once then takes so long to reload the the monster has time to do something.

Both have 'perfect' aim and can snipe.

I think the pistol's damage should be bumped up to 33 ( so it does same as rifle per unit time), but have its accuracy hindered by making the bullet ;scatter' like a shotgun pellet. not as much, perhaps, but enough to make it a short ranged weapon.

I don't know if this is how the pistol acts in mp games.

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#34: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 04/23/2008 20:57, refers to #33

Yeah, I think most of us were talking about MP. It's great for SP, but I don't think any of the suggested changes would greatly affect how good it is in SP. And if it is made more powerful, you could always start with like 40 or 60 shots instead of 80 to make up for it.

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#35: Re: Homing Rocket

by CCmachine-isgetting0wnedbycookies on 04/25/2008 21:41, refers to #14

EDM added one, well kinda. You controlled the rocket either pointing at where to go, or the camera rides the rocket (you can still move and strafe, but cannot aim or shoot :P) and use the mouse to control where it goes.

sounds pretty pointless for sauer though, don't you think? the last thing we need is yet more weapons >.>

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#36: one more cubescript command

by Bibi2 on 04/26/2008 18:19

I'd like to see a new command in cubescript, a simple one: a command that take in argument the position of a cube, the position of an other, and a direction (x, -x, y,-y, z,-z) and then make a selection.
So the cubescript could be use to make automatic editing (for general geometry). That was able in cube, this could be usefull in sauerbraten.

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#37: ..

by RealNitro on 04/26/2008 20:31

Hmm, you could even create scripts that create some kind of geometry then.

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#38: ..

by scasd on 04/26/2008 20:41

I want to use the movement/rotation commands in script (editing mode only) so mappers are able to move (reposition) and rotate the viewport to create complex particle models or copy/paste map geometry so complex prefab systems are possible like in id-softwares radiant.

...ok I add them by my own to the cvs version now :P

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